This is a Laugh! "Misconception" that Obama a Muslim Spreads!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Cue the paid Obama bots! :lol::lol::lol:

WASHINGTON – Americans increasingly are convinced — incorrectly — that President is a Muslim, and a growing number are thoroughly confused about his religion.

Nearly one in five people, or 18 percent, said they think Obama is Muslim, up from the 11 percent who said so in March 2009, according to a poll released Thursday. The proportion who correctly say he is a Christian is down to just 34 percent.

The largest share of people, 43 percent, said they don't know his religion, an increase from the 34 percent who said that in early 2009.
The survey, conducted by the nonpartisan Pew and its affiliated Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, is based on interviews conducted before the controversy over whether Muslims should be permitted to construct a mosque near the World Trade Center site. Obama has said he believes Muslims have the right to build an Islamic center there, though he's also said he won't take a position on whether they should actually build it.

Poll: Growing number incorrectly call Obama Muslim - Yahoo! News

Oh gee, WHY would ANYONE think Obama is a muslim?

I mean he only went to school at a Madrassa, bows to Saudi Kings, wants a NASA outreach to muslims, and is okay with a Mosque at ground Zero!

Why oh why would that cause a "misconception" about Obama????? Ooooooo let me think! This one is sooooooooooooo hard!!!!!!

The liberal media cracks me up!

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Take your meds, teapartsamuri. Please.

Take your meds, teapartsamuri. Please.


No seriously! Why would that "misconception" spread? I don't know if the guy is a muslim, but I can certainly understand why people would think he is.

It's not like he's hiding his where his sympathies lie. But the idea the liberal media is suprised by this?

I'm not expecting him to put Michelle in a burqua, but you have to admit, there is something very FUNNY about this article. That's what I'm laughing at! That they are surprised people might draw this conclusion about Obama. Seems like a DUH to me!

Of course people are going to suspsect this, when the guy goes out of his WAY to kiss up to muslims! Why would the liberal media be surprised by this?

You have to lighten up and see the humorous side of this!

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Take your meds, teapartsamuri. Please.


No seriously! Why would that "misconception" spread? I don't know if the guy is a muslim, but I can certainly understand why people would think he is.

It's not like he's hiding his where his sympathies lie. But the idea the liberal media is suprised by this?

I'm not expecting him to put Michelle in a burqua, but you have to admit, there is something very FUNNY about this article. That's what I'm laughing at! That they are surprised people might draw this conclusion about Obama. Seems like a DUH to me!

Of course people are going to suspsect this, when the guy goes out of his WAY to kiss up to muslims! Why would the liberal media be surprised by this?

You have to lighten up and see the humorous side of this!


Oh, trust me....we KNOW why that misconception spreads. :lol::lol::lol:
Yanno, its drivel like this that keeps people like me out of the tea party movement. Y'all say you are concerned about spending...and then the hate and ignorance just begins to weep out of you like puss from an open wound.
Two things

1) He has already stated he is a christian.

2) even if he is a Muslim, who the hell cares! If we are trying to pretend like we are a country based upon religious freedom and equality, then he should be able to be a part of any religion.

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
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Yanno, its drivel like this that keeps people like me out of the tea party movement. Y'all say you are concerned about spending...and then the hate and ignorance just begins to weep out of you like puss from an open wound.

You are falling prey to the idea that the Tea Party has to please the media or be "taken seriously" by them.

That's the Republican party disease. That's why they are in the state they are. They are sooooooooooo afraid they won't be taken seriously by the media or the media will think they are "racist, this or racist that" that they are afraid to take a stand or do anything.

DON'T FALL FOR THAT! The Tea Party doesn't need to gain the approval of the liberal media. Sooooooooooo . . .

LIGHTEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

WE ARE LAUGHING AT THIS! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

It's funny as hell! WHY would people think Obama is a muslim???

You can't see how funny that is????????

That the media are surprised people might think that given Obama's actions????

It's like the media being surprised that people might think Obama is a radical.

GEEEEEEEE, why would people think that????? :lol::lol::lol:

We are laughing at the completely obtuse nature of the media on this and you are taking the whole thing seriously!

Take your meds, teapartsamuri. Please.


No seriously! Why would that "misconception" spread? I don't know if the guy is a muslim, but I can certainly understand why people would think he is.

It's not like he's hiding his where his sympathies lie. But the idea the liberal media is suprised by this?

