Understanding winning vs losing issues 101 - marijuana legalization

I’ve never found one. Then again in my mind the only responsible use of marijuana would be under the direct and continuous supervision of a medical professional.

I say that as someone who has multiple medical conditions for which marijuana is regularly prescribed.

I am an Ultra-Conservative, Ultra-Traditional Authoritarian. I trust nobody and never have, for many reasons.

You obviously have no intention of discovering anything beyond what you want to believe, and you are no conservative, you are a supporter of big government.
Michael Phelps is not masculine???

Michael Phelps Sports All 23 Gold Medals For SI Cover - CBS Baltimore

Michael Phelps Gold Medal Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty ...

Which side are you on?

Are you a part of the Kamala campaign?
he’s a swimmer, but he is perhaps masculine.

I stand by my point and I’m explaining to you why I am against marijuana legalization. It goes back to the culture of our grandparents. Before the 1960s hippie movement nobody was smoking dope. And look at John Wayne for example do you think that he smoked dope. Again, sure he would have a cigarette or some whiskey. James Bond.

You name it any of the culture figures from the 1950s and before had the masculine essence. The men and women of that era did not smoke weed. Joan Crawford, Audrey Hepburn you name at the list goes on and on.
This guy claiming marijuana is not masculine is a COMPLETE AND TOTAL MORON with NO TRUTH AT ALL.

LeVeon Bell is not masculine... according to the MORON!!!
Relax with the BLM left-wing type language. Turn it down a bit my good friend.

I will acknowledge that there are some masculine folks, including marijuana, dealers crack dealers gangbanger who smoke blunts. And yes a few athletes in the modern era smoke weed. By the way, some of them are pro BLM so what are you gonna say now?

Why can’t you be two sided though acknowledge the facts on both sides that marijuana has feminized tons of young men in the modern era. So perhaps you’re just bringing up the exception not the rule.

But I do wanna make this clear because I don’t think you understand this point or you’re just ignoring it. I’m explaining to you why I am against marijuana legalization. Before the hippies movement of the 1960s marijuana was not a part of our culture and that is the culture I respect the most of our country history…. the World War II era. And we had a stronger society, we had a better middle class. Men weren’t smoking dope, like at all. Now I’ll be fair here in the modern era Some people smoke weed and they are healthy. They work out. You are not being fair. You have to acknowledge that in the modern era tons of pot smokers live in their parents basement, play video games all day and they are leading a directionless life.
ou have to acknowledge that in the modern era tons of pot smokers live in their parents basement, play video games all day and they are leading a directionless life.

That is the same bullshit as "Reefer Madness," pure bullshit. The vast majority of marijuana users are productive American citizens. You have a bigotry and bias against weed just like Delldude, and the two of you together have likely never used it....
Everywhere I go, people stink of weed and they got their by driving. Even on the highway you can smell it ahead of you.
Ever wonder why road rage incidents are so often very violent?I have a pretty good idea.
I’m smelling it all over the place too. It’s filth and the denigration Of America. What would our grandparents think about this?
That is the same bullshit as "Reefer Madness," pure bullshit. The vast majority of marijuana users are productive American citizens. You have a bigotry and bias against weed just like Delldude, and the two of you together have likely never used it....
You’re one-sided and you literally apparently refuse to acknowledge that a single pot smoker smoked dope all day and doesn’t work. You have to acknowledge this. Go ahead and acknowledge it, my friend. Even if you think it’s a low percentage, it exists.
You have no evidence of a correlation. A lot of people who do no work do not use weed. Many of them use PFIZER instead.
You have to acknowledge that people smoke dope all day and play video games and that is their happiness. They exist as a percentage of pot smokers.

So you’re argument is nullified. Their sole purpose in life is getting high every single day. And they do not care about work because work gets in the way of smoking dope.
You have to acknowledge that people smoke dope all day and play video games and that us are happiness. They exist as a percentage of pot smokers.

So you’re argument is nullified. Their sole purpose in life is getting high every single day. And they do not care about work because work gets in the way of smoking dope.

It is up to you to document a correlation, instead of pulling this shit out of your ass....
It is up to you to document a correlation, instead of pulling this shit out of your ass....
You know what this is beyond unbelievable.

There is an entire culture dedicated to the dope smokers. Like the Cheech and Chong movies. I don’t have to show you anything because it’s lived experiences from people around the world and common sense.

That you continue to sit here and refuse to acknowledge that a percentage of pot smokers smoke weed every day of their life and play video games and do not work is simply unbelievable.

Yes, marijuana has been shown to make a lot of women masculine and men feminine. I mean emh haven’t you heard of the hippie movement?

That study used RATS, not humans, and what passes for a taxpayer funded "science study" these days is usually politicized.

The legal profession dearly wants to keep marijuana illegal, they make tons of money off it. Lawyers are actually capable of lying too... and using government connections to push the agenda. "Reefer Madness" was complete and total taxpayer funded BULLSHIT.
Most of the elderly Pro Israel Christians believe that movie, which was taxpayer funded by the individual in charge of Prohibition, who knew Prohibition was about to end, and if he didn't come up with a new "demon" he would lose his job and his power...

The idiocy of the Pro Israel Christian is off the scale.
Listen, brother I know about that reefer madness movie and it is a propaganda movie. But you know what forget about that movie…. marijuana is tied into the feminine BLM culture of America and the weakening of the nuclear family. The weakening of Christian values. The uprise in the idea of white privilege. Look at all of those BLM riots and protests. They’re smoking weed there it smells like dope.

Traditional, masculine essence of movement does not include marijuana. You might bring up some exceptional athlete who smokes weed, but it will not negate the point that before the 1960s when this country did not have BLM, when we had a stronger middle class for whites and blacks we did not have a bunch of people smoking weed.

But you’re also apparently engaging in propaganda here because you refused to say that a single pot user dedicates his or her entire life the smoking weed and not working because they’re happiness is weed and work is in the way of the marijuana.

I have acknowledged that some marijuana smokers are productive so I’m not being one side, but you are.

I used to smoke weed I don’t do it anymore. all during that time in any pot smoker will tell you this they noticed other pot smokers who dedicate their entire life to marijuana use and playing video games. Whatever point you’re talking about this correlation is nonsense with respect. It’s common sense you don’t need a source to that. Marijuana did not exist all of those potheads who played video games all day and don’t work. We have to find something to do. So percentage of them would start to work.
That study used RATS, not humans, and what passes for a taxpayer funded "science study" these days is usually politicized.

The legal profession dearly wants to keep marijuana illegal, they make tons of money off it. Lawyers are actually capable of lying too... and using government connections to push the agenda. "Reefer Madness" was complete and total taxpayer funded BULLSHIT.
On the contrary buddy our government is now making billions of dollars off the legalization of dope. In some states, the sales tax on cannabis is over 30%.

Back in the day, lawyers had to deal with some of their clients who were big-time marijuana dealers. That’s few and far between these days with the legalization of marijuana all throughout the USA.

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