So Who Is The True Threat to Democracy?

I decided to to make a thread about this subject.
This question deserves discussion.

Were illegal immigrants being given free passes into our country? Was inflation so bad that we are currently struggling to feed ourselves and our families?

Trump is only a threat to democracy because the left hates our country and enjoys it being destroyed like this and that's why they're currently trying to imprison him and murder him.

However, Kamala Harris is the true physical threat to democracy and that's why I said before that she needs to be stopped. Whether it's through the election or a new American Revolution I don't care which as she's been in power for four years and she's only made things worse and now despite her lies she wants to revoke the second amendment.

It makes absolutely no difference to me what her political views are and I can't stand her. For I can't stand Joe Biden either but he's just simply a victim of elder abuse and needs to be in a retirement home, but Kamala Harris is a whole lot more dangerous and she deserves to be locked up somewhere or disposed of by the proper authorities as this election truly is a life or death situation because you know that the concentration camps will be coming out sooner or later too.
Face reality. Trump broke the law. Republicans tried to kill him.

You watched trump incite an insurrrection and ignore the Project 2025 plan that centralizes power in the president. Your racism has you fearing immigrants doing nothing but trying to find jobs, and you blame Biden/Harris for inflation caused by a pandemic. Harris has not been in power, she was VICE PRESIDENT and today we are better off than we were 4 yers ago. You idiots repeat lies. You lie about everything. It's sickening. Members of Trumps administration are telling us not to put this man back in office but you'd rather listen to catturd or some other nut on twitter tell you a lie about Democrts because thats what you want to believe. If Trump is put back in office, America as we know it is dead..

Because if Trump had been everything you liars claim, he'd be in office now serving out his second term with honor. But he was not and your side along wth him, have waged a propaganda campaign unrivaled in the history of the world, to include the National Socialist Party of Germany's propaganda program that put Hitler in power.

You want concentration camps? Put Trump in offiice. You talk about somebody being elderly? TRUMP IS FUCKING 78 YEARS OLD! Why in the word do you MORONS believe that trump is not old? He's spewing lunacy at every rally but he promises you the white card and you'd rather see America die than actually live up to what the so called founder wrote on parchment. You are a sad, stupid, pathetic man.

Everything you believe is a lie and that's just the way it is.
Face reality. Trump broke the law. Republicans tried to kill him.

You watched trump incite an insurrrection and ignore the Project 2025 plan that centralizes power in the president. Your racism has you fearing immigrants doing nothing but trying to find jobs, and you blame Biden/Harris for inflation caused by a pandemic. Harris has not been in power, she was VICE PRESIDENT and today we are better off than we were 4 yers ago. You idiots repeat lies. You lie about everything. It's sickening. Members of Trumps administration are telling us not to put this man back in office but you'd rather listen to catturd or some other nut on twitter tell you a lie about Democrts because thats what you want to believe. If Trump is put back in office, America as we know it is dead..

Because if Trump had been everything you liars claim, he'd be in office now serving out his second term with honor. But he was not and your side along wth him, have waged a propaganda campaign unrivaled in the history of the world, to include the National Socialist Party of Germany's propaganda program that put Hitler in power.

You want concentration camps? Put Trump in offiice. You talk about somebody being elderly? TRUMP IS FUCKING 78 YEARS OLD! Why in the word do you MORONS believe that trump is not old? He's spewing lunacy at every rally but he promises you the white card and you'd rather see America die than actually live up to what the so called founder wrote on parchment. You are a sad, stupid, pathetic man.

Everything you believe is a lie and that's just the way it is.

You sure must be constipated as heck because anything that you say is bullshit.
When Biden was installed did you hear me saying any of this? I said a lot of things about him but I never called him a threat even though he did a lot of dangerous stuff but that was based upon the doings of his handlers not him so I don't find him to be a true threat to this country like Kamala.
Biden did nothing dangerous. There were no handlers and Harris is no threat.

It's time the lying stopped.
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I decided to to make a thread about this subject.
This question deserves discussion.

Were illegal immigrants being given free passes into our country? Was inflation so bad that we are currently struggling to feed ourselves and our families?

Trump is only a threat to democracy because the left hates our country and enjoys it being destroyed like this and that's why they're currently trying to imprison him and murder him.

However, Kamala Harris is the true physical threat to democracy and that's why I said before that she needs to be stopped. Whether it's through the election or a new American Revolution I don't care which as she's been in power for four years and she's only made things worse and now despite her lies she wants to revoke the second amendment.

It makes absolutely no difference to me what her political views are and I can't stand her. For I can't stand Joe Biden either but he's just simply a victim of elder abuse and needs to be in a retirement home, but Kamala Harris is a whole lot more dangerous and she deserves to be locked up somewhere or disposed of by the proper authorities as this election truly is a life or death situation because you know that the concentration camps will be coming out sooner or later too.
It’s not the left. It is the ruling class but you’ll never get it, because you’re stuck in the uniparty matrix.
We aren’t a democracy. So the thread question makes no sense.

To the limited extent by which we make use of elements of democracy, however, it’s the Democrat Parody which threatens it here.

Just look how they unilaterally dispensed with their own Party’s voters and their votes.

The Democrat Parody is also the major threat to our Constitutional republic.

Even a cursory reading of Federalist 51 clearly reveals the true threat to our Constitutional Republic. There is nothing more important than the separation of powers, and we see that system breaking down. We have an executive branch with too much power, a judicial branch that, at this point, is rubber stamping the actions of the executive branch, and we have a completely dysfunctional legislative branch.

This has all been planned, for flippin decades. The Heritage Foundation the primary instigator. Legislative action committees carry the water. I don't think Trump can win, he is quickly losing it, and it is unfortunate really, at least for those who wanted this agenda completed. They hitched their wagon to a jackass, not like they didn't have plenty of warning signs. Now, just as the baby got in the bathtub, Trump is quickly letting the water our.

Even a cursory reading of Federalist 51 clearly reveals the true threat to our Constitutional Republic. There is nothing more important than the separation of powers, and we see that system breaking down. We have an executive branch with too much power, a judicial branch that, at this point, is rubber stamping the actions of the executive branch, and we have a completely dysfunctional legislative branch.

This has all been planned, for flippin decades. The Heritage Foundation the primary instigator. Legislative action committees carry the water. I don't think Trump can win, he is quickly losing it, and it is unfortunate really, at least for those who wanted this agenda completed. They hitched their wagon to a jackass, not like they didn't have plenty of warning signs. Now, just as the baby got in the bathtub, Trump is quickly letting the water our.
Your ignorance is matched only by your dishonesty.

We are still a Constitutional republic.

And that’s it. Your idiocy knows no bounds.

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