CNN: Walz "Nervous" About Facing Vance In Debate, "A Bad Debater"


Yet another comprehensive, fact filled rebuttal by a triggered commie.

Do any of you Lefties actually have the capability to formulate anything even mildly approaching an actual argument?

Suffice to say, I sincerely have my doubts.

And I'm confident I'm far from alone.
Yet another comprehensive, fact filled rebuttal by a triggered commie.

Do any of you Lefties actually have the capability to formulate anything even mildly approaching an actual argument?

Suffice to say, I sincerely have my doubts.

And I'm confident I'm far from alone.
#SLOWLEARNER :auiqs.jpg:
Tim Jong Walz hasn't had any real competition...The "republicans" in Minnesnowta are ass milquetoast cucks, like Norm Coleman and Tim Pawlenty.
Oh shut up, as if you know Jack shit about any of that. Just another Trumpanzee covering himself in orange lotion.
That must be how he got so successful at everything he has ever done and has won every election he ever ran in.

You must not be aware that Walz lost more of the rural vote than any gubernatorial Democrat in history.

If it hadn't been for Minneapolis, his margin would have been fatal.

Now what do you think that portends for Democrat prospects in the upper Midwest this November?

There really is a lot you don't know, huh?
You must not be aware that Walz lost more of the rural vote than any gubernatorial Democrat in history.

If it hadn't been for Minneapolis, his margin would have been fatal.

Now what do you think that portends for Democrat prospects in the upper Midwest this November?

There really is a lot you don't know, huh?
The Twin Shitties are election thievery central.

Jason Lewis got more votes than any republican for any office in state history, and the dullard Tina Smith magically "found" enough votes in the wee hours to pull out the "victory".
But Vance is the actual cuck. The actual puppet who made most of his money writing a book in which he trashed Trump.

Now the cuckold and puppet has to polish Trumps boots and soak up his abuse.

Sad little cuckold
Notice Walz's concern is his own ability to put together a good TV package.

Not even donut store counter workers are intimidated by Vance.
Vance is going to wipe the floor with pastry boy.

:auiqs.jpg: Tim Walz is Wilfred Brimley's understudy fer Diabeetus! :aargh:


He almost looks like Don Rickles. I wonder what Don would think about that? :D


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Vance is going to wipe the floor with pastry boy.
Vance can't even interact normally with humans anymore. And he doesn't know anything about anything.

Walz is going to talk about things he has been fighting for for decades.

What advantage does Vance have?
But Vance is the actual cuck. The actual puppet who made most of his money writing a book in which he trashed Trump.

CNN: "Your Veepee candidate is a scaredy cat whose own campaign staff is leaking to the friendly mainstream media about his inherent inescapable pussiness."

FortFunWeirdo: "B-B-B-BUT......VANCE!!!!"

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