Harris, our Boarder Czar allowed Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants into the Country

Total bullshit. A Czar has total control of a situation.

Harris never had that. She had one task.
Diplomatic mission to the countries the refugees were coming from.

That’s it.

Stop lying
You just admitted neither Biden nor Harris lifted a finger to stem the mass illegals from flowing into this country.
Total bullshit. A Czar has total control of a situation.

Harris never had that. She had one task.
Diplomatic mission to the countries the refugees were coming from.

That’s it.

Stop lying
Biden launched her as the Border Czar.

President Biden is putting Vice President Harris in charge of addressing the migrant surge at the U.S.-Mexico border, senior administration officials announced on Wednesday.
Why it matters: Just as President Obama tasked Biden with fixing the U.S. economy after he assumed office in 2009, Biden is putting his own vice president in charge of a problem threatening to overshadow the new administration's successful launch.

  • Harris will lead efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle (Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador) to manage the flow of unaccompanied children and migrant families arriving at the border in numbers not seen since a surge in 2019.
  • "Starting today, the Northern Triangle nations and Mexico will know there was one senior official dedicated to this effort. To be very clear, this is an important task," a senior administration official told reporters during a conference call.
  • It was held just an hour before a White House event with Biden, Harris, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra.
The announcement and high-level meeting, coming the same day the White House arranged a trip for senior aides and members of Congress to South Texas, illustrated the breadth of the administration's efforts to get control of the problem.

Why did Democrats hate Reagan? Why do they hate presidents wanting America to be great?
I'm a democrat and I don't hate Reagan. In fact I voted for him in 1980. Reagan won both in 80 and 84 by a landslide loosing onyl 2 democrat states in 80 and only one in 84. His popularity was not based so much on his policies but personality and his ability to connect with the public. In the years that followed his presidency democrats learn to hate his domestic policy but a lot of them voted for him.
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I'm a democrat and I don't hate Reagan. In fact I voted for him in 1980. Regan won both in 80 and 84 by a landslide loosing onyl 2 democrat states in 80 and only one in 84. His popularity was not based so much on his policies but personality and his ability to connect with the public. In the years that followed his presidency democrats learn to hate his domestic policy but a lot of them voted for him.
That is your story and I believe you. I believe Reagan was so loved due to his policies. What else can a president bring to the office?
Biden launched her as the Border Czar.

President Biden is putting Vice President Harris in charge of addressing the migrant surge at the U.S.-Mexico border, senior administration officials announced on Wednesday.
Why it matters: Just as President Obama tasked Biden with fixing the U.S. economy after he assumed office in 2009, Biden is putting his own vice president in charge of a problem threatening to overshadow the new administration's successful launch.

  • Harris will lead efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle (Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador) to manage the flow of unaccompanied children and migrant families arriving at the border in numbers not seen since a surge in 2019.
  • "Starting today, the Northern Triangle nations and Mexico will know there was one senior official dedicated to this effort. To be very clear, this is an important task," a senior administration official told reporters during a conference call.
  • It was held just an hour before a White House event with Biden, Harris, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra.
The announcement and high-level meeting, coming the same day the White House arranged a trip for senior aides and members of Congress to South Texas, illustrated the breadth of the administration's efforts to get control of the problem.

Let me enlighten you. Our border is not in Central America. The Secretary of Homeland Security has responsibility for Border Security. Harris never had responsibility for boarder security nor border policy. Border policy was created within DHS and approved by the president, hot Harris.

Harris's brief mission to Central America was diplomatic to raise funds to create new jobs in the northern triangle. Harris, like most of the Biden administration had some involvement in the border crises. However, her meager involvement does not deserve crowning her Border Czar. If anyone was the Border Czar it would be the DHS Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas as he bears responsibility for creation of border policy and enforcement.

Harris simply inherited the border crisis when she became heir apparent to the nomination.
Let me enlighten you. Our border is not in Central America. The Secretary of Homeland Security has responsibility for Border Security. Harris never had responsibility for boarder security nor border policy. Border policy was created within DHS and approved by the president, hot Harris.

