Trump Secretly Sent Putin Covid Tests in 2020.

It just amazes me the behavior Trump's cult is willing to ignore, well, here is another one for you dismiss. Trump made sure his murderous dictator buddy was going to be able to detect the virus early enough to start treatment.

We know Trump idolizes murderous dictators, but the former KGB agent definitely has something incriminating on Trump in his file. Trump is making sure it never sees the light of day.

As the coronavirus tore through the world in 2020, and the United States and other countries confronted a shortage of tests designed to detect the illness, then-President Donald Trump secretly sent coveted tests to Russian President Vladimir Putin for his personal use.

Putin, petrified of the virus, accepted the supplies but took pains to prevent political fallout — not for him, but for his American counterpart. He cautioned Trump not to reveal that he had dispatched the scarce medical equipment to Moscow, according to a new book by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward.

Putin, according to the book, told Trump, “I don’t want you to tell anybody because people will get mad at you, not me.”

Four years later, the personal relationship between the two men appears to have persisted, Woodward reports, as Trump campaigns to return to the White House and Putin orchestrates his bloody assault on Ukraine. In early 2024, the former president ordered an aide away from his office at Mar-a-Lago, his private club and residence in Florida, so he could conduct a private phone call with the Russian leader, according to Woodward’s account.

The book does not describe what the two men purportedly discussed, and it quotes a Trump campaign official casting doubt on the supposed contact. But the unnamed Trump aide cited in the book indicated that the GOP standard-bearer may have spoken to Putin as many as seven times since Trump left the White House in 2021.

These interactions between Trump and the authoritarian leader of a country at war with an American ally form the basis of Woodward’s conclusion that Trump is worse than Richard M. Nixon, whose presidency was undone by the Watergate scandal exposed a half-century ago by Woodward and his Washington Post colleague Carl Bernstein.

“Trump was the most reckless and impulsive president in American history and is demonstrating the very same character as a presidential candidate in 2024,” Woodward writes in the book, “War,” which is set to be released Oct. 15.

Yeah, the book is titled "WAR" and I've put in a request for it.
No I get it, and agree xiden and harris downplayed testing when it came to their migrant surge

Which resulted in record Covid deaths
“Are immigrants a major reason why COVID-19 is spreading in the U.S.?” Bash asked.

“No, absolutely not, Dana,” Fauci said. “I mean, if you just look at the data and look at the people who have gotten infected, look at the people who are in the hospital, look at the people who’ve died, this is not driven by immigrants. This is the problem within our country, the same way it’s a problem with other countries throughout the world.

According to the CDC’s COVID Tracker, virtually all of the new cases emerging in the U.S. are caused by the highly transmissible delta variant.

“I have not seen any phylogenetic signal that Delta arrived from Mexico or from South America – in fact, quite the opposite – the variants that have dominated recently south of the USA are very distinct from Delta – 20B/732A in Mexico until mid-May, Gamma & Lamba in Peru, Argentina, & Chile, Gamma in Brazil, Mu in Colombia,”
“Are immigrants a major reason why COVID-19 is spreading in the U.S.?” Bash asked.

“No, absolutely not, Dana,” Fauci said. “I mean, if you just look at the data and look at the people who have gotten infected, look at the people who are in the hospital, look at the people who’ve died, this is not driven by immigrants. This is the problem within our country, the same way it’s a problem with other countries throughout the world.

According to the CDC’s COVID Tracker, virtually all of the new cases emerging in the U.S. are caused by the highly transmissible delta variant.

“I have not seen any phylogenetic signal that Delta arrived from Mexico or from South America – in fact, quite the opposite – the variants that have dominated recently south of the USA are very distinct from Delta – 20B/732A in Mexico until mid-May, Gamma & Lamba in Peru, Argentina, & Chile, Gamma in Brazil, Mu in Colombia,”
It's funny to me that the Trumper plague rats think the variants have to come from another country, when they, themselves are the center of the US petrie dish.
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Wow! Trump secretly sent $15 COVID Tests to the leader of a Nation we need to be cautious. How does this compare to and administration secretly sending pallets of cash totaling $7B to a murderous, intolerant theocracy in Iran?
Leave it to you halfwits to use old trump disinformation to deflect from a story showing Dear Leader's fawning adoration of a despot, a war criminal, a murder of members of the opposition as well as members of the press, and an enemy of the US.

trump then famously blew up the Iran agreement, facilitated by the return of Iran's money, setting that country on a path to develop nuclear weapons.

