Megyn Kelly debunks Smith's claims against Trump and makes the case he is election interfering

Against criminal charges?
There are no criminal charges of any validity.
Oh, the fat orange rapist

Making an allegation of rape ought to require serious proof. As always, you have none.
definitely needs an argument or two. Else he goes to federal prison.
False again. Since there are zero valid charges and absolutely not a shred of evidence, the persecution could get its case dismissed before it even goes to a jury. Or, the defense (in theory) could rest without calling even one witness and the jury could still acquit.
You're right.

You can just sit there and stop your feet
My feet? How do you propose to stop feet? Maybe in your own tyoically illiterate way, you meant “stomp?”
and insist the charges are bad without ever providing an argument.

The charges are ridiculous. Why so t you accept your initial burden? You say “x”. I deny it. I don’t assume any burden. That’s still on you goober — so stop being the pussy you always are. Sack up.

Make your case.
As you will no doubt do.
You won’t, of course. You never do.
There was virtually nothing new in smith's filing. But it did violate DOJ policy on actions that could effect elections. But we know the current AG couldn't care less about policies or the law unless they can be used as a club against political enemies. I don't want to hear a fucking thing from you commies after Trump wins an plays by your rules. The fact is the MSM is trying to effect the election by sensationalizing old news. Of course this was totally predictable.

See, the problem is you have no goddamn idea what you’re talking about.

This motion was required by SCOTUS and requested by the judge to address the immunity issues that Trump raised.

You blame politics because you don’t actually understand the facts.
I'm not the prosecutor. You say some very odd things.

Try not to show how ignorant you are. When a moron such as you is the proponent of an argument, the burden is upon you to make your case before anyone who disputes you needs to make theirs.

There are so many things in life of which you are blissfully unaware. 😂🤣
Look at the behavior that results from your cultism. This can't be good for you.
No worries. You’re the one in the cult.

And nothing untoward has resulted from anything I’ve said (since the commentary of clowns like you don’t matter and carry no weight).

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