Trump Had 'Multiple Phone Calls' With Putin After Leaving Office, Says Bob Woodward's New Book.

Let's see. I have the Golden Gate Recreation Area right at my back door, so take an hour walk every morning. I do not drive due to Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, I basically walk everywhere I go. I lost my left eye in 1979. I do not drive. I get my exercise everyday.

You on the other hand talentless keyboard commando who is afraid of his shadow.

You're a hot mess
Anyone and everyone who does not get down on their knees and worship Diaper Don.
Woodward is a fraud. He is a Progressive Socialist Communist who helped to destroy Nixon. And from that the nation got screwed up because we were concentrating on the Nixon presidency, and we had the oil crisis with OPEC controlling everything oil and the beginning of the massive decline of the American Auto industry from it. And Woodward helped that along with the Progressives at the time and the foolish Republicans who were in agreement. Progs now are trying to destroy what is left of the auto industry and have neutered are control of the oil prices Trump took away from OPEC.
Plane is day to someone with limited cognitive abilities.

If you're going to insult somebody else's intelligence level, you might want to know the difference between "plane" and "plain" to avoid appearing to have limited cognitive abilities.
Former President Donald Trump kept in touch with Russian President Vladimir Putin after Trump left office, according to “War,” a new book by famed reporter Bob Woodward.

An aide to Trump told Woodward he was once asked to leave a room at Trump’s home in Florida so he could have a private phone call with Putin.

“According to Trump’s aide, there have been multiple phone calls between Trump and Putin, maybe as many as seven in the period since Trump left the White House in 2021,” Woodward wrote, according to CNN, which obtained a copy of the book ahead of its release later this month.

Trump has spoken fondly of Putin over the years; he used the words “genius” and “savvy” to describe Putin’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, for instance. Trump claimed to have been the victim of a “witch hunt” when the Justic

This is a clear violation of the Logan Act.

Trump is a convicted felon on probation.

A stipulation of that probation that he does not commit any crimes.

Where is is probation officer?
If you're going to insult somebody else's intelligence level, you might want to know the difference between "plane" and "plain" to avoid appearing to have limited cognitive abilities.
At least you understand what I mean despite the typo, with your limited cognitive abilities.
Former President Donald Trump kept in touch with Russian President Vladimir Putin after Trump left office, according to “War,” a new book by famed reporter Bob Woodward.

An aide to Trump told Woodward he was once asked to leave a room at Trump’s home in Florida so he could have a private phone call with Putin.

“According to Trump’s aide, there have been multiple phone calls between Trump and Putin, maybe as many as seven in the period since Trump left the White House in 2021,” Woodward wrote, according to CNN, which obtained a copy of the book ahead of its release later this month.

Trump has spoken fondly of Putin over the years; he used the words “genius” and “savvy” to describe Putin’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, for instance. Trump claimed to have been the victim of a “witch hunt” when the Justic
Oh hey! Another book comes out with bombshell information that …nobody else apparently knew, or if they did, never came forward with it. Nope, we learn about for the first time when someone is trying to sell a book!


It’s amazing, with all the people who the democrats sat hate Trump, that ANYTHING he did could ever be a secret
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Woodward is a fraud. He is a Progressive Socialist Communist who helped to destroy Nixon. And from that the nation got screwed up because we were concentrating on the Nixon presidency, and we had the oil crisis with OPEC controlling everything oil and the beginning of the massive decline of the American Auto industry from it. And Woodward helped that along with the Progressives at the time and the foolish Republicans who were in agreement. Progs now are trying to destroy what is left of the auto industry and have neutered are control of the oil prices Trump took away from OPEC.

You're an idiot. Nixon was a traitor that extended the war in Vietnam another 6 years, that resulted in another 20,000 US casualties.

Ronald Reagan, another traitor that extended the captivity of the hostages in Iran, which resulted in illegal arms sales to the new regime. Killed the auto industry, by deregulating anti trust laws, allowing the manufacturers to move production facilities to Mexico, and Canada, at the sametime opening the US market to the Japanese auto industry. Same with the US steel industry.

That rust belt you see along I -80 that extends from Pennsylvania to Minnesota is a direct result of Reagan era policies. It should be named the Reagan Belt, because that's who fucking owns it. Every fucking mile of it.

And then idiots like you continue voting for that big Republican dick stuck up your asses, because your stupidity knows no end.

While voting for another traitor that steals from childrens and veterans charities, while sending your sick family members Covid test kits to our number one enemy.

I would trade you white maga traitorous mother fuckers, for every migrant that crosses the border every day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

Do us all a favor and blow your ignorant fucking brains out.
You're an idiot. Nixon was a traitor that extended the war in Vietnam another 6 years, that resulted in another 20,000 US casualties.

Ronald Reagan, another traitor that extended the captivity of the hostages in Iran, which resulted in illegal arms sales to the new regime. Killed the auto industry, by deregulating anti trust laws, allowing the manufacturers to move production facilities to Mexico, and Canada, at the sametime opening the US market to the Japanese auto industry. Same with the US steel industry.

That rust belt you see along I -80 that extends from Pennsylvania to Minnesota is a direct result of Reagan era policies. It should be named the Reagan Belt, because that's who fucking owns it. Every fucking mile of it.

And then idiots like you continue voting for that big Republican dick stuck up your asses, because your stupidity knows no end.

While voting for another traitor that steals from childrens and veterans charities, while sending your sick family members Covid test kits to our number one industry.

I would trade you white maga traitorous mother fuckers, for every migrant that crosses the border every day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

Do us all a favor and blow your ignorant fucking brains out.
You really have to be stupid to be a Democrat. A traitor also

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