This Is The Man Democrats Want Out????


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Time for Democrats to consider becoming Americans.

Time for Democrats to base their political aims on what is best for the country,

1. "Crime Is Dropping Big Time In Newark, Officials Say"
Crime Is Dropping Big Time In Newark, Officials Say

2. "
Camden, New Jersey touts big drop in crime numbers
A city long-plagued by crime is now celebrating some very encouraging news.

Statistics show a big drop on multiple fronts: Since 2012 - which is considered the high water mark of violent crime - murders are down 67 percent, robberies are down 53 percent, and aggravated assaults are down 31 percent.

A resident who lives in a section once dubbed the "heroin highway," which had rampant open-air drug sales and violence, ..."
Camden, New Jersey touts big drop in crime numbers

3. Filter the above stats through the prism of Trump accomplishments:
"Black unemployment falls to the lowest level since 1972"
Black unemployment falls to the lowest level since 1972

"The black unemployment rate has never been closer to the white unemployment rate"
Analysis | The black unemployment rate has never been closer to the white unemployment rate

"Hispanic Unemployment Hits Record Low Under Trump"
Hispanic Unemployment Hits Record Low Under Trump

4.Let's remember the cur who was President talked a good game, but it was all talk.....and this:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."

I'm not sure how much of this has to do with Trump. The downward trend started in 2012, which is right around the time we began seeing an economic recovery across the board.
I'm not sure how much of this has to do with Trump. The downward trend started in 2012, which is right around the time we began seeing an economic recovery across the board.

If Obama was currently the President, what would the headlines be?
Know what Camden used to be like?????

From a post in 2013:

1. "CAMDEN, N.J. — Anderson Baker lives in a state with a litany of gun regulations. But no law stopped him from becoming a teenage drug dealer who could easily acquire, and use, his weapon of choice..... the legislative approach to reducing gun violence... would do little to stem violence.... Dozens of frustrated city leaders, residents, law enforcement officials and other experts interviewed by USA TODAY echo the conclusion that the blood running in Camden’s streets isn’t just about gun laws.

a. ... the focus was not on gun laws but on long-standing issues that fed Baker’s struggles: a failing education system, a dearth of jobs and a street culture that rewards and even encourages criminal behavior.... “You have this paradox in that New Jersey has arguably the toughest gun laws in the nation yet has a city within it that has gun violence at Third World country rates.”

2. . “All these laws do is retard law-abiding people in New Jersey from having guns to protect themselves,” said Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, a non-profit group based in Bellevue, Wash., that supports lessening gun regulations. He said authorities should focus on arresting criminals rather than toughening laws..."
New Jersey gun laws don?t curb violence in Camden | Yamiche Alcindor

"Census records show that 42.5% of the city’s 77,000 residents were living in poverty in 2011. Camden’s murder rate — 61 per 100,000 people — was about 12 times the U.S. and New Jersey rates. Sixty-seven homicides were recorded in the city last year, breaking a grim record of 58 set in 1995."

Camden, New Jersey: just one more Liberal 'success.'

Then America elected Trump....

So funny.

.Let's remember the cur who was President talked a good game, but it was all talk.....and this:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found

Camden, New Jersey, under Hussein Obama:

1. "CAMDEN, N.J. — Anderson Baker lives in a state with a litany of gun regulations. But no law stopped him from becoming a teenage drug dealer who could easily acquire, and use, his weapon of choice..... the legislative approach to reducing gun violence... would do little to stem violence.... Dozens of frustrated city leaders, residents, law enforcement officials and other experts interviewed by USA TODAY echo the conclusion that the blood running in Camden’s streets isn’t just about gun laws.

a. ... the focus was not on gun laws but on long-standing issues that fed Baker’s struggles: a failing education system, a dearth of jobs and a street culture that rewards and even encourages criminal behavior.... “You have this paradox in that New Jersey has arguably the toughest gun laws in the nation yet has a city within it that has gun violence at Third World country rates.”

