This is someone who black America desperately needs as a leader. Smart, no BS and screw all of this focus on the past and move on.

Never seen this woman until this video appeared in my YouTube feed.
I watched this woman, and thought my God... this is exactly the kind of leadership we need in this country, not just our fellow black Americans... but hell all of us.
I am sure someone here will point out, a liberal of course, finding some kind of dirt to dismantle her words and marginalize the truth she speaks. Because the truth she speaks isn't woke... isn't perpetual outrage..isn't about division and hate others... but just the truth.

Blacks have leaders like Sharpton, Jackson and Auntie Maxine.
Great... this thread isn't about Alan West.
Perhaps you have some equally astute comment about the gal in the video?
Only literally fleeced from being a Congressman from
Florida.Too many details to explain.
His Florida county was run by Democrat activist operatives.
Like Broward was under Brenda Snipes.Who had to be forced
out as Supervisor of Elections.She refused to go quietly.
West a true patriot had to eventually leave Florida for Texas.
I wonder if the same applies to Andrew Gillum.
No I doesn't.
Sorry, but once again the left shows they cannot tolerate a smart black person. ANd someone like MarcATL is trained well enough to dislike her without even watching the video. Automatically assumes she is "acting white".
Yeah I get it.Like Obama.So smart he was considered a MODERATE in 2018 by Chicago commie David Axelrod.
In fact the word " Liberal " about Obama was banned by
So smart was this Obama that he was made President
of The Harvard Law Review Not smart enough to even
submit his own LAw review.His excuse when questioned;
said he was too busy editing other's law reviews.
Again not only So Smart was this Obama that he was ahead
of the curve as a Illinois State Senator.THE Only member of the
Illinois State Senate that voted Nay on a bill to Ban
the devilish practice of Infanticide.Obama did not want Infanticide as possible practice being banned.
What a guy.One would never find he acting ...
" Stupidly ".Cuz he's too smart ?
Last edited:
Stacey Abrams is a brass ring grabber.
I don't think she has an ounce of integrity.
All she does is repeat the same old liberal talking points about blacks that have been spun for 30 years.
Plus what a prolific Romance Novelist.
Her talents know no bounds.Unless someone wants
to challenge her to a wrestling match.
How about we start with the fact she is still claiming her last election was stolen from her...
I don't believe we have witnessed that kind of defiance in my
lifetime.Maybe back in the south during the Huey Long
years.That a Loser defiantly refuses to concede an election.
Mimicking the oscar movie ...
- All the Kings Men - { 1949 }
Starring Broderick Crawford as Willie Stark.
Jack Burden : " I tell you there's nothing on the judge. "
Willie Stark : " Jack,there's something on everybody.Man
is conceived in sin and born in corruption. "
I don't want her freaking e-mail address, I want to know what you think about her.
I don't know enough about her to properly form that opinion.
I have seen two videos of her speaking, if she is legit- meaning honest in what she is saying, then my opinion would be a solid good one.
Yeah I get it.Like Obama.So smart he was considered a MODERATE in 2018 by Chicago commie David Axelrod.
In fact the word " Liberal " about Obama was banned by
So smart was this Obama that he was made President
of The Harvard Law Review Not smart enough to even
submit his own LAw review.His excuse when questioned;
said he was too busy editing other's law reviews.
Again not only So Smart was this Obama that he was ahead
of the curve as a Illinois State Senator.THE Only member of the
Illinois State Senate that voted Nay on a bill to Ban
the devilish practice of Infanticide.Obama did not want Infanticide as possible practice being banned.
What a guy.One would never find he acting ...
" Stupidly ".Cuz he's too smart ?
That should have been in 2008 when running for the
Presidency. Axelrod deemed all sort of stuff OFF LIMITS.
Like Obama's middle name.His ears was the first thing.
Any inquiry into his Religion.Actually John McCain was
the first one Birthered.And the Father of Birthers was
Jonathan Turley since he started off the Birther stuff writing
a piece about McCain's eligibility for POTUS.Since was
born Outside the United States in the Panama Canal Zone
on a Submarine base.Ironically it was a Senator who felt
obligated to clear up any confusion as to McCain's dilemna.
Actually 2 senators { Patrick Leahy and Claire McCaskill} who
introduced a non-binding resolution to clear McCain for
eligibility.That Resolution { Senate resolution 511 } passed
unanimously on April 30,2008.
Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton co-sponsored the
I don't know enough about her to properly form that opinion.
I have seen two videos of her speaking, if she is legit- meaning honest in what she is saying, then my opinion would be a solid good one.
We've arrived at a moment in history where what one
thinks of another is virtually meaningless.It's what they've
done that counts.Not words or touchy-feely speeches or
press interviews.But actual deeds.Whether good or bad.
Therein lies the rub.That requires only one mandate.
Total and unwaivering Honesty.Just the God's Honest
truth.Nothing else virtually matters.
" The absolute Truth is indestructible.Being indestructible
it is eternal.Being true to oneself is the law of God.
To try to be true to oneself is the law of man. "

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