So it's OK for MSM to pass the false statement "Trump says drink bleach", 1.5 million times..,,But Harris as"border czar", that's a LIE!"

And here is Biden signing the cancellation of the WALL!

So why then was there a need for another border deal?

President Joe Biden orders a halt on building the U.S.-Mexico border wall​

President Joe Biden ordered a halt on building the U.S.-Mexico border wall. He directed private contractors to stop work "as soon as possible, but in no case later than seven days from the date of this proclamation." For access to live and exclusive video from CNBC subscribe to CNBC PRO:

View attachment 1019516View attachment 1019517

The Republicans wanted one…, until they were ordered not to!

I can assure you he would not. Or anything close to that horrible legislation.

Or anything close to that horrible legislation. Only four RINOs voted for it in the Senate where it went down meaning that some Democrats also voted against it. It was a bipartisan rejection looking at it that way. :)
Trump will do anything he thinks will help him personally. I’m skeptical of your assurances.

For the 1,500,000th time, fox and the RWWURLITZER named her the border czar! Not Biden! Not any official document!
You people believe everyf'nthing your leaders tell you! Think for once in your life!
Why are people like you so ignorant of the internet that you can't find the facts?
I've shown you the actual transcripts and here again because YOU evidently are so stupid you believe your MSM!

Apr 20, 2020
Donald Trump Coronavirus Press Conference Transcript April 20
In the above exact words of the press conference where the issue was FIRST broached by
illiam N. Bryan at (28:34) into the conference.... William N. Bryan, the acting undersecretary for science and technology at the Homeland Security Department, who used the word "bleach" twice!

Trump in the above transcript NEVER EVER USED the word... BUT A REPORTER said the following:
Jim: at (34:05) minutes in the press conference asked this question..
The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?
Trump NEVER used the word BLEACH!!
But you idiots believing reporters like the above who MADE THAT UP! Talk about "fake News"!!!
3 times the word 'bleach' used
  • 2 times by the undersecretary for science & technology..
  • 1 time by a hack reporter
THAT's it! AGAIN these are the actual words. I'm not saying them. It is from the transcript!
Why are people like you so ignorant of the internet that you can't find the facts?
I've shown you the actual transcripts and here again because YOU evidently are so stupid you believe your MSM!

Apr 20, 2020
Donald Trump Coronavirus Press Conference Transcript April 20
In the above exact words of the press conference where the issue was FIRST broached by
illiam N. Bryan at (28:34) into the conference.... William N. Bryan, the acting undersecretary for science and technology at the Homeland Security Department, who used the word "bleach" twice!

Trump in the above transcript NEVER EVER USED the word... BUT A REPORTER said the following:
Jim: at (34:05) minutes in the press conference asked this question..
The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?
Trump NEVER used the word BLEACH!!
But you idiots believing reporters like the above who MADE THAT UP! Talk about "fake News"!!!
3 times the word 'bleach' used
  • 2 times by the undersecretary for science & technology..
  • 1 time by a hack reporter
THAT's it! AGAIN these are the actual words. I'm not saying them. It is from the transcript!
Trump took shots at Larry Hogan?! What an a-hole!

Trump will do anything he thinks will help him personally. I’m skeptical of your assurances.

You wrote: "Trump will do anything he thinks will help him personally. "
Prove it!
Now as far as the TRUTH goes.. use your puny brain's 8.5 seconds attention span and read as fast as you can
the follow FACTS...TRUTH... substantiation which YOU"VE NOT DONE when you wrote:
"Trump will do anything he thinks will help him personally. "

Donald Trump is a lot less rich today than when he was elected president​

President Donald Trump said in October 2019 that being president is costing him money. Lots of it.
Whether I lost $2 billion, $5 billion or less, it doesn’t make any difference,” Trump said. “I don’t care. I’m doing this for the country. I’m doing it for the people.”

In 2016, Trump was worth $3.7 billion, according to Forbes.
That dropped to $3.1 billion in 2017 and held there for 2018 and 2019.
But this year Trump’s net worth dropped to $2.5 billion.
That $600 million decline led Trump to drop from the 275th richest person in America in 2019 to the 352nd richest in 2020 – a drop of 77 spots. (It took a net worth of $2.1 billion to make the top 400.)

