Understanding winning vs losing issues 101 - marijuana legalization

The "Pro Israel Christian" is militantly opposed to marijuana legalization. Faux "News" is too, as is the Jew Fraud of a Christian Preacher.

What does America really think about that issue?

"An overwhelming share of U.S. adults (88%) say marijuana should be legal for medical or recreational use."

and here we are. If the GOP is dominated by math invalid religious drones who care not about winning the election, we have "Trump supporters" hollering at Trump for supporting that which 88% of Americans support.

Why does anyone oppose legalization of marijuana?

1. more jobs in America
2. less US cash going to drug gangs abroad
3. zeroes out crime associated with marijuana being illegal

The people who do oppose aren't operating in reality, they live in a "world" where the only thing that matters is a 2000 year old dead guy floating down from the clouds, and AMERICA DOES NOT AGREE WITH THEM...

and if Trump does, he will LOSE.

Michael Phelps wins 23rd gold medal in last-ever Olympic race

When you are as good in your profession as Michael Phelps is in his, then "your opinion" of marijuana may matter....
I oppose the legalization of Marijuana under laws that make it "LEGAL" without control. It is a potent psychoactive substance ---should be a scheduled drug LIKE MORPHINE and Ketamine.
I oppose the legalization of Marijuana under laws that make it "LEGAL" without control. It is a potent psychoactive substance ---should be a scheduled drug LIKE MORPHINE and Ketamine.

a card carrying member of the 12% who don't understand basic science, economics, or math.... which is why they don't care about fiscal conservatism, don't even know what that means.... a radioactive toxic cancer on the Republican Party since the late 1990s.
I oppose the legalization of Marijuana under laws that make it "LEGAL" without control. It is a potent psychoactive substance ---should be a scheduled drug LIKE MORPHINE and Ketamine.
You have no idea what you’re talking about.
a card carrying member of the 12% who don't understand basic science, economics, or math.... which is why they don't care about fiscal conservatism, don't even know what that means.... a radioactive toxic cancer on the Republican Party since the late 1990s.
I am a registered democrat and a licensed medic. How did you do in college Physics, Calculus and Biology? -------I is phi beta kappa and cum laude. I paid my
HIGH SCHOOL EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY. The term "redioactive toxic cancer" makes no sense. Your only credential is ISLAMO NAZI DOG

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