Kamala blames Trump for her disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal

Why couldn't Tater stop the process?
The small contingency force left behind was insuffienct for not only the evacuation but also would be targets of opportunity for the Taliban if we stayed, forcing us to reinforce them by increasing troop level, which would lead to even more casualties added to the Afghan casualties. It was a failed nation building effort that lasted nearly 20 years. President Biden made the right choice in getting us out.
The small contingency force left behind was insuffienct for not only the evacuation but also would be targets of opportunity for the Taliban if we stayed, forcing us to reinforce them by increasing troop level, which would lead to even more casualties added to the Afghan casualties. It was a failed nation building effort that lasted nearly 20 years. President Biden made the right choice in getting us out.
So Tater could have done something besides what he did.

He was not bound by the Trump agreement..............as evidenced by the fact he followed nothing in the agreement.
Trump is the guy who surrended to the Taliban at Doha.

Biden and Harris were just left with the mess.

While losing 13 servicemen (or the total 2459 over the course of the conflict) is tragic, we were accomplishing nothing over there and this should have ended a long time before Biden ended it.
Trump is the guy who surrended to the Taliban at Doha.

Biden and Harris were just left with the mess.

While losing 13 servicemen (or the total 2459 over the course of the conflict) is tragic, we were accomplishing nothing over there and this should have ended a long time before Biden ended it.
Biden ended it? I thought Trump ended it. Call your handlers and ask the to make up your mind.
So Tater could have done something besides what he did.

He was not bound by the Trump agreement..............as evidenced by the fact he followed nothing in the agreement.
Absolutely. The Generals advised him that the most powerful military in the world could retake Kabul with less than 1,000 casualties.

Remember what The Dirty Don said in his first Rally after losing the 2020 election.

"I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah.

What were those other things? Not enforcing the hardly any of the conditions of the conditional withdrawal!
The Generals advised him that the most powerful military in the world could retake Kabul with less than 1,000 casualties.
Not true... debunked by the generals themselves... they said they warned him not to leave a date certain... but Joe wanted his day in the sun.... why are you lying about this when everyone knows the truth?...
The small contingency force left behind was insuffienct for not only the evacuation but also would be targets of opportunity for the Taliban if we stayed, forcing us to reinforce them by increasing troop level, which would lead to even more casualties added to the Afghan casualties. It was a failed nation building effort that lasted nearly 20 years. President Biden made the right choice in getting us out.
There were 6K-7K military personnel and military contractors during the evacuation.
Bullshit you are taking his comments out of context... an often used trick by you libs....
Next you'll say he was just kidding or was being sarcastic......

His confession start around 23:17
Absolutely. The Generals advised him that the most powerful military in the world could retake Kabul with less than 1,000 casualties.

Remember what The Dirty Don said in his first Rally after losing the 2020 election.

"I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah.

What were those other things? Not enforcing the hardly any of the conditions of the conditional withdrawal!
Glad you agree Biden could have done something besides the disaster he decided on.
Next you'll say he was just kidding or was being sarcastic......

His confession start around 23:17
You moron... he is being facetious... in case you don't know what that word means its definition is to treat serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor or being playful in a joking way.... that is Trump like it or not... but I'm sure you know this to be the case which makes you a dishonest troll... and C span fake news....
Not true... debunked by the generals themselves... they said they warned him not to leave a date certain... but Joe wanted his day in the sun.... why are you lying about this when everyone knows the truth?...
Feel free to reference your source.

Sec. Austin: (02:01:55)
Well, Senator, again, I won’t address the advice I gave the President. I would just say that, in his calculus, this was not risk free. And the Taliban we said earlier in this hearing, were committed to recommencing their operations against our forces. His assessment was that, in order to sustain that and continue to do things that benefited the Afghans, that would require at some point that he increase our presence there in Afghanistan.

Sec. Austin: (02:04:05)
Again, it depends on what size you remain in at, and what your objectives are. There are a range of possibilities, but if you stayed there at a forced posture of 2,500, certainly you’d be in a fight with the Taliban, and you’d have to reinforce yourself.

Btw that advise was first given to Benedict Donald after he reduced troop levels to 8600 that further reduction without significant concessions being met by the Taliban risks the collapse of the Afghan Government and Army.

Gen. Milley: (31:22)
"In the fall of 2020 my analysis was that an accelerated withdrawal without meeting specific and necessary conditions risks losing the substantial gains made in Afghanistan, damaging US worldwide credibility, and could precipitate a general collapse of the ANSF and the Afghan government resulting in a complete Taliban takeover or general civil war. "
How many young Americans were you willing to sacrifice to continue the useless war?

500, 1,000?
Pathetic deflection. There were no US military members killed in Trump's last 18 months.

Tater came in and killed 13 with his disastrous decisions.
There were no US military members killed in Trump's last 18 months.
Another phony statistic. There were 12 soldiers KIA in action against the Taliban during Benedict final 18 months. Try Donnie's final 10 months. Biden didn't lose a single soldier to the Taliban. Only a suicide bombing attack on the Airport that killed hundreds of people and 13 of our soldiers. Leave it to the GOP to exploit those 13 hero's by standing on their graves and yelling obscenely at President Biden.

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