Kamala blames Trump for her disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal

Absolutely. The Generals advised him that the most powerful military in the world could retake Kabul with less than 1,000 casualties.

Remember what The Dirty Don said in his first Rally after losing the 2020 election.

"I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah.

What were those other things? Not enforcing the hardly any of the conditions of the conditional withdrawal!
The major complication with the Afghanistan campaign is that the Taliban are a creation of the Fundamentalist Islamic faction within the Pakistani ISI*, their equivalent of a CIA.

To defeat/destroy the Taliban would require effectively neutralize/destroy that faction(half) of the ISI*, which likely would mean a major war with Pakistan.

This is an escalation that most POTUS/Administrations don't want to pursue, especially since we aided this in a form when we used Pakistan to get aid to the Afghanistan resistance to the Soviet occupation during the 1980s.**

Just another example of how often their are details and layers to these issues beyond the knowledge and grasp of most persons posting on forums/boards such as this.

* =

Inter-Services Intelligence - Wikipedia


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