This Is The First Time I'm Speaking Out About The Trucker Situation

Meanwhile, Joey Xi Bai Dung has allowed nearly 2 million illegal aliens to enter the U.S. and dispersed them throughout America.
You'd think a sitting president, knowingly violating the law, would be a prim candidate for impeachment.
Dan Bongino is a Trump liar so what he says is not necessarily the truth.
LOL.....worked for USSS...I'd say he knows what he's talking about.

Secret Service agent from 1999 to 2011.




Being peaceful does not include committing unlawful imprisonment of individuals and keeping them awake all night. It does not include setting the resignation of a lawfully elected government as a condition. If they want to peacefully protest, they do not need to bring their trucks.

The protests over the summer were largely peaceful and these are beyond the scope of the federal government. The protestors were peaceful and they did not need to be moved. The whole thing was over a cheap political photo-op. That is confirmed by the chairman of the joint chief of staff and defense secretary. There were protests around the White House but the grounds were not breached. On Jan 6, terrorists climbed over walls and tried to smash through windows and doors.

Being peaceful most certainly does not include the use of any use of force or coercion to compel people to be injected with dangerous, harmful, experimental drugs, under the fraudulent guise of “protecting” them from a routine cold/flu outbreak.

This is Josef-Mengele-level crimes-against-humanity bullshit, and those of you who defend it are no better than those actually committing these crimes.

Who was Roberta Paulsen and what was her cause of death?

Woman Trampled By Police Horse Ottawa

A video uploaded to Twitter emerged to view Ottawa Police officers making their way through a crowd and trampling over 2 people with their horses. As the horses step on the people, the crowd fastly surrounds them to aid. The videographer can be clearly heard stating that “they just trampled that woman. They just entirely trampled that lady.”

Indeed, the RCMP are now attempting to hide the fact that they killed this woman.
As I write, the RCMP is now using tear gas and shutting down the Press by PM Trudeau's orders.

I call BS on that. I can’t find a single reputable news account of it. No hospitalization information, no official death information. Complete nothing.

I looked at the video. The horses were under control, and carefully pushed through the crowd. One person fell and curled up in a ball. If you watch the video, the horse jump over him/her. Horses usually avoid stepping on people lying on the ground.

Plus the name Roberta Paulson is suspect. It is the same name originally attributed to Ashley Babbit before her identity was known.
I call BS on that. I can’t find a single reputable news account of it. No hospitalization information, no official death information. Complete nothing.

I looked at the video. The horses were under control, and carefully pushed through the crowd. One person fell and curled up in a ball. If you watch the video, the horse jump over him/her. Horses usually avoid stepping on people lying on the ground.

Plus the name Roberta Paulson is suspect. It is the same name originally attributed to Ashley Babbit before her identity was known.

Did you watch the video of her being trampled?
Being peaceful most certainly does not include the use of any use of force or coercion to compel people to be injected with dangerous, harmful, experimental drugs, under the fraudulent guise of “protecting” them from a routine cold/flu outbreak.

This is Josef-Mengele-level crimes-against-humanity bullshit, and those of you who defend it are no better than those actually committing these crimes.
So you are fine with peaceful protests like these, right?


Who was Roberta Paulsen and what was her cause of death?

Woman Trampled By Police Horse Ottawa

A video uploaded to Twitter emerged to view Ottawa Police officers making their way through a crowd and trampling over 2 people with their horses. As the horses step on the people, the crowd fastly surrounds them to aid. The videographer can be clearly heard stating that “they just trampled that woman. They just entirely trampled that lady.”

Indeed, the RCMP are now attempting to hide the fact that they killed this woman.
As I write, the RCMP is now using tear gas and shutting down the Press by PM Trudeau's orders.

Oh my God, they had those horses almost at a trot, too fast of a walk regardless. There was no reason to command those horses to go at that pace coming up on a thick crowd! Somebody’s head should roll with that death, way more than one should be fired for following in line imo. Horses used for police surveillance are highly trained. This was a human decision to have these horses forge ahead at that pace! Once they started, no command given to stop? More imbeciles in positions of power obviously. I will recognize those CA policeman who have done a good job there (watched a lot of police/crowd friendly interactions on TicTok of those not abusing individual freedoms) but this group was certainly not one of them! Common sense should’ve determined driving horses through a standstill crowd was a death wish for at least one!
So you are fine with peaceful protests like these, right?

View attachment 603757View attachment 603758

Criminals protesting because one of their fellow criminals got into a fight with the police and lost?

Not even faintly comparable to people protesting against an out-of-control government violating basic human rights and forcing the use of nonconsenting human test subjects in dangerous medical experiments.

But then I would not expect you, being a soulless sociopath, to grasp the distinction.

As I said before, your position puts you on the side of Josef Mengele and his kind, and you fully deserve the same fate that met many of Mengele's colleagues and would have been his as well if he had been caught.
Criminals protesting because one of their fellow criminals got into a fight with the police and lost?

Not even faintly comparable to people protesting against an out-of-control government violating basic human rights and forcing the use of nonconsenting human test subjects in dangerous medical experiments.

But then I would not expect you, being a soulless sociopath, to grasp the distinction.

As I said before, your position puts you on the side of Josef Mengele and his kind, and you fully deserve the same fate that met many of Mengele's colleagues and would have been his as well if he had been caught.
Oh…I grasp the distinction all right….

Multiple videos are all over the net showing people being trampled by the RCMP's horses. Possibly some question as to whether an old women did or did not die, as there are plenty of news stories claiming in both directions. But it is undeniably, in spite of the RCMP's attempt to deny it, that some unarmed protesters were trampled and injured by the horses.

The article you post, citing the RCMP's denial as its only source, is not at all convincing given the weight of evidence to the contrary. A government that has gone as far out of control as Canaduh's government has very clearly gone is not terribly credible when it denies any specific atrocities.

We're at the level, now, of you believing a statement that Göring might have made in 1943 denying that any Jews were being harmed.
Go back and watch it again.
I cant believe you would doubt it when they're confiscating their bank accounts.
The one has nothing to do with the other. This was the video I watched. At about .12 yo can see the horse jump over someone who fell. I can’t find anything in reputable media on deaths or injuries.


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