This Is Inspirational

I don't believe the majority of teachers are indoctrinating children. Just because you hear about it sometimes does not mean that most do that. I think most teachers are able to keep it neutral and stick to the lesson plans.
It is not necessarily the fault of teachers, but of the curriculum. My cousin is a teacher who has now resigned because of the brainwashing content of the curriculum and because everything is so horrendously dumbed down because half the class don't speak English very well. It has become increasingly difficult to teach for these reasons, and the dumbing down increases year on year. This is what's happening in UK state education system, maybe it's different over the pond.

I don't really know what the curriculum is nowadays. When I was in school, that kind of stuff was not happening though. My cousin loves her job and hasn't mentioned anything about that. She teaches middle school students.
Well there was a thread somewhere here a while back where outraged parents were complaining about their kids learning that anal sex, among other things, is as 'normal' (for want of a better word) as regular sex. Entire Days of silence (not learning) in 'support' of LGBT issues, the wearing of badges in support of Lgbt by teachers. And yet other threads where kids are copying out and reciting the shahada without, really understanding what they are doing, dressing up in niqabs, and having many more hours spent on learning about Islam, for example, than Christianity, Judaism, Hindusim etc etc. It seems there has been a lot of parental upset over a perceived bias toward teaching Islam and it's ....ummm....peaceful nature, whilst at the same time Christianity, for example is glossed over. These are just a few of the issues I've seen discussed here in the last few months, and it suggests all is not well in paradise. Also, an issue with planned parenthood strippers delivering sex ed in classrooms, and something about ?common core? Can't remember what that was about.

Well, I just asked my son about learning about Islam or anal sex or anything like that, and he said no. He's 21 (in January), and only graduated a few years ago.

He went to Massachusetts public school system.

He just told me that he learned anatomy, safe sex, STDs and things like that.

Well...your son must have missed out on the regular curriculum. As we have been told by many USMB participants....teachers nowadays bring huge black dildos to class and demonstrate how to have anal sex. I mean...who wouldn't believe that?
Some of our best and brightest do become teachers.

Lift Off

Perhaps....but sadly they are outnumbered by complete morons 10-1.

Of course they are. Nine out of ten people who decide to dedicate their lives to teaching must be complete morons You are so right.

If only they could all be as bright as you.

If only....on one hand, the teacher can only follow the lousy curriculum they are given.
I don't know you...but if you had kids go through school and not come across some real idiots then let me know where they went - my grandkids need to do there...or you were blind to it.

I'd tell you all about my kids and their teachers.'d accuse me of bragging.

I've never met a teacher of any of my kids who I would describe and an idiot or a moron.

As long as a teacher knows something that my kid doesn't know....and is passionate about passing that knowledge on to my's all good.
Not when it's global warming bullshit they are passing off as science.
Some of our best and brightest do become teachers.

Lift Off

Perhaps....but sadly they are outnumbered by complete morons 10-1.

Of course they are. Nine out of ten people who decide to dedicate their lives to teaching must be complete morons You are so right.

If only they could all be as bright as you.

If only....on one hand, the teacher can only follow the lousy curriculum they are given.
I don't know you...but if you had kids go through school and not come across some real idiots then let me know where they went - my grandkids need to do there...or you were blind to it.

I'd tell you all about my kids and their teachers.'d accuse me of bragging.

I've never met a teacher of any of my kids who I would describe and an idiot or a moron.

As long as a teacher knows something that my kid doesn't know....and is passionate about passing that knowledge on to my's all good.
Not when it's global warming bullshit they are passing off as science.

OK chief. Whatever you say.
Perhaps....but sadly they are outnumbered by complete morons 10-1.

Of course they are. Nine out of ten people who decide to dedicate their lives to teaching must be complete morons You are so right.

If only they could all be as bright as you.

If only....on one hand, the teacher can only follow the lousy curriculum they are given.
I don't know you...but if you had kids go through school and not come across some real idiots then let me know where they went - my grandkids need to do there...or you were blind to it.

I'd tell you all about my kids and their teachers.'d accuse me of bragging.

I've never met a teacher of any of my kids who I would describe and an idiot or a moron.

As long as a teacher knows something that my kid doesn't know....and is passionate about passing that knowledge on to my's all good.
Not when it's global warming bullshit they are passing off as science.

OK chief. Whatever you say.
Glad to have destroyed the liberal argument that our children aren't being brainwashed.
My six year old step granddaughter started first grade able to count to 100, knew her colors, abcs and could read beginner stories.

Her teacher considered that a form of child abuse. Teacher complained that the girl would have to unlearn everything so she could learn the common core way.
I don't believe the majority of teachers are indoctrinating children. Just because you hear about it sometimes does not mean that most do that. I think most teachers are able to keep it neutral and stick to the lesson plans.
It is not necessarily the fault of teachers, but of the curriculum. My cousin is a teacher who has now resigned because of the brainwashing content of the curriculum and because everything is so horrendously dumbed down because half the class don't speak English very well. It has become increasingly difficult to teach for these reasons, and the dumbing down increases year on year. This is what's happening in UK state education system, maybe it's different over the pond.

I don't really know what the curriculum is nowadays. When I was in school, that kind of stuff was not happening though. My cousin loves her job and hasn't mentioned anything about that. She teaches middle school students.
Well there was a thread somewhere here a while back where outraged parents were complaining about their kids learning that anal sex, among other things, is as 'normal' (for want of a better word) as regular sex. Entire Days of silence (not learning) in 'support' of LGBT issues, the wearing of badges in support of Lgbt by teachers. And yet other threads where kids are copying out and reciting the shahada without, really understanding what they are doing, dressing up in niqabs, and having many more hours spent on learning about Islam, for example, than Christianity, Judaism, Hindusim etc etc. It seems there has been a lot of parental upset over a perceived bias toward teaching Islam and it's ....ummm....peaceful nature, whilst at the same time Christianity, for example is glossed over. These are just a few of the issues I've seen discussed here in the last few months, and it suggests all is not well in paradise. Also, an issue with planned parenthood strippers delivering sex ed in classrooms, and something about ?common core? Can't remember what that was about.

Well, I just asked my son about learning about Islam or anal sex or anything like that, and he said no. He's 21 (in January), and only graduated a few years ago.

He went to Massachusetts public school system.

He just told me that he learned anatomy, safe sex, STDs and things like that.

I think the media likes to explode the most sensational incidents all out of proportion...and people think they're the norm.

Sometimes....I think this is more accurate :D


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