2. . “All these laws do is retard law-abiding people in New Jersey from having guns to protect themselves,” said Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, a non-profit group based in Bellevue, Wash., that supports lessening gun regulations. He said authorities should focus on arresting criminals rather than toughening laws..."
New Jersey gun laws don?t curb violence in Camden | Yamiche Alcindor

"Census records show that 42.5% of the city’s 77,000 residents were living in poverty in 2011. Camden’s murder rate — 61 per 100,000 people — was about 12 times the U.S. and New Jersey rates. Sixty-seven homicides were recorded in the city last year, breaking a grim record of 58 set in 1995."

Camden, New Jersey: just one more Liberal 'success.'
Time for Democrats to consider becoming Americans.

Time for Democrats to base their political aims on what is best for the country,

1. "Crime Is Dropping Big Time In Newark, Officials Say"
Crime Is Dropping Big Time In Newark, Officials Say

2. "
Camden, New Jersey touts big drop in crime numbers
A city long-plagued by crime is now celebrating some very encouraging news.

Statistics show a big drop on multiple fronts: Since 2012 - which is considered the high water mark of violent crime - murders are down 67 percent, robberies are down 53 percent, and aggravated assaults are down 31 percent.

A resident who lives in a section once dubbed the "heroin highway," which had rampant open-air drug sales and violence, ..."
Camden, New Jersey touts big drop in crime numbers

3. Filter the above stats through the prism of Trump accomplishments:
"Black unemployment falls to the lowest level since 1972"
Black unemployment falls to the lowest level since 1972

"The black unemployment rate has never been closer to the white unemployment rate"
Analysis | The black unemployment rate has never been closer to the white unemployment rate

"Hispanic Unemployment Hits Record Low Under Trump"

Hispanic Unemployment Hits Record Low Under Trump

4.Let's remember the cur who was President talked a good game, but it was all talk.....and this:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found
Ever since Trump left the tri-state area, crime has plummeted.

How about that!

Meanwhile, in Washington, DC crime has skyrocketed. Defense lawyers for Trump and his associates and family are the fastest growing sector of our economy.
Cur. Great way to start a dialogue. Knock yourself PC.

"Cur. Great way to start a dialogue."


Nay, nay.....I simply post truth and move on.

Let's check:

a. State Senator Obama supported the death of the unborn

b. President Obama made it possible for Nikolas Cruz to obtain the weapons that caused the death of 17 innocent and defenseless individuals in the Parkland High School shooting

c. President Obama guaranteed nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, whose motto is 'Death to America.'

Seems I may have to apologize to doggies.
Cur. Great way to start a dialogue. Knock yourself PC.

"Cur. Great way to start a dialogue."


Nay, nay.....I simply post truth and move on.

Let's check:

a. State Senator Obama supported the death of the unborn

b. President Obama made it possible for Nikolas Cruz to obtain the weapons that caused the death of 17 innocent and defenseless individuals in the Parkland High School shooting

c. President Obama guaranteed nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, whose motto is 'Death to America.'

Seems I may have to apologize to doggies.
I don't need to check anything on your diluted hateful list. What a fucking mess.
Cur. Great way to start a dialogue. Knock yourself PC.
I would have refered to Obummer as a CURSE (because he WAS!!!!!)...but that's just me...

Yeah, not just you. A lot of hateful fucks in this Weltanschauung And who would that be?

Barack Hussein Obama II

Why is it when you Leftist government school grads are stumped for a cogent response, you default to vulgarity?

The man in your post failed at all he touched, hated people, supported America's enemies.....and you're still licking his boots?


It that too many questions for you?
Last edited:
Cur. Great way to start a dialogue. Knock yourself PC.

"Cur. Great way to start a dialogue."


Nay, nay.....I simply post truth and move on.

Let's check:

a. State Senator Obama supported the death of the unborn

b. President Obama made it possible for Nikolas Cruz to obtain the weapons that caused the death of 17 innocent and defenseless individuals in the Parkland High School shooting

c. President Obama guaranteed nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, whose motto is 'Death to America.'

Seems I may have to apologize to doggies.
I don't need to check anything on your diluted hateful list. What a fucking mess.

So you agree that everything I noted is true.

Yet you still support same.....what does that make you?
Cur. Great way to start a dialogue. Knock yourself PC.
I would have refered to Obummer as a CURSE (because he WAS!!!!!)...but that's just me...

