‘This is an illegitimate nomination’


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
“This is an illegitimate nomination,” said Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), who said he had “no intention” of meeting with the nominee. “I personally have no desire to pretend it’s acceptable.”

“No,” said Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.). “Why would you meet with somebody if you already know where they’re going to be on every case?”

Or, as Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) put it: “Whatever she has to say to me, she should say it under oath.”

Great! Not having to meet with these goobers will certainly speed up the confirmation.

‘This is an illegitimate nomination’: Some Democrats snub Trump's pick
“This is an illegitimate nomination,” said Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), who said he had “no intention” of meeting with the nominee. “I personally have no desire to pretend it’s acceptable.”

“No,” said Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.). “Why would you meet with somebody if you already know where they’re going to be on every case?”

Or, as Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) put it: “Whatever she has to say to me, she should say it under oath.”

Great! Not having to meet with these goobers will certainly speed up the confirmation.

‘This is an illegitimate nomination’: Some Democrats snub Trump's pick

No one knows who the pick is yet, and the libs are already trashing them.
These kooks are gonna provoke widespread violence, REAL violence, and once they do so, then we are coming for them, we control the military, we control law enforcement, there is no scenario in which this ends well for democratic fascism! :Boom2:
i would not mind having someone fill this seat (notice i didn't say "replace Justice Ginsburg", because no one can replace RUTH GADER BINSBURG!)
According to democrats, mail in ballots and fraud produce a legitimate election.

But legitimately replacing the supreme court justice is illegitimate.

Further, they will pack the court AS SOON AS it becomes conservative and they are given the chance. They will always change the rules whenever they start losing badly, whether it be the court justices or democracy. No mercy at all for these demon worshipers.
The latest dem tantrum.

Next they'll hold their breath uhtil they get a pony.

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