This is my answer


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
to the thousands of lib posts on Trumps aggressive actions. We have now discovered that the first libtard whiner lived 450 million years ago....

Scientists find 'oldest human ancestor' - BBC News
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Conservatives shouldn't try humor. They just come across as a whiny little bitches.

del's no conservative, he's a fucking idiot ... 450 million years ago he was aspiring to be a rock. ( and still is)
The researchers say that its most striking feature is its large mouth, relative to the rest of its body....

Deltex is onto something here, libturds do have big mouths
go take a nap del, and dream about being smart enough to put this thread in the correct forum while I digress back to post # 6.
View attachment 109601 to the thousands of lib posts on Trumps aggressive actions. We have now discovered that the first libtard whiner lived 450 million years ago....

Scientists find 'oldest human ancestor' - BBC News

View attachment 109601 to the thousands of lib posts on Trumps aggressive actions. We have now discovered that the first libtard whiner lived 450 million years ago....

Scientists find 'oldest human ancestor' - BBC News

Looks like Trump's pie hole.


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