The book does not describe what the two men purportedly discussed, and it quotes a Trump campaign official casting doubt on the supposed contact. But the unnamed Trump aide cited in the book indicated that the GOP standard-bearer may have spoken to Putin as many as seven times since Trump left the White House in 2021.
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“Are immigrants a major reason why COVID-19 is spreading in the U.S.?” Bash asked.

“No, absolutely not, Dana,” Fauci said. “I mean, if you just look at the data and look at the people who have gotten infected, look at the people who are in the hospital, look at the people who’ve died, this is not driven by immigrants. This is the problem within our country, the same way it’s a problem with other countries throughout the world.

According to the CDC’s COVID Tracker, virtually all of the new cases emerging in the U.S. are caused by the highly transmissible delta variant.

“I have not seen any phylogenetic signal that Delta arrived from Mexico or from South America – in fact, quite the opposite – the variants that have dominated recently south of the USA are very distinct from Delta – 20B/732A in Mexico until mid-May, Gamma & Lamba in Peru, Argentina, & Chile, Gamma in Brazil, Mu in Colombia,”
I am sure the Xiden and Harris admin downplayed the fact they weren't doing any testing.
You stop testing when it no longer has a purpose

That is not stupid

You are stupid

And a troll
You don’t think making sure people entering our country in the middle of the record breaking Covid deaths serves a purpose?
You don’t think making sure people entering our country in the middle of the record breaking Covid deaths serves a purpose?
At that time they were using Title 42 to expel them as fast as they came in
It just amazes me the behavior Trump's cult is willing to ignore, well, here is another one for you dismiss. Trump made sure his murderous dictator buddy was going to be able to detect the virus early enough to start treatment.

We know Trump idolizes murderous dictators, but the former KGB agent definitely has something incriminating on Trump in his file. Trump is making sure it never sees the light of day.

As the coronavirus tore through the world in 2020, and the United States and other countries confronted a shortage of tests designed to detect the illness, then-President Donald Trump secretly sent coveted tests to Russian President Vladimir Putin for his personal use.

Putin, petrified of the virus, accepted the supplies but took pains to prevent political fallout — not for him, but for his American counterpart. He cautioned Trump not to reveal that he had dispatched the scarce medical equipment to Moscow, according to a new book by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward.

Putin, according to the book, told Trump, “I don’t want you to tell anybody because people will get mad at you, not me.”

Four years later, the personal relationship between the two men appears to have persisted, Woodward reports, as Trump campaigns to return to the White House and Putin orchestrates his bloody assault on Ukraine. In early 2024, the former president ordered an aide away from his office at Mar-a-Lago, his private club and residence in Florida, so he could conduct a private phone call with the Russian leader, according to Woodward’s account.

The book does not describe what the two men purportedly discussed, and it quotes a Trump campaign official casting doubt on the supposed contact. But the unnamed Trump aide cited in the book indicated that the GOP standard-bearer may have spoken to Putin as many as seven times since Trump left the White House in 2021.

These interactions between Trump and the authoritarian leader of a country at war with an American ally form the basis of Woodward’s conclusion that Trump is worse than Richard M. Nixon, whose presidency was undone by the Watergate scandal exposed a half-century ago by Woodward and his Washington Post colleague Carl Bernstein.

“Trump was the most reckless and impulsive president in American history and is demonstrating the very same character as a presidential candidate in 2024,” Woodward writes in the book, “War,” which is set to be released Oct. 15.

WAPO is desperate
At that time they were using Title 42 to expel them as fast as they came in
but they weren't....they were bringing them in teh United States, he undid the stay in mexico plan trump had with Mexico.
Care to specify what you are talking about?
that Harris and XIden weren't testing migrants that surged the border after they were elected, instead allowing them to enter without being tested, and of course it was also when we had variants surge, and record covid deaths....heck they wouldn't even require they get the trump vaccine.

That's downplaying
Trump downplayed the need for tests here and sent them to Putin?

Are you kidding?
You still test for COVID when you get a cough dont you. Wear a face diaper by yourself in your car or walking down the street?
And we still do not know who is doing all of the drugs in the white house.
Right, Harris and Xiden who are running Federal law enforcement can't figure out who brough coke right into the White House!

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