This is the Deep State’s last chance to stop Trump before he dismantles and destroys their criminal cartel

The "DUH"-Heap State is too resilient for that.

Stop the Squeal.

I'm not convinced Trump has the clout (or even the will) to stop/dismantle the derp state.

The problem with the derp state is it's incompetent, which is plainly obvious from all the stupid shit it's been doing lately.

The truth though, is we could shut the whole thing down in a heartbeat if we wanted to. If "enough" people wanted to.

I don't want to shut it down, I just want to clean it out. We know for a fact now, that the government has shady relationships with ALL of America's major service providers. The righties in the Senate should be screaming to high heaven about that, but they're not. They're acting like old school fat cats, gutless cowards afraid to go out on a limb.

You can not stop someone from expressing themselves, and you can not steal anyone's money. Our derp state has done both of those things, they're behaving like a bunch of Nazi piglets.

No one here remembers the Nazis. We had to bomb the shit out of them, totally destroy them - for THIS exact reason. Their corp-gov relationship was wicked, and so is this.
I'm not convinced Trump has the clout (or even the will) to stop/dismantle the derp state.

The problem with the derp state is it's incompetent, which is plainly obvious from all the stupid shit it's been doing lately.

The truth though, is we could shut the whole thing down in a heartbeat if we wanted to. If "enough" people wanted to.

I don't want to shut it down, I just want to clean it out. We know for a fact now, that the government has shady relationships with ALL of America's major service providers. The righties in the Senate should be screaming to high heaven about that, but they're not. They're acting like old school fat cats, gutless cowards afraid to go out on a limb.

You can not stop someone from expressing themselves, and you can not steal anyone's money. Our derp state has done both of those things, they're behaving like a bunch of Nazi piglets.

No one here remembers the Nazis. We had to bomb the shit out of them, totally destroy them - for THIS exact reason. Their corp-gov relationship was wicked, and so is this.
Nothing could be further from the truth. The Federal Bureaucracy is made up mostly of career minded individuals who just want to do a good job, get paid and go home to their families at night. There is no giant conspiracy of good verse evil being fought between partisan groups within the bureaucracy. Of course we live in the biggest surveillance state in history......

The Nazi were brutal and consolidated their power almost immediately after Hitler was appointed. While I'm sure the MAGAMOB loved the idea of using intimidation, neither side are Nazis.
Nothing could be further from the truth. The Federal Bureaucracy is made up mostly of career minded individuals who just want to do a good job, get paid and go home to their families at night. There is no giant conspiracy of good verse evil being fought between partisan groups within the bureaucracy. Of course we live in the biggest surveillance state in history......

The Nazi were brutal and consolidated their power almost immediately after Hitler was appointed. While I'm sure the MAGAMOB loved the idea of using intimidation, neither side are Nazis.

The leftards consider themselves the saviors of humanity. Just read through this forum, you'll see!
I realize that this board is populated with hardcore orange True Believers and whacked out Qanon nutters, but I don't think it's not representative of the party.

The number of those in the party who don't live in a manipulated paranoid universe and/or swallow every goofy conspiracy theory that comes at them appears to be decreasing. This stuff is all out in the public now. It's "normal" for them.

While we are most likely numb to this madness, that doesn't mean it's not madness. Shit happens CONSTANTLY that would have blown our freakin' minds not ten years ago. Now it's just another day. Meh.

That may be the most destructive thing of all in this ugly period.
Do you really believe this?

Every day that goes by I am less convinced. Considering Trump is still leading in the polls, it would seem the opposite. The delusion seems to be growing. I meet more and more people that are so disconnected from reality they do not know up from down.

The leftards consider themselves the saviors of humanity. Just read through this forum, you'll see!
Help! It's the "Duh" Heap State!

Swear to god, DJT has turned the Rabid Right into the biggest squealers this countries has ever seen.

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