This Is Not Supposed to be happening in 2021 according to the Far Right.

Systematic racism exists. I have to laugh at your comment because all whites aren't racists, but you are claiming that all white people are when you accuse me of hating all white people when all aling I have stated that my opposition is to whites who are racists.

Hate to state the obvious but if you have individual racism, you will also have systemic racism. And you really need to stop talking about policies you know nothing about.
"Systematic racism exists."

It's a leftwing hoax.
No one has ever said that individual racism doesn't exist, your obvious hatred of white people is a great example. What people are saying is the claims of systemic racism is complete bullshit, well there is Affirmative Action.
Except nationwide in the rental housing system apparently. :cuckoo:
And after your cherrypicked comment this was written:

We report evidence on discriminatory behavior from the largest correspondence study conducted to date in the rental housing market. Using more than 25,000 interactions with rental property managers across the 50 largest U.S. cities, the study reveals that African American and Hispanic/ LatinX renters continue to face discriminatory constraints in the majority of U.S. cities although there are important regional differences. Stronger discriminatory constraints on renters of color (particularly African Americans) are also associated with higher levels of residential segregation and larger gaps in intergenerational income mobility. Using matched evidence on the actual rental outcomes at the properties in our experiment, we show that correspondence study measurements of discrimination do indeed predict actual outcomes.

"The present study reports evidence from the largest correspondence experiment conducted to date in the housing market. Using a software bot developed at the National Center for Super computing Applications, the study examines more than 25,428 interactions between property managers and fictitious renters engaged in search on an online rental housing platform, revealing patterns of discrimination encountered in the initial stage of a search."

Racism exists in housing today. That's a fact. I'm sure if the study showd that such discrimination was happening to whites you would not have made such an idiotic comment.
That's horseshit.
Lower incomes equals lower reliability to pay. May be a factor. But yes; there MAY be something to it IF......

What in that report leads you to believe that the cited applicants of color were not able to meet the financial standards required to obtain a lease?
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I own a number of residential properties in and around Southern California, I know this for fact…..DARK PEOPLE DESTROY RENTAL PROPERTIES, they slow pay on rents and refuse to leave when evicted. Caucasians and Asians take life far more serious, they don’t pull this bullshit.
Don’t let that pesky racist truth hurt your feelings Hutch Starskey
Stay in there….present a logical argument in opposition to what I’ve said…I suspect you can’t.
Racists like you want people to ignore racism so you can continue practicing it.

Let's get this thing correct. Racism by those who practice it keeps us divided. If you are about ending the division, you don't lie in the face of evidence as if somebody is making it up. Racism will not end by people ignoring it.
Could it be their credit and not the color of your skin?
Don’t let that pesky racist truth hurt your feelings Hutch Starskey
Stay in there….present a logical argument in opposition to what I’ve said…I suspect you can’t.
There is no logical argument to be had with your deranged imaginings other than to laugh at your pathological losery.
Your attempt at credibility by claiming to know through experience only highlights just how easily this attitude can and is applied system wide by bigoted landlords like yourself.
Nice self-own, dope.
As a retired owner of rental property, some of my best renters were white, and some of my worst renters were white. Same with black & Hispanic renters. Bad renters come in all colors.
There is no logical argument to be had with your deranged imaginings other than to laugh at your pathological losery.
Your attempt at credibility by claiming to know through experience only highlights just how easily this attitude can and is applied system wide by bigoted landlords like yourself.
Nice self-own, dope.
What you Libs from utopian LibTardia can’t understand is that humans pride themselves on being the intelligent beings they are…they have an amazing ability to reason, with that amazing ability comes the natural action of profiling and know, those terrifying things you hate. We like to consider the data, practical plausibility and class/group propensity. We believe that only foolish retards with their head in their ass don’t practice the aforementioned.
Scary shit huh?
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As a retired owner of rental property, some of my best renters were white, and some of my worst renters were white. Same with black & Hispanic renters. Bad renters come in all colors.
Cool story…very PC, very misleading IN GENERAL.
By all means, let's hear a few more bars of "it's all whitey's fault".


Maybe whitey needs to stop doing shit like what's described in the report.
There is a black man (one of many I'm sure) whose rental properties in New York are on the verge of being confiscated by the bank. Thanks to LEFTIES and their moratorium policies that prohibited him from demanding rent. His property had been in his family for generations but now the prospect of giving it to his children is looking slim.

