Here is Harris's border policy, what is Trump's?

Yes we did. His policy created the crisis he handed to Biden. Obama had border crossings at a 40 year low, when Biden takes office, it's a huge problem. Then we have a comprehensive border bill that trump told Repubicans to kill. So Trump is the probem.
Border crossing were at a 40 low because Obama gave us The Great Recession. Illegals weren't coming to the US because there weren't jobs for them when they got here.

There was almost nothing in the bill you're talking about that would have secured the border. Most of the money in that bill would have gone to processing illegals wouldn't have done anything to keep them out!
All you can talk about is the past. The Biden administration is gone. Harris calls her own show.
You have a losing strategy. That is why Trump will lose.
Biden is still president. But they don't want to talk about trump sabotaging a border bill in order to make it a campign issue.
"and i havnt been to Europe HAHA"
She never took this shit seriously..just like you.

*We do not have a wall on the Mexico border paid for by Mexico.

*He did not repeal and replace Obamacare with a better program.

*He promised to invest 550 billion dollars for infrastructure. He did not do that.

*He promised to bring back manufacturing jobs to USA. By 2020 there was very little improvement in the US manufacturing sector.

*Promised no cuts to social security but then proposed cuts to social security but congress would not approve.

*Promised to grow the economy by 4% every year. Not one year did he grow the economy by 4%.
  • Fact
Reactions: IM2
Border crossing were at a 40 low because Obama gave us The Great Recession. Illegals weren't coming to the US because there weren't jobs for them when they got here.

There was almost nothing in the bill you're talking about that would have secured the border. Most of the money in that bill would have gone to processing illegals wouldn't have done anything to keep them out!
*We do not have a wall on the Mexico border paid for by Mexico.

*He did not repeal and replace Obamacare with a better program.

*He promised to invest 550 billion dollars for infrastructure. He did not do that.

*He promised to bring back manufacturing jobs to USA. By 2020 there was very little improvement in the US manufacturing sector.

*Promised no cuts to social security but then proposed cuts to social security but congress would not approve.

*Promised to grow the economy by 4% every year. Not one year did he grow the economy by 4%.
  • Fact
Reactions: IM2
Border crossing were at a 40 low because Obama gave us The Great Recession. Illegals weren't coming to the US because there weren't jobs for them when they got here.

There was almost nothing in the bill you're talking about that would have secured the border. Most of the money in that bill would have gone to processing illegals wouldn't have done anything to keep them out!
Quit repeating that lie. The Border Patrol supported the bill, so what you are saying isn't true.
Trump has used the scare whites tactic in every one of his campaigns. That's a fact. The border is secure, so what harm are a bunch of poor people carrying napsacks and duffel bags doing to anyone? None. We have rural towns that are dying who need people to work and rebuild their economies. The mayor of our state capital has asked for immigrants to come to his city because their are jpbs available as well as vacant houses. Notice which countries Trump refers too. He doesn't say nything about Ukranian immigrants or immigrants from other Europe countries, only from non white countries. Catch a cue white man, becuse those of us who face racism know the playbook and the dogwhitsles. Last, just because a few blacks reet the bs doesn't mean they aren't helping frame a white racist argument.

So stop being white trying to use one exmple of a small number of blacks as if it means something. If I used your logic I can use the larger number of Proud boys in America to claim all whites are racist. This immigration bs is nothing more than the right wing race hustle. This country was "founded" by illegal immigrants, so humble yourself.

using a small number of. blacks??? you mean that small number who are directly affected. Yeah ok sure.

You really think the millions of unknown people who come across are harmless and carrying knapsacks?? sure maybe a very large number of them are, and I ALWAYS have agreed they are looking for work... Doesnt fucking matter if you let in 100 K criminals or gang bangers or allow children to be trafficked... not like the BS AOC was complaining about children detained in cages... but childern kidnapped and used so others can get into the country... or they are sold into servitude..
Its not a scare tactic Get this straight. Im not scared by immigrants, I guarantee youI have a much closer relationship with them than YOU do in Kansas. I just happen to see the great wrong in it its not fear dumbass, with your racism tropes.

