Back In The Ancient Year of 2020, JD Vance Did Not Have Very Nice Things To Say About His Imbecile Running Mate Donald Trump

I must have missed whatever retarded point you were trying to make in this retarded thread… I thought you made the assertion that people can’t change their opinion about others?
Comparing something someone said over 40 years ago to what a Vice Presidential candidate says about his Presidential candidate running mate 4 years ago and 8 years ago.

Dishonest....and idiotic. Par for the course for imbecile MAGAts.
It's more clear you have no argument to make, lightweight.
I made my argument. And in response, you denied the reality that tens of millions of us watched on live TV.

'That little girl was me'

JD Vance and Trump keep lying to you and you ask for more. What a MAGA bumpkin sucker.
And continued with your typical weak assed, unimaginative ad hominum insults. Which seems to be all you can offer the board. Step up your game or be ignored.
Yes, of course, JD Vance finally "saw the light" and now sees what a great person Donald Trump is. Yeah, give me a fucking break.

This is what JD Vance said about Trump only 4 years ago. From the Washington Post. --

In the direct messages — sent during Trump’s final year in office to an acquaintance over the social media platform then known as Twitter — Vance harshly criticized his future running mate’s record of governance and said Trump had not fulfilled his economic agenda.

“Trump has just so thoroughly failed to deliver on his economic populism (excepting a disjointed China policy),” Vance wrote in February 2020.

He also offered a prediction: Joe Biden, he believed, was going to win the 2020 election.

“I think Trump will probably lose,” he wrote in a message in June 2020, a few months before ballots were cast in an election that Vance would later claim, falsely and repeatedly, was stolen by the Democrats.

The critical messages, shared with The Post by their recipient on the condition of anonymity because of concerns about retaliation, cast doubt on Vance’s oft-recited account of how and when he embraced Trumpism. They were written years after Vance’s previously reported remarks attacking Trump, such as his statements in 2016 that Trump was “reprehensible,” “cultural heroin” and possibly “America’s Hitler.”

The messages obtained by The Post reveal Vance in a garrulous and seemingly unguarded mood. He wrote them after initiating contact with their recipient, whose published writing interested him.

You silly people are fun to watch. Unlike normal people, who evolve, you cultists are trapped in your tiny little bubble.
Yes, of course, JD Vance finally "saw the light" and now sees what a great person Donald Trump is. Yeah, give me a fucking break.

This is what JD Vance said about Trump only 4 years ago. From the Washington Post. --

In the direct messages — sent during Trump’s final year in office to an acquaintance over the social media platform then known as Twitter — Vance harshly criticized his future running mate’s record of governance and said Trump had not fulfilled his economic agenda.

“Trump has just so thoroughly failed to deliver on his economic populism (excepting a disjointed China policy),” Vance wrote in February 2020.

He also offered a prediction: Joe Biden, he believed, was going to win the 2020 election.

“I think Trump will probably lose,” he wrote in a message in June 2020, a few months before ballots were cast in an election that Vance would later claim, falsely and repeatedly, was stolen by the Democrats.

The critical messages, shared with The Post by their recipient on the condition of anonymity because of concerns about retaliation, cast doubt on Vance’s oft-recited account of how and when he embraced Trumpism. They were written years after Vance’s previously reported remarks attacking Trump, such as his statements in 2016 that Trump was “reprehensible,” “cultural heroin” and possibly “America’s Hitler.”

The messages obtained by The Post reveal Vance in a garrulous and seemingly unguarded mood. He wrote them after initiating contact with their recipient, whose published writing interested him.

This is an article to create the appearance of division in Trump's try to take some of the power out of Trump's administration before he gets into office.

But the truth is that Trump is a lame duck president with nothing to lose by doing as he pleases. And Vance has everything to lose by opposing Trump at every turn. Kinda like Pence did.

This isn't so much about Trumo as it is Vance.

So watch the Debate Tuesday and despair.
She didn't say it. So quit changing the topic like a little MAGA pussy.

The issue is that JD Vance hates Trump and lies to you MAGA caveman every day, just like Trump does....and you don't care.
Your narrative isn’t going to gain any traction…The bottom line is we are about a month away, voting has started in some states, and the tickets are in place…

Dems upcoming losses will be delicious, and deserved…Suck on that.
Your narrative isn’t going to gain any traction…The bottom line is we are about a month away, voting has started in some states, and the tickets are in place…

Dems upcoming losses will be delicious, and deserved…Suck on that.
If you truly believe what you are writing, make sure you have you psychiatrist and physician on speed dial.
Yes, of course, JD Vance finally "saw the light" and now sees what a great person Donald Trump is. Yeah, give me a fucking break.

This is what JD Vance said about Trump only 4 years ago. From the Washington Post. --

In the direct messages — sent during Trump’s final year in office to an acquaintance over the social media platform then known as Twitter — Vance harshly criticized his future running mate’s record of governance and said Trump had not fulfilled his economic agenda.

“Trump has just so thoroughly failed to deliver on his economic populism (excepting a disjointed China policy),” Vance wrote in February 2020.

He also offered a prediction: Joe Biden, he believed, was going to win the 2020 election.

“I think Trump will probably lose,” he wrote in a message in June 2020, a few months before ballots were cast in an election that Vance would later claim, falsely and repeatedly, was stolen by the Democrats.

The critical messages, shared with The Post by their recipient on the condition of anonymity because of concerns about retaliation, cast doubt on Vance’s oft-recited account of how and when he embraced Trumpism. They were written years after Vance’s previously reported remarks attacking Trump, such as his statements in 2016 that Trump was “reprehensible,” “cultural heroin” and possibly “America’s Hitler.”

The messages obtained by The Post reveal Vance in a garrulous and seemingly unguarded mood. He wrote them after initiating contact with their recipient, whose published writing interested him.

What do you expect from a guy who fucks couches?
All that matters to Trump is how you treat him RIGHT NOW. How he's treated is incredibly important to him. It's incredible to watch, and he talks about it all the time.

So you could have called him "America's Hitler" a few days ago, but say nice things about him today and agree with everything he says, and he'll reward you and compliment you. For now.

That's how incredibly fragile his self esteem is. I've never seen anything like it. No man, no woman, no child. Ever.
So you are an unforgiving leftist that has no reasoning or values that allow maybe even your family member's too correct their mistakes with you ? Treat people how you want to be treated is the old saying, and some people have a hard time with that one, but Trump doesn't. TDS is a bad thing ya know ? 😆
JD Vance's comments from 2016 are well known. Not his comments from 2020. That's why the Washington Post reported them yesterday.

A better question is why you don't care that JD Vance is lying to you every day, and that he secretly hates Trump???
It should be interesting watching Vance try to explain his statements to Walz next week on the debate stage.

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