This Is The Best Ever


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
During Dubya’s comical administration, he showed his ignorance on many levels. And while his buffoonish behavior was an embarrassment to reasonable Americans, conservatives chose to live in an alternate reality where they saw Dubya as a distinguished statesman.

The excuses conservatives serve up to defend the consistently offensive nature of our current Republican leader are becoming strained as is their defense of his constant refusal to familiarize himself with the actual details, customs, and yes, the locations of the countries he visits, This should embarrass even the most stupid conservatives. But of course, it doesn’t.

As with the first days of his trip to the Middle East, people of reason around the world will watch more of our dimwitted POTUS’ insults to foreign leaders, intentional or not, gaffes, and endless examples of his loutish and overbearing personality.

Most Americans expect dignity from our leaders, but as we’ve seen from the last two Republican administrations, conservatives prefer a representative to the world who reflects their own ignorance and complete lack of self respect.

For conservatives and late night TV hosts’ monologues, this trip by the imbecile-in-chief is the best ever.

The Israeli Ambassador's Cringe Face Says It All After Trump's Middle East Gaffe


Days without being an international embarrassment.jpg

The organizers of the European segment of this junket have directed that no-one should speak for more than 4 minutes, they know something of the Orange Clown's attention span.

I doubt there are many Americans who think W great, but there are many who think Obama great. How can this be logical when both men governed very much alike? What does this say about liberals?
It comes as no surprise to rational people how this earlier depiction of the Big Orange Head's Middle East trip was completely accurate.


I doubt there are many Americans who think W great, but there are many who think Obama great. How can this be logical when both men governed very much alike? What does this say about liberals?

A December 2008 poll found that 73% of CONSERVATIVES approved of the job GW Bush was doing.
I doubt there are many Americans who think W great, but there are many who think Obama great. How can this be logical when both men governed very much alike? What does this say about liberals?

A December 2008 poll found that 73% of CONSERVATIVES approved of the job GW Bush was doing.
Doubt it. Prove it.

When dip shit W left office his approval rating was around 20%. I don't think that equates to 73% cons.
Ah, yet a other display of severe case of the Trump derangement syndrome. They will never die as long as butthurt is the primary emotion going through the liberals minds/butts.
During Dubya’s comical administration, he showed his ignorance on many levels. And while his buffoonish behavior was an embarrassment to reasonable Americans, conservatives chose to live in an alternate reality where they saw Dubya as a distinguished statesman.

The excuses conservatives serve up to defend the consistently offensive nature of our current Republican leader are becoming strained as is their defense of his constant refusal to familiarize himself with the actual details, customs, and yes, the locations of the countries he visits, This should embarrass even the most stupid conservatives. But of course, it doesn’t.

As with the first days of his trip to the Middle East, people of reason around the world will watch more of our dimwitted POTUS’ insults to foreign leaders, intentional or not, gaffes, and endless examples of his loutish and overbearing personality.

Most Americans expect dignity from our leaders, but as we’ve seen from the last two Republican administrations, conservatives prefer a representative to the world who reflects their own ignorance and complete lack of self respect.

For conservatives and late night TV hosts’ monologues, this trip by the imbecile-in-chief is the best ever.

The Israeli Ambassador's Cringe Face Says It All After Trump's Middle East Gaffe


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A complete load of pure bullshit, if course.

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