I also did not LIE about kamala laughing and dismissing going to the border.. I dont expect you to accept that however. continue on.
All you can talk about is the past. The Biden administration is gone. Harris calls her own show.
You have a losing strategy. That is why Trump will lose.
You don't want to talk about the "past", Elmer because in the past Donald Trump gave us a border that was much more secure than it is now! You don't want to talk about the past because the Biden/Harris Adminstration got rid of the Trump Executive Orders that secured the border and invited tens of millions of unvetted illegals to stream across the border. They own that and Kamala Harris was the point person for the border. That is why Trump will win.
After 3 1/2 years of not doing ANYTHING about the open border...NOW we should trust her that she will do something about it if we make her President? Are you kidding me?
Oh she will do something about it. She will continue Biden's plan to overwhelm Americans with migrants. It's all part of taking the power from the American people and giving it to those in government who will use it for whatever advantage they can achieve for themselves.
You don't want to talk about the "past", Elmer because in the past Donald Trump gave us a border that was much more secure than it is now! You don't want to talk about the past because the Biden/Harris Adminstration got rid of the Trump Executive Orders that secured the border and invited tens of millions of unvetted illegals to stream across the border. They own that and Kamala Harris was the point person for the border. That is why Trump will win.
I so hope from your mouth to God's ear.
*We do not have a wall on the Mexico border paid for by Mexico.

*He did not repeal and replace Obamacare with a better program.

*He promised to invest 550 billion dollars for infrastructure. He did not do that.

*He promised to bring back manufacturing jobs to USA. By 2020 there was very little improvement in the US manufacturing sector.

*Promised no cuts to social security but then proposed cuts to social security but congress would not approve.

*Promised to grow the economy by 4% every year. Not one year did he grow the economy by 4%.
You can post that all day, Elmer but it won't change the FACT that our border was secure...inflation averaged under 2% for his entire term...and there was peace in the Middle East and Europe while Trump was in office!
She didn't? Is that why she and Biden were ready to sign a conservative border bill that trump had killed? Do not talk about Harris you dishonest scum, trump is why ANY problem on the border persists right now
Get it straight IM2.

See this below?. it was a scam. It allows someone like Mayorkas, to use thir discretion, to not implement authority unless the numbers surpass 4,000 per day for 7 consecutive days. Why even have something like that in the bill unless you are trying to skirt pass the rules?
The bill also supports Sanctuary cities which is a haven for THOSE criminals among the other immigrants. We have already seen what that does

Biden immediately stopped remain in Mexico policy and reversed progress in slowing the migration of people. It caused a surge which was too much. We have now seen 6- 8 million people... somehow you think that is a safe and harmless journey for those people in your fantasy world. It actually puts more of them, in more danger than if they had just stayed home. they are not all Refugees.. so you can all cut out the bulshit.
they are like everyone else in th eworld who just wants to come here to make more money and send it back home.
But they can wait their turn and get vetted, which is all I would ever ask for ... except for those REAL refugee situations. And I would absolutely accept refugees from Haiti.... the problem is we have fucking let millions of other people in from ALL OVER the WORLD. It screws everything up.
Look in the mirror scum. Your own words come back at you.

"Accepts and codifies crisis levels of daily illegal immigration. If passed into law the bill would create a three-year “Border Emergency Authority” to allow agents to expel illegal aliens back across the border during “extraordinary migration circumstances”—but the numerous exceptions and limitations swallow that authority whole. The Secretary of Homeland Security has the discretion to activate the authority after the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) encounters an average of 4,000 illegal aliens daily for seven consecutive days. Secretary activation of the emergency authority becomes mandatory after the CBP encounters a 5,000 illegal-alien daily average for seven consecutive days or 8,500 in one day. Not counted in those numbers are unaccompanied children, parolees, those who claim a fear of persecution, have already been in the U.S. for 14 days, or already traveled beyond 100 miles from the southwest border. The Secretary would not be able to activate the authority for more than 270 days, 225 days, and 180 days in calendar years one, two, and three, respectively. The bill then adds cumbersome and confusing calendar calculation requirements that further limit the Secretary’s use of the emergency authority. Finally, both the Secretary and the President could suspend the authority.
using a small number of. blacks??? you mean that small number who are directly affected. Yeah ok sure.

