Think Inflation is Low? Biden's USDA Disagrees.

They are catching up. Wages have outpaced inflation the past two years. Wages always lag behind, it is that way every time we have a bout of inflation.

Prices are not going to come down, and you should be careful what you ask for, deflation is worse than inflation.
Prices that come down due to normal supply and demand are not deflation.
Did I hurt your little feelings? :itsok:
I have family members myself, and I hate to think that I cannot debate politics on this board without having them dragged through the mud by a person such as yourself.

You are fully aware of the rule against attacking family members. I know because you tried to bait me into attacking your family member when my talking about parasitical government employees hurt your feelings.

As many Democrats must be reminded these days, when your in a hole, the first step out of it is to stop digging. I recommend that you delete that attack and PM that poster an apology.

But, that would be the mature thing. You do you.
It is the difference between economic policy that benefits government and economic policy that benefits the American citizen.
Spot on--but the policy more effects the democrats. They blame their intentional destruction of the economy on the previous admin to bolster their argument for reelection to finish the job that never gets done.
I have family members myself, and I hate to think that I cannot debate politics on this board without having them dragged through the mud by a person such as yourself.

You are fully aware of the rule against attacking family members. I know because you tried to bait me into attacking your family member when my talking about parasitical government employees hurt your feelings.

As many Democrats must be reminded these days, when your in a hole, the first step out of it is to stop digging. I recommend that you delete that attack and PM that poster an apology.

But, that would be the mature thing. You do you.

I did not attack a family member, I made a comment after he brought up the family member.

According to you, my wife is a "tapeworms in the gut of society" by merely choosing to use her skills as a nurse to care for our Veterans.

But then again, you are not very bright either.
Trump did nothing but ride the economic wave he was handed.

Also, I know you will never be allowed to admit this, but all that money spent in 2020 had a very big impact on the inflation that followed it.
The biggest impact on inflation was the war on fossil fuels, excessive money pumped into the economy and the tripling of the minimum wage.
I did not attack a family member, I made a comment after he brought up the family member.
I won't repeat your disgusting and juvenile words, but clearly they were an attack on a family member.
According to you, my wife is a "tapeworms in the gut of society" by merely choosing to use her skills as a nurse to care for our Veterans.
I never said that about your wife. I made an observation about Federal workers in general, and you got butthurt and tried to get me to attack your wife.

Not being very bright, the trap you set was incredibly obvious, so I didn't fall for it.
But then again, you are not very bright either.
Attacks on people's or people's family members from a complete moron mean very little.
The biggest impact on inflation was the war on fossil fuels, excessive money pumped into the economy and the tripling of the minimum wage.
For sure telling the oil companies they would be out of business and pouring into the economy trillions of unnecessary dollars that accomplished little more than paying off cronies and funding useless and/or harmful 'feel good' leftists issues sure didn't help. And when your policies unnaturally severely raise the cost of transportation and overhead, it adds substantially to the cost of everything.
I won't repeat your disgusting and juvenile words, but clearly they were an attack on a family member.

"not too bright" is disgusting and juvenile? When did you become such a snowflake?

I made an observation about Federal workers in general

Actually you made it about a specific group of Fed workers. Do not lie now.
It's strange that I would need to explain the harmful effects of out of control inflation to Democrats. But with their key economic mentors like KJP and the ladies of the view telling them that inflation is a rich people's problem, and that it is actually "down from its peak," (which was under Biden also), I felt a little exploration of the topic is advisable.

While inflation has cooled since its peak in June 2022, one place where American wallets are still being hit hard is at the grocery store.

The US Department of Agriculture tracks the prices of foods at the grocery store, and each month, it recommends food plans at various cost levels, depending on if you want a "thrifty," "low," "moderate," or "liberal" plan.

. . .

As of March 2024, the USDA recommends a family of four on a thrifty budget spend $976.60 monthly and $1,585.20 for a liberal budget.
On average, across the four food plans, the monthly budget recommendation has risen 27% since the start of 2020. Meanwhile, as of November, grocery prices were up 25.1% since the start of 2020, outpacing the 18.9% increase in overall prices.

This kind of inflation of food prices would hit young working families hardest of all. They will find themselves having to rework their budget and avoid eating out, movies, family trips and other "luxury" spending in favor of literally putting bread on the table.

Here is KJP explaining why families should be comforted by the fact that "we take that very seriously."

In the words of General Custer, "There, Major Benteen! Are you reassured now?"

I know....the femoral artery is gushing....But! It will not increase! Yay! You should be thankful!
"not too bright" is disgusting and juvenile? When did you become such a snowflake?
It's disgusting when it is aimed at a family member.
Actually you made it about a specific group of Fed workers. Do not lie now.
Here is the exchange that made you so butthurt:




I never said a single negative word about your wife, and I never would. Family members are off limits, not only by the rules of the forum, but by common decency.
The youngest daughter who voted for Biden is voting for Trump over this very issue
And what do you and she think that Trump is going to do about it?? Oh right, that 10 to 60% Tariff on imports......that's sure to bring prices down. Urp-Derp

There have been multiple drivers of this food price inflation. The rapid recovery of consumer demand following the disruptions caused by the measures to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, extreme weather events, animal disease outbreaks and tight global markets all contributed.Jun 19, 2024

Experts: What is causing food prices to spike around the world?​


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