Back In The Ancient Year of 2020, JD Vance Did Not Have Very Nice Things To Say About His Imbecile Running Mate Donald Trump

Bullshit. That is a Trumpie lie that's been repeated often and y'all believe it like it's straight outa the Bible.
Wrong, cockbreath. It’s true. Look up his comments about the “jungle.” It’s not even debatable. Scumbag Joe was a fucking racist. Period.
"I’m going to now direct this at Vice President Biden. I do not believe you are a racist. I agree with you when you commit yourself to the importance of finding common ground." Kamala Harris

She denied she was calling him a racist but then essentially called him a racist. Idiots like you fall for it.
So, what now? The transcript will be 'Fake news... liberal MSM... whatever'?
I suppose now you will distract yourself by masturbating with tweezers.
Trump hired those that the ruling elite suggested. And Trump thought that they were the best, they have been running the country for decades after all. But over time he found out that they are by far the most incompetent, corrupt, treasonous scum in the country.

So he fired them.
So pathetic, Kleetus. What a radicalized MAGA dumb ass you are.

I'm embarrassed for you.
Wrong, cockbreath. It’s true. Look up his comments about the “jungle.” It’s not even debatable. Scumbag Joe was a fucking racist. Period.

She denied she was calling him a racist but then essentially called him a racist. Idiots like you fall for it.

I suppose now you will distract yourself by masturbating with tweezers.
He presents you with direct quotes of what Harris said to Biden during the 2020 debate and all you have are your usual lightweight insults?

What a dishonest MAGA pussy.
Back in the ancient month of April 2024, the shitlibs were still pondering ways to get the Kumdumpster out of the veep slot, because she was a drag on the ticket headed up by the senile daughter groper.

Now the ho is their nominee, without getting a single vote from any of them.
Back in the ancient month of April 2024, the shitlibs were still pondering ways to get the Kumdumpster out of the veep slot, because she was a drag on the ticket headed up by the senile daughter groper.

Now the ho is their nominee, without getting a single vote from any of them.
Too bad none of this is relevant to the fact that Vance hates Trump, Kleetus.

If the aversion to Harris among Democrats was as strong as you MAGA imbeciles want to believe, then she wouldn't be the Presidential candidate right now. It's that simple.
Yes, of course, JD Vance finally "saw the light" and now sees what a great person Donald Trump is. Yeah, give me a fucking break.

This is what JD Vance said about Trump only 4 years ago. From the Washington Post. --

In the direct messages — sent during Trump’s final year in office to an acquaintance over the social media platform then known as Twitter — Vance harshly criticized his future running mate’s record of governance and said Trump had not fulfilled his economic agenda.

“Trump has just so thoroughly failed to deliver on his economic populism (excepting a disjointed China policy),” Vance wrote in February 2020.

He also offered a prediction: Joe Biden, he believed, was going to win the 2020 election.

“I think Trump will probably lose,” he wrote in a message in June 2020, a few months before ballots were cast in an election that Vance would later claim, falsely and repeatedly, was stolen by the Democrats.

The critical messages, shared with The Post by their recipient on the condition of anonymity because of concerns about retaliation, cast doubt on Vance’s oft-recited account of how and when he embraced Trumpism. They were written years after Vance’s previously reported remarks attacking Trump, such as his statements in 2016 that Trump was “reprehensible,” “cultural heroin” and possibly “America’s Hitler.”

The messages obtained by The Post reveal Vance in a garrulous and seemingly unguarded mood. He wrote them after initiating contact with their recipient, whose published writing interested him.

Republicans are infamous for their dishonesty and hypocrisy.
Back in the ancient year of 1980, Ronald Reagan and George Bush competed in a primary that was heated with lots of nasty rhetoric. Reagan eventually won chose Bush as his running mate and Bush was eventually elected on Reagan’s momentum.
And Vance was running against Trump back in 2016 and 2020 when he called him "America's Hitler"?

Do better. Oh wait...YOU CAN'T.
I thought Trump only hired the best people, Kleetus? If so, why did he have to "fire" so many people??

Your radicalized gomer ass is always making stupid excuses for your cult leader. Fucking pathetic.

Vance hates Trump and your MAGA gomer ass is too stupid to understand that.
Hates him so bad that he accepted the VP spot from him eh ? Rotflmbo 🤣

Game, set, and and match.
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Bullshit. That is a Trumpie lie that's been repeated often and y'all believe it like it's straight outa the Bible.

"I’m going to now direct this at Vice President Biden. I do not believe you are a racist. I agree with you when you commit yourself to the importance of finding common ground." Kamala Harris

So, what now? The transcript will be 'Fake news... liberal MSM... whatever'?
He must of done some of that creepy whispering that he does, and told kamala he would make her VP if she'd shut her dumb ace mouth. 😆

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