Harris's brief mission to Central America was diplomatic to raise funds to create new jobs in the northern triangle. Harris, like most of the Biden administration had some involvement in the border crises. However, her meager involvement does not deserve crowning her Border Czar. If anyone was the Border Czar it would be the DHS Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas as he bears responsibility for creation of border policy and enforcement.

Harris simply inherited the border crisis when she became heir apparent to the nomination.
You keep denying what Biden the president said about this issue.
"She was put in charge of the border and we saw the worst invasion of illegals in our history!!!" reads the Trump post on July 21st on Instagram. Similar posts and thousands of pollical ads and claims from the Trump campaign and Trump himself have convinced millions of people that Harris was responsible for the mass migration we have seen over the past 2 years.

However, Harris was never put in charge of the border or made "border czar," immigration experts said. President Joe Biden tasked Harris with leading the administration's diplomatic efforts addressing the "root causes" of migration in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Biden dispatched Harris on a diplomatic mission to work with Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. The goal was to help those countries strengthen their economies and security situations so their citizens could build "successful lives at home rather than abroad." Since she was never tasks with the responsibility of boarder security, she never visited the southern boarder until she announced her run for the presidency.

Harris failed, you can play games but the Biden/Harris administration allowed millions of illegals and she lead no diplomatic efforts, it was all show and illegals flooded in. A big fail.
Harris failed, you can play games but the Biden/Harris administration allowed millions of illegals and she lead no diplomatic efforts, it was all show and illegals flooded in. A big fail.
Actually, the number is about 2 million and they are legally in the US waiting for a court hearing.
Actually, the number is about 2 million and they are legally in the US waiting for an asylum hearing.
More than 2 million illegal aliens in America and many more coming illegally across the border, if they don’t go to a port of entry, the enter illegally asylum seeker or not.
Actually, the number is about 2 million and they are legally in the US waiting for a court hearing.
That is an outright lie. Minimum of 14 million, a maximum of 24 million. No one believes the BS numbers you post.

They have FLOWN over 400,000 in.

And they are not here legally. The CBP1 loophole is a violation of immigration law.
More than 2 million illegal aliens in America and many more coming illegally across the border, if they don’t go to a port of entry, the enter illegally asylum seeker or not.
Unfortunately, once they are detained they have up 1 year to request asylum. Another good reason for legislation.
Unfortunately, once they are detained they have up 1 year to request asylum. Another good reason for legislation.
The simple fact is, reinstate the Trump EO's and the border is closed.

We ALL know it.

No fake legislation needed
That is an outright lie. Minimum of 14 million, a maximum of 24 million. No one believes the BS numbers you post.

They have FLOWN over 400,000 in.

And they are not here legally. The CBP1 loophole is a violation of immigration law.
Yes, they are legal and have papers to prove. There are approximately 2 million waiting for an asylum hearing. Immigration Judges now average 4,500 pending cases each but the total backlog in our immigration courts is approximately 3 million cases. Immigration court wait time is now 4.3 years. The only solution is to change the law.

I'm a democrat and I don't hate Reagan. In fact I voted for him in 1980. Reagan won both in 80 and 84 by a landslide loosing onyl 2 democrat states in 80 and only one in 84. His popularity was not based so much on his policies but personality and his ability to connect with the public. In the years that followed his presidency democrats learn to hate his domestic policy but a lot of them voted for him.

She was never Tsar (correct spelling) you dump piece fucking MAGA MAGGOT shit.
Yes, they are legal and have papers to prove. There are approximately 2 million waiting for an asylum hearing. Immigration Judges now average 4,500 pending cases each but the total backlog in our immigration courts is approximately 3 million cases. Immigration court wait time is now 4.3 years. The only solution is to change the law.

No, they aren't legal. The bidum admin waved their hand and ignored immigration law.

Everything they are doing is ILLEGAL.

That means every one of those immigrants is ILLEGAL.

This is the USA, not a dictatorship. You aren't allowed to willy nilly ignore laws you don't like.

But they are.

Makes them dictators.

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