Death As A By-Product Of Politics

You are confused: of course he isn't a Leftist.
What is the meaning of leftist in politics?

Left-wing politics describes the range of political ideologies that support and seek to achieve social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy as a whole or certain social hierarchies.

Let's focus on what matters in a candidate:

Under Trump gasoline was about $1.80 a gallon….but you voted against that

Under Trump we were energy independent….but you voted against that.

Under Trump 80% of illegal alien were kept in Mexico….but you voted against that.

Under Trump inflation was 1.4%….but you voted against that.

Under Trump crime was far lower, as were homicides….but you voted against that.

Under Trump Iran was kept in a box….but you voted against that.

Under Trump America had an airbase near both China and Iran….but you voted against that.

Under Trump our President wasn’t on China’s payroll….but you voted against that.

Under Trump cartels weren’t free to operate….but you voted against that.

Under Trump government didn’t favor racism, CRT, gender mutilation….but you voted against that.

Under Trump we didn’t have confiscatory tax policy….but you voted against that.

Under Trump we didn’t have a government working with big tech to end free speech….but you voted against that.

Under Trump, Putin didn’t invade Ukraine….but you voted against that

Under Trump, the savages of Hamas didn’t dare to slaughter concert goers….but you voted against that.

Under Trump, peace in the Middle East….but you voted against that.

Under Trump, three peace treaties between Israel and their Arab neighbors…..but you voted against that.

Under Trump, securing our borders and not waiving in murderous MS13 gang members…..but you voted against that

Under Trump we avoided some 100,000 fatal drug overdoses…but you voted against that.

Under Trump we didn’t have lawfare, a legal system corrupted to use fake charges against political enemies….but you voted for Lawfare.

90% of that list, is embellishments. Things that Trump had nothing to do with. Like gas prices. Or Russia invading Ukraine. And some of it is out right lies. Like the peace in the middle east lie. We were still at war. We were still bombing the middle east. Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria.

This is problem both R & D's have. anything good that happens during a presidency, supporters of the president gives the president credit for it. And they refuse to hold that president accountable for the bad. Including and especially the lying.

This is what you're voting for. Trumps actual record. Things he was actually responsible for. Things with his signature on it.

He's as left as his record is:
Assaulted our 2A.
Let the DoJ write gun laws
Spend $8 trillion in 4 years.
Vetoed only 1 spending bill in 4 years (Because it didn't spend enough)
Tried to shove a national healthcare plan down our throats.
Increase the debt ceiling 4 times and suspend it for 2 years.
Reauthorized warrantless spying on Americans
Tried to give blacks $500 billion just for being black
Gave rich foreign countries like Israel $5 billion every year
Give historical black colleges a millions
Give womens organizations millions.
And recently, pledge to have the Federal Government pay for women IVF's
90% of that list, is embellishments. Things that Trump had nothing to do with. Like gas prices. Or Russia invading Ukraine. And some of it is out right lies. Like the peace in the middle east lie. We were still at war. We were still bombing the middle east. Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria.

This is problem both R & D's have. anything good that happens during a presidency, supporters of the president gives the president credit for it. And they refuse to hold that president accountable for the bad. Including and especially the lying.

This is what you're voting for. Trumps actual record. Things he was actually responsible for. Things with his signature on it.

He's as left as his record is:
Assaulted our 2A.
Let the DoJ write gun laws
Spend $8 trillion in 4 years.
Vetoed only 1 spending bill in 4 years (Because it didn't spend enough)
Tried to shove a national healthcare plan down our throats.
Increase the debt ceiling 4 times and suspend it for 2 years.
Reauthorized warrantless spying on Americans
Tried to give blacks $500 billion just for being black
Gave rich foreign countries like Israel $5 billion every year
Give historical black colleges a millions
Give womens organizations millions.
And recently, pledge to have the Federal Government pay for women IVF's

Let's compare it to the choice:
  • Contrary to the term itself, Kamala has stated that illegal aliens are not criminals
  • She has stated that she wishes to decriminalize illegally crossing the border, similar to the way Democrats have decriminalized shoplifting.
  • She has argued against, not the death penalty, just the death penalty for cop killers
  • She favors defunding the police
  • She authored a fund to bail out domestic terrorists, called the Minnesota Freedom Fund.
  • Joining Communist Bernie Sanders in “Medicare For All,” in which she argues for all private health insurance. BTW, some 220 million Americans have private health insurance, 65% of the population
  • Kamala plans to include all the illegals in the Medicare plan
  • Eliminate and ban all fracking which produces 64% of the total crude oil produced in the United States in 2023.
  • She supported a law which bans arrests for shoplifting under $950.
  • She supports indicting Israel for war crimes against Hamas
  • Believes in banning internal combustion engines, allowing only electric vehicles.
  • As Attn’y General, her office supported Prop 57 that put rapists and murders back on the street after serving a fraction of their sentence
  • Supported a state law that keeps parents from knowing about the indoctrination of their children toward gender transition
  • When the nation was wracked by Democrat-fueled George Floyd riots Kamala said the riots should not stop:

“As a U.S. senator from California from 2017 to 2021, she had a more leftist voting record even than socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, Vermont independent.” Harris had a more leftist voting record in Senate than Sanders

Kamala wrote “Trump supports a national abortion ban.” Of course that is a lie. Kamala Harris na Instagramie : "Donald Trump supports a national abortion ban. President @JoeBiden and I will do everything in our power to stop him and restore women's reproductive freedom."

Kamala was the deciding vote on the $1.9T American Rescue Plan that caused this inflation. Now prices are up nearly 30%.

“You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.”​

― Donald Rumsfeld

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