'This is how democracies die', EU lawmaker says amid Putin interview controversy

Yes, the Russians should leave.

Russians will be going nowhere until that cesspit is denazified


and their Nato handlers taught a lesson, with luck it won't be long.

Hasn't it been nearly 2 years already? What's Putinloser waiting for?
You won't be laughing when Zelensky takes off from a provincial airport one night with his loot, it's going tits up as we speak.
The left defines “democracy” as “we get what we want every time.”

Anything else is a “threat to democracy.”
You are confusing them with the US, the US have overthrown many democracies, didn't they decide some clown in Venezuela is the President even though he didn't take part in the election? he was just a US stooge so they decided he was President. :TH_WAY~113:
You are confusing them with the US, the US have overthrown many democracies, didn't they decide some clown in Venezuela is the President even though he didn't take part in the election? he was just a US stooge so they decided he was President. :TH_WAY~113:
First of all, no. That is not what happened at all, as far as I know. Perhaps you could explain further and include some references.

Second of all, you would need to do that on another thread, since that has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, which is whether a journalist interviewing a world leader is a threat to democracy.

A big win for putin as he enjoys a softball interview with carlson. Essentially an unchallenged monologue that allowed the indicted war criminal to spout shit for several hours in front of an adoring fanboy.
Maybe a proper journo would have asked some awkward quwstions ? But then a proper journo would not have been allowed near vlad.

Carnival in Moscow:

Carnival in Rio:

The difference?

Brazil celebrates life - Russia celebrates death.
First of all, no. That is not what happened at all, as far as I know. Perhaps you could explain further and include some references.

Second of all, you would need to do that on another thread, since that has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, which is whether a journalist interviewing a world leader is a threat to democracy.
Well it is what happened, anyway why would a journalist not interview a important World leader?
Well it is what happened,
I doubt it, but OK.
anyway why would a journalist not interview a important World leader?
I believe that was my point. Ad journalist should interview an important world eater. And if that world leader only wants to be interviewed by a particular journalist, whether we love or hate that journalist, we can still learn from the interview.
Did democracy die all these other times, dipshit?

View attachment 899774

Exactly! ^^^


A big win for putin as he enjoys a softball interview with carlson. Essentially an unchallenged monologue that allowed the indicted war criminal to spout shit for several hours in front of an adoring fanboy.
Maybe a proper journo would have asked some awkward quwstions ? But then a proper journo would not have been allowed near vlad.


By the way: A typical form of the new modern Nazi propaganda. Worst Nazis are the Jews in this form of propaganda. Question: Nazi on your own or only a useful idiots of Nazis? Are you a Russian or only an US-American under influence of Putins deputy Donald Trump?
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You are talking bollocks on this one Tommy, what the hell are the establishment scared of? i watched the whole thing wonder how many of the people attacking Carlson and Putin did?
Putin is a nazi thug that the world needs rid of.
I doubt it, but OK.

I believe that was my point. Ad journalist should interview an important world eater. And if that world leader only wants to be interviewed by a particular journalist, whether we love or hate that journalist, we can still learn from the interview.
As far as i know Putin would be interviewed by any Western Journalist, and i think in the past he has been, its those Western propagandists masquerading as Journalists who won't interview him, just look at the hysterical pearl clutching about Carlson having the audacity to carry out the interview.
Well what would you call people who have actual Nazi units like Azov as part of the security forces, or hold regular marches supporting wartime collaborators and build monuments to them call for the death of ethnic Russians demolish monuments to fallen Soldiers who liberated Ukraine from the Nazis?

Germany is starting to have the same issue, and the greeks have their far right as well. Is Russia allowed to invade them?

The Ukrainians are allowed to hate the Russians for what was done to them over the Soviet era.

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