You really think the millions of unknown people who come across are harmless and carrying knapsacks?? sure maybe a very large number of them are, and I ALWAYS have agreed they are looking for work... Doesnt fucking matter if you let in 100 K criminals or gang bangers or allow children to be trafficked... not like the BS AOC was complaining about children detained in cages... but childern kidnapped and used so others can get into the country... or they are sold into servitude..
Its not a scare tactic Get this straight. Im not scared by immigrants, I guarantee youI have a much closer relationship with them than YOU do in Kansas. I just happen to see the great wrong in it its not fear dumbass, with your racism tropes.

I also did not LIE about kamala laughing and dismissing going to the border.. I dont expect you to accept that however. continue on.
I think that 90 - 95 percent of them are harmless. We have milions of homegrown criminals and organized crime in this country. I get tired of this disingenuous argument from the right. 39 white countries can enter America without a visa. So I don't really have much patience for your argument. Then there is the FACT that trump sabotaged the border bill. So as far as I'm concerned your argument is simply dishonest.
How do you deport
5.5 million U.S. citizen children under age 18 live with at least one undocumented household member
How do they deport them. That does not include the adults.
It takes money and logistics. How do you do it.

You cant. It will never happen. thats the problem with illegal immigration. Dont let them in, in the first place. If they know they arnt getting in, or at least know it will be very difficult, then they wont show up in such large numbers and it would actually be easier to vet them, and decide if they are refugees.
You can post that all day, Elmer but it won't change the FACT that our border was secure...inflation averaged under 2% for his entire term...and there was peace in the Middle East and Europe while Trump was in office!
The fact is that Trump inherited a strong and growing economy and had little to do with things that happened. The fact is that infllation from the pandemic was global and if trump was president he would have faced the same inflation. So stop lying to yourself about trump.
I think that 90 - 95 percent of them are harmless. We have milions of homegrown criminals and organized crime in this country. I get tired of this disingenuous argument from the right. 39 white countries can enter America without a visa. So I don't really have much patience for your argument. Then there is the FACT that trump sabotaged the border bill. So as far as I'm concerned your argument is simply dishonest.

There is a pasport waver program for those countries. they are not all white and one of them is South American. Even though they have a waiver program for passports, the peoples identites are still verified. Its much harder to verify people from every other country in the world. if it wasnt for terrorism you would see loser restrictions.... but YOU.. once again make it all about racism. You are the one being disengenuous, dishonest.
The bill had problems with it. serious problems so it was still up for debate. Biden could easily use executive powers if he thought there was a problem at the border, but he really doesnt. Trump neve rstopped him from doing that. Secondly.... even if only 5% of 6 - 7 million people are criminals it unacceptable. LEGAL immigration eliminates that. You have thousands of people now who are not showing up for their immigration hearings. WHY is that?

You discount death by fentanyl...and I know for a fact Honduran gangs have been dealing it here, close to where i live in SF... latin gangs also prey mostly on OTHER immigrants.. extorting them, killing them, terrorizing them.. but to you it means nothing. You say the border is secure, what a crock, when people are still being trafficked.
You don't want to talk about the "past", Elmer because in the past Donald Trump gave us a border that was much more secure than it is now! You don't want to talk about the past because the Biden/Harris Adminstration got rid of the Trump Executive Orders that secured the border and invited tens of millions of unvetted illegals to stream across the border. They own that and Kamala Harris was the point person for the border. That is why Trump will win.
*We do not have a wall on the Mexico border paid for by Mexico.