I'm not expecting him to put Michelle in a burqua, but you have to admit, there is something very FUNNY about this article. That's what I'm laughing at! That they are surprised people might draw this conclusion about Obama. Seems like a DUH to me!

Of course people are going to suspsect this, when the guy goes out of his WAY to kiss up to muslims! Why would the liberal media be surprised by this?

You have to lighten up and see the humorous side of this!


Oh, trust me....we KNOW why that misconception spreads. :lol::lol::lol:

I mean seriously! He bows to Saudi Kings, he wants a "muslim outreach" at Nasa, he's okay with the mosque at grond zero!

WHY would such a "misconception" spread????

And the media is actually puzzled! That's the funny part!

Two things

1) He has already stated he is a christian.

2) even if he is a Muslim, who the hell cares! If we are trying to pretend like we are a country based upon religious freedom and equality, then he should be able to be a part of any religion.

A) I don't believe he is a Christian.

B) I think the only "god" Obama worships is himself.

Obama suffers from the same politically correct misconception about Islam that appeasement is what we need to keep muslims from attacking us. Look up Europe appeasement of Hitler to get a bird's eye view of how well that works.

If Obama were actually a muslim he would understand it better. He doesn't. He's just an appeasement liberal.

That's not the point. The point is the media being "surprised" there would be this misconception given Obama's BLATANT ACTIONS KISSING UP TO ISLAM.

It's a DUH! That's the point. I'm laughing at the liberal media's surprise at this. It's funny as hell.

Two things

1) He has already stated he is a christian.

2) even if he is a Muslim, who the hell cares! If we are trying to pretend like we are a country based upon religious freedom and equality, then he should be able to be a part of any religion.

A) I don't believe he is a Christian.

B) I think the only "god" Obama worships is himself.

Obama suffers from the same politically correct misconception about Islam that appeasement is what we need to keep muslims from attacking us. Look up Europe appeasement of Hitler to get a bird's eye view of how well that works.

If Obama were actually a muslim he would understand it better. He doesn't. He's just an appeasement liberal.

That's not the point. The point is the media being "surprised" there would be this misconception given Obama's BLATANT ACTIONS KISSING UP TO ISLAM.

It's a DUH! That's the point. I'm laughing at the liberal media's surprise at this. It's funny as hell.


Are you a Christian? Or are you just another person who pretends to believe all that unbelievable stuff because it scares you shitless not to believe it?
So, teabagsamIam's claim is that if you aren't hostile towards a religion, you must be that religion.

Anyone else agree with that?
Two things

1) He has already stated he is a christian.

2) even if he is a Muslim, who the hell cares! If we are trying to pretend like we are a country based upon religious freedom and equality, then he should be able to be a part of any religion.

A) I don't believe he is a Christian.

B) I think the only "god" Obama worships is himself.

Obama suffers from the same politically correct misconception about Islam that appeasement is what we need to keep muslims from attacking us. Look up Europe appeasement of Hitler to get a bird's eye view of how well that works.

If Obama were actually a muslim he would understand it better. He doesn't. He's just an appeasement liberal.

That's not the point. The point is the media being "surprised" there would be this misconception given Obama's BLATANT ACTIONS KISSING UP TO ISLAM.

It's a DUH! That's the point. I'm laughing at the liberal media's surprise at this. It's funny as hell.


Are you a Christian? Or are you just another person who pretends to believe all that unbelievable stuff because it scares you shitless not to believe it?

Typical PAID Obamabot reaction!

Try to make it about me and not the actual article!

So, teabagsamIam's claim is that if you aren't hostile towards a religion, you must be that religion.

Anyone else agree with that?

Typical Obamabot reaction. I laugh at the way the media presents this and that must mean I believe it??????

Do Obama bots have the ability to think for themselves.

I don't think so!

Anyone else think the teaparty freak gets paid to post this garbage?

i vote yea... :thup:
So, teabagsamIam's claim is that if you aren't hostile towards a religion, you must be that religion.

Anyone else agree with that?

Typical Obamabot reaction. I laugh at the way the media presents this and that must mean I believe it??????

Do Obama bots have the ability to think for themselves.

I don't think so!


It's you and your retarded rightwing friends who think Obama is a Muslim.

Did you think G W Bush was a Muslim, and not a Christian, because after 9/11 he proclaimed that we were not at war with Islam?

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