Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

i. Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive. 231118 {post•2814} dblack Nov’23 Sn^wwb: It doesn't really matter. If half the country (or 45%, or any large minority) hates the leadership, the country will be a mess. dblvck 231118 Sn^wwb02814

The Big Lie that Saint Lastamender continues to indulge is one of many reasons conservatives who continue to inject the Big Lie into our politics will never shed the racist label with Trump or a JD Vance apparatchik as head of the Republican Pro-Putin political organization. Putin is the ultimate white European Christian supremacist and should clearly be labeled a racist.

But that’s not exactly why Republicans will continue having a race problem.

Trump and his apparatchik's in Congress attempted to disenfranchise every black law abiding and many of them Christian American citizens who voted for Biden in 2020.

And Trump told us that he had a plan and a way that he will actually disenfranchise 81 million people when it all came together on J6,2021. He just needed Mike to do one thing for him.

Just because Mike Pence didn’t do that one thing for Dear Leader, does not mean Don Trump is not a racist monster and must never set foot in the White House again.
So, you're in the 'If you disagree with Barack Obama and you are white then you are a racist. Period.' camp. It couldn't be because I'm you did not agree with a decision, like y'all done with conservatives regardless of skin color, nope; if you're white, you're a racist. Period.

Because that is where that democratic narrative has gotten us now, sixteen years later This democratic rhetoric is what is dividing our country.

Ask my niece.

So, you're in the 'If you disagree with Barack Obama and you are white then you are a racist. Period.' camp. It couldn't be because I'm you did not agree with a decision, like y'all done with conservatives regardless of skin color, nope; if you're white, you're a racist. Period. This democratic rhetoric is what is dividing our country.

WTF does Obama have to do with this? Whats dividing our country is the continuing never ending racism that has come from a particular sectionof the white community. That is the section that practices trcism then claims they aren't doing it. It is the section who says racist things or supports raccist policy then claims they are being called racists because they disagree with somebody. That is what keeps us divided. All whites aren't called racists, but the ones who make the accusation that if you are white, you are racist generally have been the ones practicing racism.

Last, conservatism has been hijacked by right wing extremists. Most Americans don't support the extreme ideas coming from these fake conservatives. It is these extremists who work to keep us divided by race, sex, sexual orientation, political party, ideology and religion.

WTF does Obama have to do with this? Whats dividing our country is the continuing never ending racism that has come from a particular sectionof the white community. That is the section that practices trcism then claims they aren't doing it. It is the section who says racist things or supports raccist policy then claims they are being called racists because they disagree with somebody. That is what keeps us divided. All whites aren't called racists, but the ones who make the accusation that if you are white, you are racist generally have been the ones practicing racism.

Last, conservatism has been hijacked by right wing extremists. Most Americans don't support the extreme ideas coming from these fake conservatives. It is these extremists who work to keep us divided by race, sex, sexual orientation, political party, ideology and religion.

Wow. You poor soul. You have been lied to.

You didn't see what real racism was really like in the early didn't see the fading of the skinheads in the 90's. I feel sorry for you

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