*He did not repeal and replace Obamacare with a better program.

*He promised to invest 550 billion dollars for infrastructure. He did not do that.

*He promised to bring back manufacturing jobs to USA. By 2020 there was very little improvement in the US manufacturing sector.

*Promised no cuts to social security but then proposed cuts to social security but congress would not approve.

*Promised to grow the economy by 4% every year. Not one year did he grow the economy by 4%.
You can post that all day, Elmer but it won't change the FACT that our border was secure...inflation averaged under 2% for his entire term...and there was peace in the Middle East and Europe while Trump was in office!

*We do not have a wall on the Mexico border paid for by Mexico.

*He did not repeal and replace Obamacare with a better program.

*He promised to invest 550 billion dollars for infrastructure. He did not do that.

*He promised to bring back manufacturing jobs to USA. By 2020 there was very little improvement in the US manufacturing sector.

*Promised no cuts to social security but then proposed cuts to social security but congress would not approve.

*Promised to grow the economy by 4% every year. Not one year did he grow the economy by 4%
Here is Harris's border policy, what is Trump's?
  • Besides extending policies to make asylum more difficult for migrants to quality for, Harris will promise to ramp up prosecutions of those who illegally cross the border — including potential felony charges for repeat offenders, according to two sources briefed on her plans.
Zoom in: Three sources briefed on the plans say Harris wants to ensure that the Biden administration's recent limits on asylum stay in place longer, even after Biden's plan called for them to be phased out when border crossings decline.

Biden's policy, rolled out in June, effectively cuts off access to the asylum system for migrants who illegally cross the border during migration surges.

It does include some humanitarian exceptions, however.
The details: Harris' new proposal would require the average number of border crossings each day to remain below 1,500 people for several weeks before the restrictions are lifted.

  • Currently, once the average number of border crossings fall below 1,500 a day, the asylum restrictions are supposed to end two weeks later.
  • Harris' proposal would go beyond the 28 days, per one source.
  • The administration also will begin counting all minors who cross the border without their parents toward that daily threshold — making it even more difficult to resume the usual, more accessible asylum process.
Harris' new plan for asylum restrictions is harsher than what was included in the recent bipartisan border deal that Republicans killed — and that Democrats have touted during their campaigns this year.

We've lived the life, we know the score. She changes her story on a daily basis.

virtue signaler.jpg
*We do not have a wall on the Mexico border paid for by Mexico.

*He did not repeal and replace Obamacare with a better program.

*He promised to invest 550 billion dollars for infrastructure. He did not do that.

*He promised to bring back manufacturing jobs to USA. By 2020 there was very little improvement in the US manufacturing sector.

*Promised no cuts to social security but then proposed cuts to social security but congress would not approve.

*Promised to grow the economy by 4% every year. Not one year did he grow the economy by 4%.

The 550 billion plan needed to be bi partisan... how do you work with people, who are lying about you, investigating you and trying to get you out of office over a bullshit campaign smear. is it any wonder that fell through? Democrats dont work bi partisan unless its something they want.

As for the Wall, Trump tried, and partly succeeded until Biden halted things.

How long do you think it takes to bring back heavy industry back from overseas? it takes years.. first you have to start the groundwork with incentives and tax cuts for these businesses... they are also making huge investments in these moves..and if they see someone like Biden or harris coming along who will tax them and regulat ethem to death... they will keep thier operations over seas. they arent idiots.
The fact is that Trump inherited a strong and growing economy and had little to do with things that happened. The fact is that infllation from the pandemic was global and if trump was president he would have faced the same inflation. So stop lying to yourself about trump.
Oh BULLSHIT! Biden caused inflation when he kept pouring huge Government spending into the economy that was recovering from Covid. Larry Summers...Barack Obama's Chief Economic Advisor warned him that doing so would risk a spike in inflation and Joe ignored him. Trump wouldn't have done so because Trump actually understands Economics!

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