You figure Biden's Stock market is good?

He didn't, this is a LIE. If he stopped 100% from China, that would have been great, but he didn't.
You cannot accept this as fact.......Trump did NOT stop incoming travel from China. FACT
And why did that happen? Courts. You Democrats wanted this to cause confusion and contention and a reason to keep Biden in his basement. He tried but your side wanted the virus here.
WTF does this mean?
New York wanted ventilators and Trump was able to get them made and shipped there. They also wanted medical ships and he got that done too. You are so brain by the leftist media and Democrats you have no idea what happened.
He sure did, and you fuckstains on the right are calling it:

The jab
The Death Clot
The Killer

Yet, you won't blame trump at all....WHY?
Yet, Biden and Democrats forced people to get them or lose their jobs. They forced them on us. You then forced them on us. So no, he got what everyone wanted. Your Democrats are still suggesting people should get the shots today! Death clot. You do know that there are deaths from all vaccines children get. Nothing new.
the DOW is up as low as 7% since 2021, and that's three years ago.
First ....... 2021

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