On this one-year anniversary of the barbaric massacre of Jews, may I suggest…

You should embrace liberals.

It's these leftist democrats that you should shun.
You need to define which liberal values I should embrace. Around here, the liberals are for “equity” where a high school drop-out is given the same lifestyle a college graduate earns, letting in “oppressed” illegal migrants and putting them up in hotels, and of course crying over the “innocent” Palestinians while lying about Israel.

If you’re talking about the Pat Moynihan type of liberal, they have been overtaken by the ones I just described above.
You need to define which liberal values I should embrace. Around here, the liberals are for “equity” whereas a high school drop-out is given the same lifestyle a college graduate earns, letting in “oppressed” illegal migrants and putting them up in hotels, and of course crying over the “innocent” Palestinians while lying about Israel.
You are assuming that people here who identify as liberal represent liberalism. They don't. They are far closer to Stalinists

Actual liberalism is an egalitarian political philosophy where everybody is treated the same.

Some liberal values include freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, preventing oligarchies while giving people the right to run their own life, preventing the powerful from exploiting the weak, and many other ideals that are fine things, indeed. The left has turned its back on all of that.
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You are assuming that people here who identify as liberal represent liberalism. They don't. They are far closer to Stalinists

Actual liberalism is an egalitarian political philosophy where everybody is treated the same.
Using that as a description, which Democrats in Congress are liberals?
That’s the problem.

The far-left has hijacked the liberals, and now liberal has a new meaning: anti-American, anti-Israel, siding with “oppressed” people, (as they define them), supporting giving specific individuals extra privilege and favoritism by virtue of their akin color, and supporting the silencing of dissenting opinions, among other things.

The old liberal no longer exists.
That’s the problem.

The far-left has hijacked the liberals, and now liberal has a new meaning: anti-American, anti-Israel, siding with “oppressed” people, (as they define them), supporting giving specific individuals extra privilege and favoritism by virtue of their akin color, and supporting the silencing of dissenting opinions, among other things.

The old liberal no longer exis
Which is exactly why people should stop using the term.
Which is exactly why people should stop using the term.
Good luck. It’s not going to happen when leftists refer to themselves as liberal, and brag about their destructive “liberal” policies. I like you, but I think you’re fighting a losing battle.
No, guy, claim was that the Palestinians wouldn't be upset if the Iranians weren't funding them. They were upset from the moment the first European Jew showed up on their land and started scheming to take their land.

Uh, let's get real here. Jews in the Islamic World were treated a lot better than they were in the Christian world. The Spanish Inquisition, the Russian Pogroms, and of course, what Hitler did. Jews have an uncanny ability to wear out there welcome no matter where they go. heck, part of the impetus behind the Balfour Declaration was to get the Jews out of Europe. Then the Brits realized that antagonized the Arabs unnecessarily and they stopped doing it.
You badly need to sharpen your reading skills. The claim is not that the so called Palestinians would not be upset if the current Iranian regime were not funding them - we have already established that they were upset they could no longer oppress and persecute Jews as they had for over a thousand years under British Law - but that they would not be able to wage endless war against Israel without the money, weapons,, training and coordination with other Iranian proxies.

Before the war, the British made promises to both the Arabs and Jews and they clearly did intend to give all of Palestine over to the Arabs which meant the British intended to endorse the Arabs' oppression and persecution of the Jews as second class citizens, and that's why the British were driven out of Palestine by the Jews.
Isiah 5:20

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

In lib la la land everything is backward, upsidedown
You need to define which liberal values I should embrace. Around here, the liberals are for “equity” where a high school drop-out is given the same lifestyle a college graduate earns, letting in “oppressed” illegal migrants and putting them up in hotels, and of course crying over the “innocent” Palestinians while lying about Israel.

If you’re talking about the Pat Moynihan type of liberal, they have been overtaken by the ones I just described above.

Used to be a HS Graduate could join a union and make a good living, until the One Percenters "Jewed" the working class.

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