'This is how democracies die', EU lawmaker says amid Putin interview controversy

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

A big win for putin as he enjoys a softball interview with carlson. Essentially an unchallenged monologue that allowed the indicted war criminal to spout shit for several hours in front of an adoring fanboy.
Maybe a proper journo would have asked some awkward quwstions ? But then a proper journo would not have been allowed near vlad.

A big win for putin as he enjoys a softball interview with carlson. Essentially an unchallenged monologue that allowed the indicted war criminal to spout shit for several hours in front of an adoring fanboy.
Maybe a proper journo would have asked some awkward quwstions ? But then a proper journo would not have been allowed near vlad.

Actually Putin came off as a giant bullshitter.

How does democracy die when both sides of an issue are allowed to speak?

A big win for putin as he enjoys a softball interview with carlson. Essentially an unchallenged monologue that allowed the indicted war criminal to spout shit for several hours in front of an adoring fanboy.
Maybe a proper journo would have asked some awkward quwstions ? But then a proper journo would not have been allowed near vlad.
Democracy dies every time when animal instincts like queers end up getting a foothold in civilization. Once that is done, the end always comes fast.

The nation that embraces homosexuality will be destroyed | Bible.org
In the 1930s, British anthropologist J.D. Unwin studied 86 cultures that stretched across 5,000 years. He found, without exception, when they restricted sex to marriage, they thrived.
Strong families headed by faithful spouses made for bold, prosperous societies. But not one culture survived more than three generations after turning sexually permissive.
Noted Harvard sociologist Pitirim Sorokin found no culture surviving once it ceased to support marriage* and monogamy. None.

* Marriage can only be between a man and a woman.

A big win for putin as he enjoys a softball interview with carlson. Essentially an unchallenged monologue that allowed the indicted war criminal to spout shit for several hours in front of an adoring fanboy.
Maybe a proper journo would have asked some awkward quwstions ? But then a proper journo would not have been allowed near vlad.
Democracies don't die because of an interciew, they die via poor policies and political corruption which is not met with proper consequences. The EU followed Merkel to their demise as she mothballed carbon neutral nuclear power which made them dependent on Russian oil, to having their high end car market IP stolen by China (yep, these slow learners took.the bait too), to mass migration of people from all over the world who cant speak German and have little skills. This is how democracies die.
Democracies don't die because of an interciew, they die via poor policies and political corruption which is not met with proper consequences. The EU followed Merkel to their demise as she mothballed carbon neutral nuclear power which made them dependent on Russian oil, to having their high end car market IP stolen by China (yep, these slow learners took.the bait too), to mass migration of people from all over the world who cant speak German and have little skills. This is how democracies die.
Democracies die in many ways. This is one of them.
was it an interview, or a debate?
Interviewers ask questions and then respond to the answers with follow up questions,
For Example.

Carlson - are you going to invade poland ?
Putin - no. we have no interest in poland
Carlson should then have reminded him that he said the same before invading ukraine.
But he didnt. He just let it pass. Maybe he was ignorant of this. If so he should not have been there.
According to you. Again, All I saw of Putin was bullshit and weak historical arguments for the return of the greater russian empire.
Maybe not everyone is as wise as you. These maga twats are the thickest creatures on gods earth.

A big win for putin as he enjoys a softball interview with carlson. Essentially an unchallenged monologue that allowed the indicted war criminal to spout shit for several hours in front of an adoring fanboy.
Maybe a proper journo would have asked some awkward quwstions ? But then a proper journo would not have been allowed near vlad.
Russia has a very casual relationship with democracy anyway, so might as well let it die there.
Interviewers ask questions and then respond to the answers with follow up questions,
For Example.

Carlson - are you going to invade poland ?
Putin - no. we have no interest in poland
Carlson should then have reminded him that he said the same before invading ukraine.
But he didnt. He just let it pass. Maybe he was ignorant of this. If so he should not have been there.

and now everyone that watched the interview knows Putin says they have no interest in invading Poland. and they already know he invaded the Ukraine.

Carlson got his point across, with no chance of being shot before leaving the studio.

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