Yeah, not just you. A lot of hateful fucks in this Weltanschauung And who would that be?

Barack Hussein Obama II

Why is it when you Leftist government school grads are stumped for a cogent response, you default to vulgarity?

The man in you post failed at all he touched, hated people, supported America's enemies.....and you're still licking his boots?


It that too many questions for you?

Like Trump talking about Grabbing Puxxy?
I'm not sure how much of this has to do with Trump. The downward trend started in 2012, which is right around the time we began seeing an economic recovery across the board.

If Obama was currently the President, what would the headlines be?
Know what Camden used to be like?????

From a post in 2013:

1. "CAMDEN, N.J. — Anderson Baker lives in a state with a litany of gun regulations. But no law stopped him from becoming a teenage drug dealer who could easily acquire, and use, his weapon of choice..... the legislative approach to reducing gun violence... would do little to stem violence.... Dozens of frustrated city leaders, residents, law enforcement officials and other experts interviewed by USA TODAY echo the conclusion that the blood running in Camden’s streets isn’t just about gun laws.

a. ... the focus was not on gun laws but on long-standing issues that fed Baker’s struggles: a failing education system, a dearth of jobs and a street culture that rewards and even encourages criminal behavior.... “You have this paradox in that New Jersey has arguably the toughest gun laws in the nation yet has a city within it that has gun violence at Third World country rates.”

2. . “All these laws do is retard law-abiding people in New Jersey from having guns to protect themselves,” said Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, a non-profit group based in Bellevue, Wash., that supports lessening gun regulations. He said authorities should focus on arresting criminals rather than toughening laws..."
New Jersey gun laws don?t curb violence in Camden | Yamiche Alcindor

"Census records show that 42.5% of the city’s 77,000 residents were living in poverty in 2011. Camden’s murder rate — 61 per 100,000 people — was about 12 times the U.S. and New Jersey rates. Sixty-seven homicides were recorded in the city last year, breaking a grim record of 58 set in 1995."

Camden, New Jersey: just one more Liberal 'success.'

Then America elected Trump....

I didn't know Trump, or any President has much if any power over the Crime rates of the Cities??????????

Explain how that works out??
Cur. Great way to start a dialogue. Knock yourself PC.
I would have refered to Obummer as a CURSE (because he WAS!!!!!)...but that's just me...

Yeah, not just you. A lot of hateful fucks in this Weltanschauung And who would that be?

Barack Hussein Obama II

Its quite clear that your lips have remained glued to Obummer's ass, and it's been 2 years since he left office. Lucky for you that I happen to have an extra-heavy duty Jaws Of Life. You can borrow it if you wish...
I'm not sure how much of this has to do with Trump. The downward trend started in 2012, which is right around the time we began seeing an economic recovery across the board.

If Obama was currently the President, what would the headlines be?
Know what Camden used to be like?????

From a post in 2013:

1. "CAMDEN, N.J. — Anderson Baker lives in a state with a litany of gun regulations. But no law stopped him from becoming a teenage drug dealer who could easily acquire, and use, his weapon of choice..... the legislative approach to reducing gun violence... would do little to stem violence.... Dozens of frustrated city leaders, residents, law enforcement officials and other experts interviewed by USA TODAY echo the conclusion that the blood running in Camden’s streets isn’t just about gun laws.

a. ... the focus was not on gun laws but on long-standing issues that fed Baker’s struggles: a failing education system, a dearth of jobs and a street culture that rewards and even encourages criminal behavior.... “You have this paradox in that New Jersey has arguably the toughest gun laws in the nation yet has a city within it that has gun violence at Third World country rates.”

2. . “All these laws do is retard law-abiding people in New Jersey from having guns to protect themselves,” said Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, a non-profit group based in Bellevue, Wash., that supports lessening gun regulations. He said authorities should focus on arresting criminals rather than toughening laws..."
New Jersey gun laws don?t curb violence in Camden | Yamiche Alcindor

"Census records show that 42.5% of the city’s 77,000 residents were living in poverty in 2011. Camden’s murder rate — 61 per 100,000 people — was about 12 times the U.S. and New Jersey rates. Sixty-seven homicides were recorded in the city last year, breaking a grim record of 58 set in 1995."

