This is a genius idea; you should listen.

All adults should pay their own bills. Don't retire if you haven't saved enough to support yourself.
No need to E-SCREAM, btw.

Sounds like he barely saved enough to pay his own bills. Congrats on adulthood.




No one goes into either profession to GET RICH




No one goes into either profession to GET RICH

Some people work jobs they hate for a lot of money, others choose a job they enjoy for less money. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Choose wisely.
I have no problem with donating money to a charitable cause if I believe in it.

I'm going down a rabbit hole, but fuck Justin Trudeau for destroying the most pure form of charity with his Nazi attack on basic liberty.

GoFundMe for years was the way I could choose to donate to what I and I alone viewed as worthy. That scumbag pile of shit Nazi ruined it by stealing the money people donated to the freedom convey.

May the fleas of a thousand camels infest his armpits.
You seem to not grasp what "capitalist" means.

The state controlling the means of production isn't actually "capitalism."

The state controlling the means of production IS capitalism IF the state is not owned by everyone equally or equally sharing the profits with everyone.
If a few are getting wealthy, that is capitalism.

Capitalism does not define HOW you make a profit, just is the case that you are working with a profit motivation.
If you plunder, kidnap, extort, rob banks, invade other countries, etc. for profit, you are a capitalist.
You seem to not understand what socialism means. It is central planning by a tiny group that controls everything enriching itself through corruption. Paying a little more for a product to get free healthcare is not controlled by any single priviliged group. By the way, you will never get free healthcare from governmnet because it is influenced by politics and group interests and corrupted by bribery.

Socialism can never be centrally planned because what local workers need has to be defined locally.
Socialism can never be controlled by a tiny group because that is not collective, communal, or cooperative, and in fact is not egalitarian at all.
And almost all other countries have free health care.
All you have to do is hire the staff directly and pay them from our tax money, instead of corporations hiring them and adding huge inflated profits.
Socialized medicine cuts cost by about half.
Socialism can never be centrally planned because what local workers need has to be defined locally.
Socialism can never be controlled by a tiny group because that is not collective, communal, or cooperative, and in fact is not egalitarian at all.
And almost all other countries have free health care.
All you have to do is hire the staff directly and pay them from our tax money, instead of corporations hiring them and adding huge inflated profits.
Socialized medicine cuts cost by about half.
Heh.. you're still selling socialism?
The idea is sound. Free healthcare is possible financed completely by industry and business in automatic small percentage taxation added to pricing. There will never be free healthcare in America provided by government. Payng a liitle more for everything is the only way free healthcare can work. Capitalism can provide this easily. There just needs to be a will to do it.
The state controlling the means of production IS capitalism IF the state is not owned by everyone equally or equally sharing the profits with everyone.
If a few are getting wealthy, that is capitalism.

Capitalism does not define HOW you make a profit, just is the case that you are working with a profit motivation.
If you plunder, kidnap, extort, rob banks, invade other countries, etc. for profit, you are a capitalist.

Capitalism says nothing about making a profit.

You are astoundingly ignorant.
Socialism can never be centrally planned because what local workers need has to be defined locally.
Socialism can never be controlled by a tiny group because that is not collective, communal, or cooperative, and in fact is not egalitarian at all.
And almost all other countries have free health care.
All you have to do is hire the staff directly and pay them from our tax money, instead of corporations hiring them and adding huge inflated profits.
Socialized medicine cuts cost by about half.

You just make shit up with utterly no regard for facts or reality.
The idea is sound. Free healthcare is possible financed completely by industry and business in automatic small percentage taxation added to pricing. There will never be free healthcare in America provided by government. Payng a liitle more for everything is the only way free healthcare can work. Capitalism can provide this easily. There just needs to be a will to do it.

Long as gubmint is running everything life will be perfect!

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