This is an outrage!


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
What the CIA did puts it on the same level as the KGB and Gestapo! America is supposed to be a civilized society! The CIA needs to be reformed or replaced by the FBI! I don't understand why any American would choose to participate in this barbarism!
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To be honest I dont trust any part of our government.
And the older I get,the more evidence I see that I'm correct in that theory.
I wear this patch on my riding vest:
Did people really believe this was not happening? I'm actually surprised people did not know this.
What the CIA did puts it on the same level as the KGB and Gestapo! America is supposed to be a civilized society! The CIA needs to be reformed or replaced by the FBI! I don't understand why any American would choose to participate in this barbarism!

What we learned at Nuremburg is now okay for us to do.

The word of the US is now worthless.

We should hang our heads in shame.
Considering it was The retard Feinstein that released the report I have a hard time believing the reports factually accurate
What the CIA did puts it on the same level as the KGB and Gestapo! America is supposed to be a civilized society! The CIA needs to be reformed or replaced by the FBI! I don't understand why any American would choose to participate in this barbarism!

What we learned at Nuremburg is now okay for us to do.

The word of the US is now worthless.

We should hang our heads in shame.
Yeah because your president cannot tell the truth.
Libs would be tickled shitless if they could do that to Republicans and get away with it.
What the CIA did puts it on the same level as the KGB and Gestapo! America is supposed to be a civilized society! The CIA needs to be reformed or replaced by the FBI! I don't understand why any American would choose to participate in this barbarism!

s0n......don't be such a fucking fag.

A huge majority of Americans think the CIA probably keeps the rooms too warm for these subhumans.........and doesn't think they should be kept awake for 48 hours.........should be double that time ( shit....Id sign up for that job tomorrow :biggrin:)

Dang..............what the fuck with the male population over the last 40 years. The feminist agenda has succeeded in producing a fair number of fairies.............missed the memo on buckling up your chinstrap in life. Mofu's get hysterical about ANYTHING!!!

Id say these same people need some time in the rubber room with Barney blasting through the loudspeakers!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::rock:
Lets be very clear here.................

The OP and his mental case supporters deeply believe that the best way to confront a terror bad guy who has kidnapped your kid is to pour some wine and sit them at a table like this to win them over >>>


Its called missing a few critical memo's along the way in life...........somehow, the pussification process was not interrupted!!! These mofu's are the most dangerous people in our society......if they had their way, they'd be sending Gitmo bad guys on vacation to Hawaii tomorrow with apologies!!! Cant make it up s0ns.;...............

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