Biden's Economy Is Destroying Retirement Accounts in a Way Most People Are Overlooking

So if there is an oil glut why wouldnt some oil production be cut? And of course Tony Fauxci told everyone that he was Mr. Science and new everything.
Pipeline honey, pipeline.

The gas you burn today was pumped and put in the pipeline months ago.

This supply/demand thing really has you boggled doesn't it?

So if there is an oil glut why wouldnt some oil production be cut? And of course Tony Fauxci told everyone that he was Mr. Science and new everything.
Covid was a cut on production around the world. I am not aware of a single other country producing what they produced before Covid and am aware of countries that have intentionally limited production. We are the only country exceeding previous production.
Covid was a cut on production around the world. I am not aware of a single other country producing what they produced before Covid and am aware of countries that have intentionally limited production. We are the only country exceeding previous production.
So when gasoline prices were $1.87.......Today it is still over $3.50 and fixed income earners are hurting. But you and your ilk dont seem to give a rats ass.
So when gasoline prices were $1.87.......Today it is still over $3.50 and fixed income earners are hurting. But you and your ilk dont seem to give a rats ass.
The only time I have paid that was on vacation. You should shop better. We do Kroger and average 40 - 60 cents off / gallon.
The only time I have paid that was on vacation. You should shop better. We do Kroger and average 40 - 60 cents off / gallon.
So spend 5 to 7 dollars looking for a deal on gasoline? Do you think the fixed income people do that?
So spend 5 to 7 dollars looking for a deal on gasoline? Do you think the fixed income people do that?
Try gas Buddy and planning ahead. Somebody is advertising cash back on every gas purchase. Some stores like Kroger that also sell fuel give loyalty point discounts, and I would not be surprised if something was available where you are. Other than that, you will probably have to live with it, until oil producing countries (other than the United States) go back to full production, but I would not count on it. They make far more profit on less production, this way.
its $3.25 near me. Under Trump is was $2.. Thats an extra $60 out of my pocket every week! Food costs around here are also very much elevated. A decent steak at the store is $20. It used to be $10. Bred used to be $3.29 its now 6.29 Buy chips lately? $4.49 for a 7 oz 'family size' bag of chips. Family size 5 years ago was 20+ ounces. now its 7.
You sound like you're broke. Perhaps you should get off your ass and get a second job.
Try gas Buddy and planning ahead. Somebody is advertising cash back on every gas purchase. Some stores like Kroger that also sell fuel give loyalty point discounts, and I would not be surprised if something was available where you are. Other than that, you will probably have to live with it, until oil producing countries (other than the United States) go back to full production, but I would not count on it. They make far more profit on less production, this way.
Okay so you can get cheap gas, but food prices under Joe Bribem is still 50% higher. How do you think fixed income people like that? is the a food buddy out there?
Okay so you can get cheap gas, but food prices under Joe Bribem is still 50% higher. How do you think fixed income people like that? is the a food buddy out there?
Nope. Across the board, food has risen only about 20%, at least around here. Biggest thing I have seen is meat. It might be time to go halves with somebody, buy a young steer at the sale barn, have it processed and put in the deep freeze, like my dad did every year.
Ours have gotten better, with more money in retirement asset investments, than any time trump was in office, and I retired in the fall of 2016. If you are behind, you just pay no attention or are a lousy investor.

You are so full of shit your breath stinks.

Since 2016?
doubled twice.
But over 10 years that's just pretty OK.

You're lying.

The only time I have paid that was on vacation. You should shop better. We do Kroger and average 40 - 60 cents off / gallon.


Okay so you can get cheap gas, but food prices under Joe Bribem is still 50% higher. How do you think fixed income people like that? is the a food buddy out there?

He's telling you to not concern yourself, let the maid worry about it.
And of course receives no coverage from the less than useless MSM.

And many expect this will get worse.

Government pensions that invested in commercial real estate are being hit hard by the ongoing crisis in the sector, which is threatening average Americans’ retirement plans, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.
Large U.S. public pensions lost 6% in the last 12 months on real estate investments, the largest loss since the COVID-19 pandemic, according to data from Wilshire Trust Universe Comparison Service acquired by the WSJ. The losses are part of a broader crisis hitting commercial real estate due to a lack of demand and prohibitively high interest rates brought on by measures used to combat stubbornly high inflation under President Joe Biden.
“Folks are allocating less dollars, trying to understand what they have in their portfolio,” Shawn Quinn, managing director of Wilshire, told the WSJ. “Institutional investors are not quite sure if we’ve hit the bottom yet.”
The California State Teachers’ Retirement System lost around 9% on its $333 billion real estate portfolio in 2023 amid the downturn in commercial real estate, according to the WSJ. High rates spurred by the uptick in inflation under Biden have contributed largely to falling commercial property values.
Privately managed funds have also taken a hit, losing 12% in 2023 on their commercial real estate properties, according to data from the National Council of Real Estate Investment acquired by the WSJ. Some funds are still holding on to properties in the hope that the crisis will ease, with the California Public Employees’ Retirement System not yet offloading an office tower in Manhattan worth $917 million, down 12% from when it was purchased in 2016.
The threat to Americans’ pensions comes at a time when retirement costs have skyrocketed due to inflation. Americans estimate that to comfortably retire, they will need $1.46 million saved, 15% more than they said in the previous year.

This is because of COVID and started under Trump.

Pensions are like Social Security, a Ponzi Scheme taking money from the young to pay the old when they retire.
Clueless Fucks like you ^^^ typically have ZERO invested.

My Pension, is 100% invested by ME, and it is MY money......Period.

SS, yup, that swings depending upon how long one LIVES.
Die young......Sucks
Live Long..... prosper.

You speak as if you have NEITHER.
1) No SS
2) No Pension, no IRA, NO 401 , no hope.
If you rely on someone else to take care of you, when you retire, then you are more the fool. Pensions are like Social Security, a Ponzi Scheme taking money from the young to pay the old when they retire. The only way you know that you can retire with enough to survive on, is if you do it yourself, and learn the way Nancy Piglosi invested. She is by far the beast investor ever.

Gawd you're fucking stoopid
People were saving money under Trump today they are spending down their savings... and its starting to show in the economy... people aren't dining out or doing any unnecessary spending...
Even the golf course I play at is wide open during the week... that tells me we are back in Obama's economy...
Dining Out......hummmm.....every joint in my area is doing just fine.
Do you live in Madagascar?

Golf, You don't golf. You possess ZERO golf Skills and should NOT comment on GOLF.
I live ON a Golf Course, and it is full EVERY day.
Along with the bar and restaurant attached to my LOVELY golf course.

Where did Obama touch seem so hurt.
Ours have gotten better, with more money in retirement asset investments, than any time trump was in office, and I retired in the fall of 2016. If you are behind, you just pay no attention or are a lousy investor.
This is a typical, liberal retort when presented with macro economic data that is unfavorable under their party’s watch. They point to the success that they as an Individual are having.
This is a typical, liberal retort when presented with macro economic data that is unfavorable under their party’s watch. They point to the success that they as an Individual are having.
And while everyone is so worried about high inflation, millions more illegals come into this country, thanks to people like White 6, which uses up resources, driving prices even higher.....
This is a typical, liberal retort when presented with macro economic data that is unfavorable under their party’s watch. They point to the success that they as an Individual are having.

Your post is retarded.

Virtually every asset is up since 2020. The only one that is not is CBD office real estate.

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