Good news! The Springfield Haitians are filing criminal charges against Trump and JD Vance!

Which made my point and undermined your lie.

They will also see I never disputed the truth of it... A simple act you have now ignored to make another time wasting troll post.

I have thanked you for making the post more than once.

Again, thank you.

Which made my point and undermined your lie.

You can keep saying it, and you’ll still be wrong.

Here let me give you another source:

Or how about this one?:

Therefore, five elements must be proven in order to establish defamation and attempt to recover damages or other recompense from the party who published or spoke the harmful words.

I mean, they all appear to say the same thing.
You can keep saying it, and you’ll still be wrong.

Here let me give you another source:

Or how about this one?:

I mean, they all appear to say the same thing.
Remember when you tried to say malice and intent was required?

Then remember when I called out that falsehood, then you posted something that showed you were lying, and I was correct?

Sure you do. It was earlier today.

Your dishonest displays embarrass you.
Remember when you tried to say malice and intent was required?

Then remember when I called out that falsehood, then you posted something that showed you were lying, and I was correct?

Sure you do. It was earlier today.

Your dishonest displays embarrass you.

Remember when you tried to say malice and intent was required?

Then remember when I called out that falsehood, then you posted something that showed you were lying, and I was correct?

Sure you do. It was earlier today.

Your dishonest displays embarrass you.

Forbes article I linked. #3 element:

3. The Defendant Was Negligent or Acted With Absolute Malice in Determining the Truth of the Statement​

He had to know the statement was false when he said it.

You’re pushing back to another argument, but you knew what I’m posting here is true, I’ve linked 3 articles that state it.
He had to know the statement was false when he said it.

The defendant does not have to know the statement was false, to be considered guilty of libel.

That's what "at least negiligence" means.

As you so courteously showed us, when undermining your own argument.

The defendant does not have to know the statement was false, to be considered guilty of libel.

That's what it "at least negiligence" means.

At this point, it's hard to tell if you are just making stupid mistakes, or just posting to get attention.
Youre apparently not reading the articles

Going by your example, you could sue anyone for anything because you could just say defamation!

If you make a statement that you believe to be true, how can that be defamation ?

If you make a statement that you know to be false but make it anyway, that’s defamation
This poor guy.

Imagine wanting so badly to put words in just the right order to turn up into down.

After already proving yourself wrong.
Nah, this problem always existed. Biden and Harris did not make more people come here, any more than Trump did, when he was setting records.

There was a bill to tighten this process up. Trump killed it.

Leave it to the orange idiot to turn a campaign strength into a weakness, with his self dealing.

Biden and Harris did not make more people come here,

They did.

There was a bill to tighten this process up.

Why did they need to do anything, you said they didn't make more people come here.
Were you lying, or just ignorant?

Rushing in more fake asylum claimants even faster isn't tightening up the process.
Why did they need to do anything, you said they didn't make more people come here

I said the problem you are complaining about existed before Biden was president.

I said a solution was proposed and killed by the orange slob.

Your weak troll attempt doesn't exist in my comments. Sorry.
I said the problem you are complaining about existed before Biden was president.

I said a solution was proposed and killed by the orange slob.

Your weak troll attempt doesn't exist in my comments. Sorry.

I said the problem you are complaining about existed before Biden was president.

And I said Biden and Harris made it much worse.

I said a solution was proposed and killed by the orange slob.

And I said Biden's solution would make it worse
I said the problem you are complaining about existed before Biden was president.

And I said Biden and Harris made it much worse.

I said a solution was proposed and killed by the orange slob.

And I said Biden's solution would make it worse
Which was irrelevant whining.

The orange slob killed the bill. For personal gain.

And you love it.

He managed not only to expose himself as a liar, but you as well.

We now know that this pearl clutching by you is an act. A programmed act.

I don't think you're really grasping that.
The suit will proceed, Beclowned One.
Probably just another predatory law suit trying to drain Trump of more of his money. That's the thing about billionaires being a vulnerable target in more ways than one in this country. It could constitute election interference if a full investigation finds that the situation was purposely created and set up too try and tarnish Trump and Vance while upon the campaign trail as they are looked at to discuss the issue's along the way.
Which was irrelevant whining.

The orange slob killed the bill. For personal gain.

And you love it.

He managed not only to expose himself as a liar, but you as well.

We now know that this pearl clutching by you is an act. A programmed act.

I don't think you're really grasping that.

Yes, he killed the bill that would have made things worse.
Ruined Biden's plan for a fig leaf.
Probably just another predatory law suit trying to drain Trump of more of his money. That's the thing about billionaires being a vulnerable target in more ways than one in this country. It could constitute election interference if a full investigation finds that the situation was purposely created and set up too try and tarnish Trump and Vance while upon the campaign trail as they are looked at to discuss the issue's along the way.
Trump has tarnished himself. You're worried about Trump' s repuation? The same guy found gulity of sexual assault, is a known adulterer, liar, felon, who tried to overturn an election, multiple times bankrupt & disgraced former fake potus? If I had Trump's rep, I'd hurl myself off a high rise.

Don't make me laugh.

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