Now as for Joe Biden?
Key Takeaways. President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden havean estimated net worth of $10 million
Forbes estimated Biden and his wife's net worth in 2019 as $9 million. This was based on the $4 million value of their two Delaware homes, cash and investmentsvalued at $4 million and a federal pension worth more than $1 million.

Forbes did not calculate his net worth in 2022. But the outlet estimated his net worth rose to about $10 million in 2023. A USA TODAY review of Biden's financial disclosures in 2022 and 2023 found no significant changes in his assets or liabilities, so it is reasonable to assume his net worth was in that range in 2022.
Trump will do anything he thinks will help him personally. I’m skeptical of your assurances.

Your assurance is his track record in his previous administration. He was not my first, second or third choice in 2016 and I voted for him as the only viable alternative to Hillary as President and I couldn't imagine anything worse than that. (I was wrong: Biden/Harris have been far worse.)

But Trump was restoring liberty, gave us a great economy, was making America a wonderful country for everybody again, he did secure the border, plus he gave us the closest thing to world peace any of us had ever known. He earned my vote in 2020 and now in 2024.
You wrote: "Trump will do anything he thinks will help him personally. "
Prove it!
Now as far as the TRUTH goes.. use your puny brain's 8.5 seconds attention span and read as fast as you can
the follow FACTS...TRUTH... substantiation which YOU"VE NOT DONE when you wrote:
"Trump will do anything he thinks will help him personally. "

Donald Trump is a lot less rich today than when he was elected president​

President Donald Trump said in October 2019 that being president is costing him money. Lots of it.
Whether I lost $2 billion, $5 billion or less, it doesn’t make any difference,” Trump said. “I don’t care. I’m doing this for the country. I’m doing it for the people.”

In 2016, Trump was worth $3.7 billion, according to Forbes.
That dropped to $3.1 billion in 2017 and held there for 2018 and 2019.
But this year Trump’s net worth dropped to $2.5 billion.
That $600 million decline led Trump to drop from the 275th richest person in America in 2019 to the 352nd richest in 2020 – a drop of 77 spots. (It took a net worth of $2.1 billion to make the top 400.)

Now as for Joe Biden?
Key Takeaways. President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden havean estimated net worth of $10 million
Forbes estimated Biden and his wife's net worth in 2019 as $9 million. This was based on the $4 million value of their two Delaware homes, cash and investmentsvalued at $4 million and a federal pension worth more than $1 million.

Forbes did not calculate his net worth in 2022. But the outlet estimated his net worth rose to about $10 million in 2023. A USA TODAY review of Biden's financial disclosures in 2022 and 2023 found no significant changes in his assets or liabilities, so it is reasonable to assume his net worth was in that range in 2022.
He’s already been convicted of fraud. Your turn.

Your assurance is his track record in his previous administration. He was not my first, second or third choice in 2016 and I voted for him as the only viable alternative to Hillary as President and I couldn't imagine anything worse than that. (I was wrong: Biden/Harris have been far worse.)

But Trump was restoring liberty, gave us a great economy, was making America a wonderful country for everybody again, he did secure the border, plus he gave us the closest thing to world peace any of us had ever known. He earned my vote in 2020 and now in 2024.
I don’t see either Project 2025 or Agenda 47 as paths to liberty.
You wrote: "Trump will do anything he thinks will help him personally. "
Prove it!
Now as far as the TRUTH goes.. use your puny brain's 8.5 seconds attention span and read as fast as you can
the follow FACTS...TRUTH... substantiation which YOU"VE NOT DONE when you wrote:
"Trump will do anything he thinks will help him personally. "

Donald Trump is a lot less rich today than when he was elected president​

President Donald Trump said in October 2019 that being president is costing him money. Lots of it.
Whether I lost $2 billion, $5 billion or less, it doesn’t make any difference,” Trump said. “I don’t care. I’m doing this for the country. I’m doing it for the people.”

In 2016, Trump was worth $3.7 billion, according to Forbes.
That dropped to $3.1 billion in 2017 and held there for 2018 and 2019.
But this year Trump’s net worth dropped to $2.5 billion.
That $600 million decline led Trump to drop from the 275th richest person in America in 2019 to the 352nd richest in 2020 – a drop of 77 spots. (It took a net worth of $2.1 billion to make the top 400.)

