NY Times details Trump's cognitive decline in scathing article

Seems they've giving up attacking Trump on policy becasue they know it's a losing argument. This is a good sign.

No, there's lot of meat on that bone, but his does seem a little more urgent, doncha think.

Now, assume for a minute that what they are saying is true, that Trump is suffering from some form of Senile Dementia. Would that not be an urgent issue?

I should point out the Democrats had to consider this same problem several months ago, and did the sensible thing and compelled president Biden to stand down.
That's the most retarded thing you've said yet.

Seriously, what "Present danger" is that? Besides the fact that Kamala is probably going to have to deal with a Republican Congress and a Republican SCOTUS, what awful thing to you think that she's going to do to ruin your life, exactly?
remind me,,

how many votes did kamala get in the primary??

so tell me again how the dems are not a clear and present danger??
I dont trust anyone with nukes,, and beings trump is anti war I trust him more than any candidate or POTUS in my lifetime,,

any protest you have means nothing after all the yrs youve defended bidens decline,,

Wow, that's like the mentality of a Five year old, "Joe Did It First!"

Oh, the notion that Trump is anti-war is just bullshit.

Trump didn't start any new wars, but it wasn't for a lack of trying.

Or did you forget when Hawaii thought it was under North Korean Nuclear Attack because Trump ratcheted up the rhetoric? Or how he escalated tensions with Iran by illegally assassinating one of their generals?

Wow, that's like the mentality of a Five year old, "Joe Did It First!"

Oh, the notion that Trump is anti-war is just bullshit.

Trump didn't start any new wars, but it wasn't for a lack of trying.

Or did you forget when Hawaii thought it was under North Korean Nuclear Attack because Trump ratcheted up the rhetoric? Or how he escalated tensions with Iran by illegally assassinating one of their generals?

yes I know you need other people to tell you what to think,, you dont have to advertise it,,

when you have trump beating the war drums you let us know, until then try and act like an adult,,
No, there's lot of meat on that bone, but his does seem a little more urgent, doncha think.
Now, assume for a minute that what they are saying is true, that Trump is suffering from some form of Senile Dementia. Would that not be an urgent issue?

I should point out the Democrats had to consider this same problem several months ago, and did the sensible thing and compelled president Biden to stand down.
Biden's dementia was clearly evident for years and Democrats covered it up. Democrats only executed their coup after his polls tanked and it was clear Trump was going to beat him.
‘Former President Donald J. Trump vividly recounted how the audience at his climactic debate with Vice President Kamala Harris was on his side. Except that there was no audience. The debate was held in an empty hall. No one “went crazy,” as Mr. Trump put it, because no one was there.

Anyone can misremember, of course. But the debate had been just a week earlier and a fairly memorable moment. And it was hardly the only time Mr. Trump has seemed confused, forgetful, incoherent or disconnected from reality lately. In fact, it happens so often these days that it no longer even generates much attention.

He rambles, he repeats himself, he roams from thought to thought — some of them hard to understand, some of them unfinished, some of them factually fantastical. He voices outlandish claims that seem to be made up out of whole cloth. He digresses into bizarre tangents about golf, about sharks, about his own “beautiful” body. He relishes “a great day in Louisiana” after spending the day in Georgia. He expresses fear that North Korea is “trying to kill me” when he presumably means Iran. As late as last month, Mr. Trump was still speaking as if he were running against President Biden, five weeks after his withdrawal from the race.’

Trump’s clear mental and cognitive decline should be generating a great deal of attention – it is yet another factor that renders Trump unfit to be president.

You really can't tell when Trump is just making shit up that his rats want to hear?

This has ZERO to do with any cognitive decline.

Smarten up.
remind me,,

how many votes did kamala get in the primary??

so tell me again how the dems are not a clear and present danger??

That's fucking retarded! First, she was on the ticket in the primary, in that everyone expected her to be Joe's running-mate again.

Point out to me where the mechanics of party nominations are listed in the Constitution. Come to think of it, point out where political parties are mentioned in the Constitution.

when you have trump beating the war drums you let us know, until then try and act like an adult,,

Except Trump did beat the war Drums.

He ordered three times more drone strikes than Obama did.
He provoked tensions with China, North Korea, and Iran.
He pardoned convicted war criminals.
That's fucking retarded! First, she was on the ticket in the primary, in that everyone expected her to be Joe's running-mate again.
And everyone expected Biden was going to be your nominee. Until your leaders decided otherwise.
That's fucking retarded! First, she was on the ticket in the primary, in that everyone expected her to be Joe's running-mate again.

Point out to me where the mechanics of party nominations are listed in the Constitution. Come to think of it, point out where political parties are mentioned in the Constitution.

Except Trump did beat the war Drums.

He ordered three times more drone strikes than Obama did.
He provoked tensions with China, North Korea, and Iran.
He pardoned convicted war criminals.
so tell me again what wars trump started??

we arent talking about joes running mate,, we are talking about installing a candidate against the voters wishes,,

she got 1 vote I think in the primary and now she bypasses all the others,,

dems are a danger to democracy and you know it,,

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