Not because of Whitey but because of LEFTISTS
What in that report leads you to believe that the cited applicants of color were not able to meet the financial standards required to obtain a lease?
What leads you believe there were able to meet the financial standards required to obtain a lease?

Racial Discrimination and Housing Outcomes in the United States Rental Market​

Peter Christensen, Ignacio Sarmiento-Barbieri & Christopher Timmins

"We report evidence on discriminatory behavior from the largest correspondence study conducted to date in the rental housing market. Using more than 25,000 interactions with rental property managers across the 50 largest U.S. cities, the study reveals that African American and Hispanic/LatinX renters continue to face discriminatory constraints in the majority of U.S. cities although there are important regional differences. Stronger discriminatory constraints on renters of color (particularly African Americans) are also associated with higher levels of residential segregation and larger gaps in intergenerational income mobility. Using matched evidence on the actual rental outcomes at the properties in our experiment, we show that correspondence study measurements of discrimination do indeed predict actual outcomes."

This report speaks for itself. But you guys won't read it then you will try to argue.

lol they do the same thing over and over again

Yea if your name is LaToya you're not going to get the same reaction as Susie Freeman

This is just a replication of a finding we all already know. If you don't assimilate you will be discriminated against. Totally expected.

Nobody wants to deal with some black who refuses to conform to white norms. Only an idiot would

You're not the fucking Chinese who can honestly say they're better behaved than the whites.
Lol! There are laws on the books not to discriminate in housing, but here we see it's happening. So stop pretending that because some words are written on paper that people do what those words say.
So sue them and quit whining like a little bitch.

Racial Discrimination and Housing Outcomes in the United States Rental Market​

Peter Christensen, Ignacio Sarmiento-Barbieri & Christopher Timmins

"We report evidence on discriminatory behavior from the largest correspondence study conducted to date in the rental housing market. Using more than 25,000 interactions with rental property managers across the 50 largest U.S. cities, the study reveals that African American and Hispanic/LatinX renters continue to face discriminatory constraints in the majority of U.S. cities although there are important regional differences. Stronger discriminatory constraints on renters of color (particularly African Americans) are also associated with higher levels of residential segregation and larger gaps in intergenerational income mobility. Using matched evidence on the actual rental outcomes at the properties in our experiment, we show that correspondence study measurements of discrimination do indeed predict actual outcomes."

This report speaks for itself. But you guys won't read it then you will try to argue.


Those cities with the discrimination against minorities? Are run by the democrat dumb ass...


Racial Discrimination and Housing Outcomes in the United States Rental Market​

Peter Christensen, Ignacio Sarmiento-Barbieri & Christopher Timmins

"We report evidence on discriminatory behavior from the largest correspondence study conducted to date in the rental housing market. Using more than 25,000 interactions with rental property managers across the 50 largest U.S. cities, the study reveals that African American and Hispanic/LatinX renters continue to face discriminatory constraints in the majority of U.S. cities although there are important regional differences. Stronger discriminatory constraints on renters of color (particularly African Americans) are also associated with higher levels of residential segregation and larger gaps in intergenerational income mobility. Using matched evidence on the actual rental outcomes at the properties in our experiment, we show that correspondence study measurements of discrimination do indeed predict actual outcomes."

This report speaks for itself. But you guys won't read it then you will try to argue.

New York.......and you will find this going on in every democrat controlled city....the party of racism...

New York’s draft assessment of fair housing was so bad that the Civil Rights Committee of the New York City Bar wrote that the plan “fails to meet even the minimum requirements.”
The Fair Housing Justice Center, a leading fair housing organization based in Long Island City, added that the city’s policies and programs “perpetuate barriers to housing choice and impede progress towards creating open, accessible and inclusive communities.”
In the lawsuit challenging the city’s “community preference” in affordable housing lotteries, a policy that denies New Yorkers living outside of a given community district the chance to compete on a level playing field and also perpetuates segregated residential patterns, the city has bizarrely claimed that fear of and resistance to neighborhood racial change “is not and was not a ‘common phenomenon’ in New York City.”

What are "Latin/Hispanic x renters"? If you refuse to rent property to an illegal alien with no credit history or source of income, some organization that calls itself NBER accuses you of racial discrimination. It might be that NBER is guilty of discrimination against people who are making an honest living in rental properties.

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