Now as for Joe Biden?
Key Takeaways. President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden havean estimated net worth of $10 million
Forbes estimated Biden and his wife's net worth in 2019 as $9 million. This was based on the $4 million value of their two Delaware homes, cash and investmentsvalued at $4 million and a federal pension worth more than $1 million.

Forbes did not calculate his net worth in 2022. But the outlet estimated his net worth rose to about $10 million in 2023. A USA TODAY review of Biden's financial disclosures in 2022 and 2023 found no significant changes in his assets or liabilities, so it is reasonable to assume his net worth was in that range in 2022.
Trump businesses did no new overseas business while he was President and he donated every penny of his salary to worthy causes within the federal government. That did cost him billions. He may be the only President in history to leave office significantly less wealthy than when he was inaugurated.
Why are people like you so ignorant of the internet that you can't find the facts?
I've shown you the actual transcripts and here again because YOU evidently are so stupid you believe your MSM!

Apr 20, 2020
Donald Trump Coronavirus Press Conference Transcript April 20
In the above exact words of the press conference where the issue was FIRST broached by
illiam N. Bryan at (28:34) into the conference.... William N. Bryan, the acting undersecretary for science and technology at the Homeland Security Department, who used the word "bleach" twice!

Trump in the above transcript NEVER EVER USED the word... BUT A REPORTER said the following:
Jim: at (34:05) minutes in the press conference asked this question..
The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?
Trump NEVER used the word BLEACH!!
But you idiots believing reporters like the above who MADE THAT UP! Talk about "fake News"!!!
3 times the word 'bleach' used
  • 2 times by the undersecretary for science & technology..
  • 1 time by a hack reporter
THAT's it! AGAIN these are the actual words. I'm not saying them. It is from the transcript!
Damn, dummy! Where did I say anything about the bleach? I didn't! Read my post again!
Or just go jam in up your ass!
Here in the video is Biden specifically announcing that she is in charge of the effort to stem the flow of migrants. Now if that involved working with other countries, you can't come up with ANYTHING she accomplished in that regard. Her telling the migrants not to come had zero effect. In 2021, she did make a quick visit to Mexico and Guatemala and pretty much muffed her encounters with leaders in both countries according to CNN. She made one quick trip to El Paso at a time the border was completely quiet and no other publicized efforts to complete her task for the next three years. You really can't count the 20 minute staged photo op for her campaign ads in Arizona this week.

Conclusion: She had absolutely no idea how to do her job and she didn't even try to do it.

Where did he name her the "BORDER CZAR"? He didn't! That was fax and you idiotic trumphumpers! Damn! Learn to read!
Where did he name her the "BORDER CZAR"? He didn't! That was fax and you idiotic trumphumpers! Damn! Learn to read!
A czar by any other name is still a czar. So he didn't use the exact term 'border czar' in that clip, but he did put her in charge of stopping the migrants. At the time all the MSM used the term Border Czar. It was only now that she's running for President and did not in any way do that job she agreed to do that the term is being disputed by the Democrat propaganda machine known as the MSM.

Meanwhile, as the OP pointed out, the same MSM gleefully keeps pushing the totally false statement that Trump told people to drink bleach. As do many of the more dishonest trolls at USMB.
Last edited:
A czar by any other name is still a czar. So he didn't use the exact term 'border czar' in that clip, but he did put her in charge of stopping the migrants.

Wasn’t Fat Elvis the infrastructure czar…
Damn, dummy! Where did I say anything about the bleach? I didn't! Read my post again!
Or just go jam in up your ass!
AGAIN You didn't read closely what my original OP was did you?
I was pointing out how as my title is "

So it's OK for MSM to pass the false statement "Trump says drink bleach", 1.5 million times..,,But Harris as"border czar", that's a LIE!"​

I was pointing out to you ignoramuses that the BIASED MSM according to Google searches said
"Today, 9/29/24 a Google search of "Trump said drink bleach" About 1,000,000 results (0.28 seconds) "
which was a lie... Trump never said "drink bleach" and I pointed that out several times now.
BUT idiots like you who believe the BIASED MSM that donated $452 million in FREE advertising on network evening news from 07/2020 to 10/2020 have refuted the drink bleach glaring LIE that Biden repeated telling illegals to
"surge to the border"
Now idiots like you believing the BIASED MSM having never heard that statement which all the illegals heard that was
"surge to the border".
The point of my OP title was you idiots believe that Harris was never appointed "Border Czar" and that was a lie.
YET you believed whole heartedly as 1,500,000 results that "Trump said drink bleach"!

