So it's OK for MSM to pass the false statement "Trump says drink bleach", 1.5 million times..,,But Harris as"border czar", that's a LIE!"

Take it from one who has tried to be reasonable and clear with an argument. It falls on deaf ears with USMB trolls who not only don't read well, they don't comprehend what they do read. And they have no morals, conscience or ethics when it comes to spewing assigned propaganda however false and they are oblivious to hypocrisy and double standards.

Your argument is excellent. But it won't work with them.
Your experience is what I've had and I agree. I just hope there are enough "reasonable" people with common sense to come to the same agreement that one of our biggest problems is the BIASED MSM!
I took in the 1960s in college journalism courses and we learned the 5 "Ws", Who,What,Where,When & Why.
The problem is all are to be treated equally BUT the "Why" has taken precedence. Attached are two articles that clearly illustrate the problem with MSM and hopefully the following chart shows the majority of Americans feel the same way.

Just 32% in 2023 Americans TRUST the mass media and the above two articles contribute to the unfairness.
For example ABC,CBS,NBC spent over $452 million from 07/29/20 to 10/20 in advertising on their evening network news by doing these FACTS!

(NOTE: $452 million comes from 3 evening news @ 30 minutes, 7 days a week from 07/29/20 to 10/20/2020 82 days.
Total of 41 hours of which 92% negative Trump news or at average cost for 30 second commercial $100,000 or
37.72 hours of negative news at $100,000/ 30 sec commercial or $452,640,000 in negative news if was sold as advertising.)
What the Washington Times newspaper found over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —
92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29,2020 through October 20,2020.


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