Zone1 Would You Ever Kill An Insect?

We used to zap ants with magnifying glasses in the sun as kids.

I squish wasps and spiders. For every insect you swat there's millions more.

I side with the birds like take them out, field mice also!

Only if those things are inside my house. The outside ones I leave alone.

Spiders and millipedes, hell yeah. Die!!!
Mosquitos and flies? Absolutely.

I leave the harmless and less creepy bugs alone though, like butterflies and dragonflies.

There was a butterfly in our house a long time ago before we had a cat but she probably would have enjoyed chasing it. 😆

could you consider threatening the family and breaking a couple legs?

either that or a one way fishing trip

What exactly are you talking about?
Only if those things are inside my house. The outside ones I leave alone.

There was a butterfly in our house a long time ago before we had a cat but she probably would have enjoyed chasing it. 😆

What exactly are you talking about?

It was just a joke. I was playing off of Skye's slightly cryptic expressions.... well, I think she got it.

When I first saw this listing it was truncated, and I clicked expecting a much more challenging question.

The answer is, absolutely. I won't go out into the garden and murder butterflies and bumblebees, but if there's a bug in my living space, then of course I will, and then I will go upstairs and sleep like a baby.

If nothing else, they sting, bite, and carry disease. It's a health and safety issue.
How long would the spider stay alive for you. Mine probably wouldn't even make it past the floor.

Or do you just not have the heart to? I'm sort of in-between. Ants and (most) spiders need to die if they're in my house but I'm lenient about other insects.

I leave most everything alone. Mosquitoes being the exception. I massacre them with great glee.
Most of the insects around here are either poisonous, bite, or carry diseases or all three; I kill them all, except ladybugs and bees. I leave lizards and non-poisonous snakes alone; some are fairly large now, which means they're doing a good job.

Would You Ever Kill An Insect?​

I kill wasps "on sight". I am allergic to their sting and I need a cortisone injection as quickly as possible. Oh, and the popular belief, "If you don't bother them they won't bother you" is a myth, I've been stung twice without even knowing there was a wasp in my vicinity.
I believe with all my heart that a small group of posters here are Insect Aliens .
PM me and I will identify them and we can make plans to remedy matters .
PM me your list please. I'll be certain to add them to my ignore list if I haven't already done so.

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