NOW that was my point! You and your fellow idiots believe whole heartedly that Trump said drink bleach" but you
then listen to the BIASED MSM telling you Harris was never the border czar!
Read what congress believed:
At the time, even the media gave Harris the title of “border czar,” which as we can remember from the Obama years, simply means a government official tasked with responsibility for a particular issue.
Some even reported that she would have “the lead role on the overall border and regional issue.

AGAIN You didn't read closely what my original OP was did you?
I was pointing out how as my title is "

So it's OK for MSM to pass the false statement "Trump says drink bleach", 1.5 million times..,,But Harris as"border czar", that's a LIE!"​

I was pointing out to you ignoramuses that the BIASED MSM according to Google searches said
"Today, 9/29/24 a Google search of "Trump said drink bleach" About 1,000,000 results (0.28 seconds) "
which was a lie... Trump never said "drink bleach" and I pointed that out several times now.
BUT idiots like you who believe the BIASED MSM that donated $452 million in FREE advertising on network evening news from 07/2020 to 10/2020 have refuted the drink bleach glaring LIE that Biden repeated telling illegals to
"surge to the border"
Now idiots like you believing the BIASED MSM having never heard that statement which all the illegals heard that was
"surge to the border".
The point of my OP title was you idiots believe that Harris was never appointed "Border Czar" and that was a lie.
YET you believed whole heartedly as 1,500,000 results that "Trump said drink bleach"!

NOW that was my point! You and your fellow idiots believe whole heartedly that Trump said drink bleach" but you
then listen to the BIASED MSM telling you Harris was never the border czar!
Read what congress believed:
At the time, even the media gave Harris the title of “border czar,” which as we can remember from the Obama years, simply means a government official tasked with responsibility for a particular issue.
Some even reported that she would have “the lead role on the overall border and regional issue.

LOL, you are giving these morons too much credit for reading. They don't read, they just troll around spouting their ignorant garbage.
AGAIN You didn't read closely what my original OP was did you?
I was pointing out how as my title is "

So it's OK for MSM to pass the false statement "Trump says drink bleach", 1.5 million times..,,But Harris as"border czar", that's a LIE!"​

I was pointing out to you ignoramuses that the BIASED MSM according to Google searches said
"Today, 9/29/24 a Google search of "Trump said drink bleach" About 1,000,000 results (0.28 seconds) "
which was a lie... Trump never said "drink bleach" and I pointed that out several times now.
BUT idiots like you who believe the BIASED MSM that donated $452 million in FREE advertising on network evening news from 07/2020 to 10/2020 have refuted the drink bleach glaring LIE that Biden repeated telling illegals to
"surge to the border"
Now idiots like you believing the BIASED MSM having never heard that statement which all the illegals heard that was
"surge to the border".
The point of my OP title was you idiots believe that Harris was never appointed "Border Czar" and that was a lie.
YET you believed whole heartedly as 1,500,000 results that "Trump said drink bleach"!

NOW that was my point! You and your fellow idiots believe whole heartedly that Trump said drink bleach" but you
then listen to the BIASED MSM telling you Harris was never the border czar!
Read what congress believed:
At the time, even the media gave Harris the title of “border czar,” which as we can remember from the Obama years, simply means a government official tasked with responsibility for a particular issue.
Some even reported that she would have “the lead role on the overall border and regional issue.

Take it from one who has tried to be reasonable and clear with an argument. It falls on deaf ears with USMB trolls who not only don't read well, they don't comprehend what they do read. And they have no morals, conscience or ethics when it comes to spewing assigned propaganda however false and they are oblivious to hypocrisy and double standards.

Your argument is excellent. But it won't work with them.

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