NY Times details Trump's cognitive decline in scathing article

Vax passports. Censorship. Gun control. Attacking political opponents. Stealing private property under the guise of government need. Declaring the questioning of government claims as disinformation, a direct use of the word the Nazis used......For starters.

Except the Nazis didn't have vaccines, so they clearly couldn't have Vax Passports (not that we did, either.) I think I was asked for proof of vaccination ONCE during the whole crisis, and that was to get lunch at Panera Bread.

The Nazis never did Gun Control. Quite the contrary, they rolled back the Weimar gun laws. It's why so many Germans had guns to shoot at the Allies after VE Day.

Holding Social Media to account for misinformation isn't censorship.

No one is stealing private property. Except maybe Trump trying to seize private property to build his wall.

So you didn't even get close.
Except the Nazis didn't have vaccines, so they clearly couldn't have Vax Passports (not that we did, either.) I think I was asked for proof of vaccination ONCE during the whole crisis, and that was to get lunch at Panera Bread.

The Nazis never did Gun Control. Quite the contrary, they rolled back the Weimar gun laws. It's why so many Germans had guns to shoot at the Allies after VE Day.

Holding Social Media to account for misinformation isn't censorship.

No one is stealing private property. Except maybe Trump trying to seize private property to build his wall.

So you didn't even get close.
Uh, yeah they did you stupid moron. They had vaccine passports too. The government worked with social media to censor information that countered what the government wanted, that's illegal. Dumbfuck.
I quite agree with poster Joe.
You “quite” agree, do you bloviation-boi?

Imagine that. One scumbag agreeing with another scumbag.
That's sad perspective on America's (and likely, the world's) premier news organization and first drawer newspaper.

Translation service:
Gasbag Chilliconcrappe happens to support journalism’s lead aparatchik service for left wing politicians. 🥱
Uh, yeah they did you stupid moron. They had vaccine passports too. The government worked with social media to censor information that countered what the government wanted, that's illegal. Dumbfuck.

Okay, IL had probably the toughest vaccine requirements in the country... and I was asked for my proof of vax ONCE before they dropped them in mid-2021.

I should point out all the supposed "Censorship" of Social Media happened when Trump was still in charge.
Okay, IL had probably the toughest vaccine requirements in the country... and I was asked for my proof of vax ONCE before they dropped them in mid-2021.

I should point out all the supposed "Censorship" of Social Media happened when Trump was still in charge.
You should also point out that censorship came from people who hated Trump. His administration was sabotaged before day one.
you ask some of the dumbest questions,,
It's not a stupid question at all.

Trump was such a poor leader that he commanded no loyalty from the establishment in Washington, who just saw him as a buffoon they couldn't be rid of soon enough.

When his own intelligence agencies lied to him? Trump never had complete control, do not act like he did. That will not fly.

That sounds like a good reason to not make him President again. He commanded no loyalty, exuded no authority.

Insiders have said that department heads would flatter him to influence him. That sounds like a guy with a lot of problems.

More to the point, No president has ever really had a good second term, even the good ones who didn't get voted out of office like Trump did.

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