This is a system wide collapse Texas border city overwhelmed by surge of central american migrants


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Democrats like to deride President Trump’s warnings about a crisis at the southern border as a “fake emergency” reliant on “nonsensical” numbers about the flow of migrants. They even tried, and failed, to terminate his emergency declaration, which has also triggered a flurry of lawsuits, but that won’t change the fact that the first tranche of money from Trump’s expanded border wall has already been approved by the DoJ.

Democrats like to make shit up as they go alonng and then they actually believe their own lies lol.
Time to lock and load.. Protect our country... Call up Citizens to close the damn hole!

The left is so ignorant of the problem that they will soon get a boot in the ass in congress. The spinless republicans wont take the long term approach and fix the damn problem permanently. What are these fools going to do when WE THE PEOPLE protect our rights and sovereignty without them and how soon before we hold them accountable?

I fully expect Trump to move in fast reaction forces very quickly to avoid a public reaction. This is a full on invasion and our leaders are to damn stupid to see it or that is what they want. If its what they want its time for trials, for sedition and treason!
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Democrats like to deride President Trump’s warnings about a crisis at the southern border as a “fake emergency” reliant on “nonsensical” numbers about the flow of migrants. They even tried, and failed, to terminate his emergency declaration, which has also triggered a flurry of lawsuits, but that won’t change the fact that the first tranche of money from Trump’s expanded border wall has already been approved by the DoJ.

Democrats like to make shit up as they go alonng and then they actually believe their own lies lol.
You don't have to tell us about the Demon-crats, just look at the last two years. The agenda's have been broken, and the Demon-crats failed big league.
Watched a great documentary called "Borderforce" the bridges.

That just showed the problems at legal points of entry, so just think about the non-legal points of entry.
Could someone please clear this up for me.

You folks watch TEE VEE, you listen to the pundits, maybe they have answered the question.

I thought according to international law, if you wanted to claim asylum, once you got out of the danger zone, you are supposed to claim asylum in the first nation that you enter?

Do I have this wrong?

Or, alternatively, if they wanted to claim in the U.S., they would go to the embassy in Mexico City. WHY are they trekking all the way north? Is this not a violation of the UN rules? What am I missing? :dunno:
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Could someone please clear this up for me.

You folks watch TEE VEE, you listen to the pundits, maybe they have answered the question.

I thought according to international law, if you wanted to claim asylum, once you got out of the danger zone, you are supposed to claim claim asylum in the first nation that you enter?

Do I have this wrong?

Or, alternatively, if they wanted to claim in the U.S., they would go to the embassy in Mexico City. WHY are the trekking all the way north? Is this not a violation of the UN rules? What am I missing? :dunno:
According to international law you are correct. "The first country outside of the danger". So the caravans are all illegal organizations, criminal enterprises. Their leaders and organizers should be held accountable.
Cloward-Piven has been turned up to 11.

I believe it has more to do with the day laborer organization, BIG AG, and the DNC's desire to create a permanent majority.

If the globalists/UN can ensure the DNC a permanent majority, the DNC will reciprocate by giving them their long desired agenda 2030.

Cloward-Piven has been turned up to 11.

I believe it has more to do with the day laborer organization, BIG AG, and the DNC's desire to create a permanent majority.

If the globalists/UN can ensure the DNC a permanent majority, the DNC will reciprocate by giving them their long desired agenda 2030.

It all goes back to UN Agenda 21... Or whatever name they call it today. It has always been about world control and domination. The goal has never changed.
Could someone please clear this up for me.

You folks watch TEE VEE, you listen to the pundits, maybe they have answered the question.

I thought according to international law, if you wanted to claim asylum, once you got out of the danger zone, you are supposed to claim asylum in the first nation that you enter?

Do I have this wrong?

Or, alternatively, if they wanted to claim in the U.S., they would go to the embassy in Mexico City. WHY are they trekking all the way north? Is this not a violation of the UN rules? What am I missing? :dunno:

lol. It is the UN that's behind it. We are experiencing the UN's browning of America.
Could someone please clear this up for me.

You folks watch TEE VEE, you listen to the pundits, maybe they have answered the question.

I thought according to international law, if you wanted to claim asylum, once you got out of the danger zone, you are supposed to claim asylum in the first nation that you enter?

Do I have this wrong?

Or, alternatively, if they wanted to claim in the U.S., they would go to the embassy in Mexico City. WHY are they trekking all the way north? Is this not a violation of the UN rules? What am I missing? :dunno:

lol. It is the UN that's behind it. We are experiencing the UN's browning of America.

The UN cotnrols more of the US than most realize. GUN LAWS included ( not all )
It's done via military.
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Could someone please clear this up for me.

You folks watch TEE VEE, you listen to the pundits, maybe they have answered the question.

I thought according to international law, if you wanted to claim asylum, once you got out of the danger zone, you are supposed to claim asylum in the first nation that you enter?

Do I have this wrong?

Or, alternatively, if they wanted to claim in the U.S., they would go to the embassy in Mexico City. WHY are they trekking all the way north? Is this not a violation of the UN rules? What am I missing? :dunno:

lol. It is the UN that's behind it. We are experiencing the UN's browning of America.
If so, then is the Browning perceived by the UN, as a more gullable vulnerable people in which to control when succeed ???? Hmmmm. There is that thought in the wondering of it all. Now I don't think brown people are any less smart than white people if educated, but the UN in it's dealing with alot of uneducated poor impoverished nations, just might have this opinion due to the conditions in those countries being delt with. The thing for blacks or brown people in this nation to do, is to reject the UN if true that it has the opinion that brown people are easier controlled then white people.
Could someone please clear this up for me.

You folks watch TEE VEE, you listen to the pundits, maybe they have answered the question.

I thought according to international law, if you wanted to claim asylum, once you got out of the danger zone, you are supposed to claim asylum in the first nation that you enter?

Do I have this wrong?

Or, alternatively, if they wanted to claim in the U.S., they would go to the embassy in Mexico City. WHY are they trekking all the way north? Is this not a violation of the UN rules? What am I missing? :dunno:

lol. It is the UN that's behind it. We are experiencing the UN's browning of America.
If so, then is the Browning perceived by the UN, as a more gullable vulnerable people in which to control when succeed ???? Hmmmm. There is that thought in the wondering of it all. Now I don't think brown people are any less smart than white people if educated, but the UN in it's dealing with alot of uneducated poor impoverished nations, just might have this opinion due to the conditions in those countries being delt with. The thing for blacks or brown people in this nation to do, is to reject the UN if true that it has the opinion that brown people are easier controlled then white people.

This is a white country. Over 70 %, and we hold dear our rights and our Constitution. WE are the people the UN can't control. Hence let's brown it up with people we can control. The UN forced migration of browns onto Germany, France, and England and the rest of the EU and it has caused a shit storm. We, on the other hand, elected Trump to make sure it doesn't happen here.
These caravans are a pissing contest between the UN and Soros, vs Trump and our country. One that we intend to win...

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