This is a genius idea; you should listen.

Most of the people who died during the Covid epidemic died from the effects of tobacco, alcohol, legalized medical marijuana, and illegal street drugs. They did not die from Covid, they died with it. Because these health-destructive industries have power and influence over the US government with ubiquitous lobbyists, nothing was done to address the issue of affordable healthcare in America. These industries are here to stay, and we know that prohibition does not work so out-of-the-box thinking is the only real solution to America’s healthcare woes.

We need to make corporate tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana the biggest health insurance companies in the country. We need to pass legislation providing 100% free healthcare to America’s citizens paid for by these industries. How will they pay for it? They will pay for it by raising prices. That is the bad news as destroying hearts, lungs, and livers will become far more expensive. The good news is that no one in the country will ever pay a cent for complete healthcare coverage.

The first argument that will arise is that the new, prices will discriminate against the poor. This ridiculous position suggests that the poor have a kind of inherent right to destroy their health. The poor are already the demographic that suffers the most from the addictive chemicals imposed by these industries. But the poor will be the group that will benefit the most from free healthcare paid for by these industries.

This could work; we just need to do it.
Ya, where is your source?
Most of the people who died during the Covid epidemic died from the effects of tobacco, alcohol, legalized medical marijuana, and illegal street drugs. They did not die from Covid, they died with it. Because these health-destructive industries have power and influence over the US government with ubiquitous lobbyists, nothing was done to address the issue of affordable healthcare in America. These industries are here to stay, and we know that prohibition does not work so out-of-the-box thinking is the only real solution to America’s healthcare woes.

We need to make corporate tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana the biggest health insurance companies in the country. We need to pass legislation providing 100% free healthcare to America’s citizens paid for by these industries. How will they pay for it? They will pay for it by raising prices. That is the bad news as destroying hearts, lungs, and livers will become far more expensive. The good news is that no one in the country will ever pay a cent for complete healthcare coverage.

The first argument that will arise is that the new, prices will discriminate against the poor. This ridiculous position suggests that the poor have a kind of inherent right to destroy their health. The poor are already the demographic that suffers the most from the addictive chemicals imposed by these industries. But the poor will be the group that will benefit the most from free healthcare paid for by these industries.

This could work; we just need to do it.
Can we include the gun manufacturers too?
Free adults should be responsible for their own bills. That includes both healthcare and college loan repayment.
This idea can be tweaked in a number of ways. It is essentially capitalist healthcare. We could place the major burden on tobacco and alcohol, but all Ameican idustries could be required to raise the price of their products by a small percentage to pay for America's health. They would save on the other end by not paying any healthcare costs for employees including Workman's Compensation.

Do not forget: The goal is free healthcare for all Americans paid for by capitalism, not socialsim.
Social SIM?!
All adults should pay their own bills. Don't retire if you haven't saved enough to support yourself.
No need to E-SCREAM, btw.
My husband can barely afford his insulin
Sounds like he barely saved enough to pay his own bills. Congrats on adulthood.
All adults should pay their own bills. Don't retire if you haven't saved enough to support yourself.
No need to E-SCREAM, btw.

Sounds like he barely saved enough to pay his own bills. Congrats on adulthood.
Yeah, it's his own fault for getting diabetes anyway.

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