Camden, New Jersey: just one more Liberal 'success.'

Then America elected Trump....

I didn't know Trump, or any President has much if any power over the Crime rates of the Cities??????????

Explain how that works out??

Sure thing....

1. "Crime Is Dropping Big Time In Newark, Officials Say"
Crime Is Dropping Big Time In Newark, Officials Say

NEWARK, NJ — Newark residents are finding jobs and local police are making efforts to work with the community. The result? A big drop in crime, officials say.

2. "Camden, New Jersey touts big drop in crime numbers
A city long-plagued by crime is now celebrating some very encouraging news.

Statistics show a big drop on multiple fronts: Since 2012 - which is considered the high water mark of violent crime - murders are down 67 percent, robberies are down 53 percent, and aggravated assaults are down 31 percent.

A resident who lives in a section once dubbed the "heroin highway," which had rampant open-air drug sales and violence, ..."
Camden, New Jersey touts big drop in crime numbers

3. Filter the above stats through the prism of Trump accomplishments:
"Black unemployment falls to the lowest level since 1972"
Black unemployment falls to the lowest level since 1972

"The black unemployment rate has never been closer to the white unemployment rate"
Analysis | The black unemployment rate has never been closer to the white unemployment rate

"Hispanic Unemployment Hits Record Low Under Trump"
Hispanic Unemployment Hits Record Low Under Trump

Get it now, you dunce?????
Cur. Great way to start a dialogue. Knock yourself PC.
I would have refered to Obummer as a CURSE (because he WAS!!!!!)...but that's just me...

Yeah, not just you. A lot of hateful fucks in this Weltanschauung And who would that be?

Barack Hussein Obama II

Its quite clear that your lips have remained glued to Obummer's ass, and it's been 2 years since he left office. Lucky for you that I happen to have an extra-heavy duty Jaws Of Life. You can borrow it if you wish...

Seems that, for the weak-minded, indoctrination is indelible.
I'm not sure how much of this has to do with Trump. The downward trend started in 2012, which is right around the time we began seeing an economic recovery across the board.

If Obama was currently the President, what would the headlines be?
Know what Camden used to be like?????

From a post in 2013:

1. "CAMDEN, N.J. — Anderson Baker lives in a state with a litany of gun regulations. But no law stopped him from becoming a teenage drug dealer who could easily acquire, and use, his weapon of choice..... the legislative approach to reducing gun violence... would do little to stem violence.... Dozens of frustrated city leaders, residents, law enforcement officials and other experts interviewed by USA TODAY echo the conclusion that the blood running in Camden’s streets isn’t just about gun laws.

a. ... the focus was not on gun laws but on long-standing issues that fed Baker’s struggles: a failing education system, a dearth of jobs and a street culture that rewards and even encourages criminal behavior.... “You have this paradox in that New Jersey has arguably the toughest gun laws in the nation yet has a city within it that has gun violence at Third World country rates.”

2. . “All these laws do is retard law-abiding people in New Jersey from having guns to protect themselves,” said Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, a non-profit group based in Bellevue, Wash., that supports lessening gun regulations. He said authorities should focus on arresting criminals rather than toughening laws..."
New Jersey gun laws don?t curb violence in Camden | Yamiche Alcindor

"Census records show that 42.5% of the city’s 77,000 residents were living in poverty in 2011. Camden’s murder rate — 61 per 100,000 people — was about 12 times the U.S. and New Jersey rates. Sixty-seven homicides were recorded in the city last year, breaking a grim record of 58 set in 1995."

Camden, New Jersey: just one more Liberal 'success.'

Then America elected Trump....

I didn't know Trump, or any President has much if any power over the Crime rates of the Cities??????????

Explain how that works out??

Sure thing....

1. "Crime Is Dropping Big Time In Newark, Officials Say"
Crime Is Dropping Big Time In Newark, Officials Say

NEWARK, NJ — Newark residents are finding jobs and local police are making efforts to work with the community. The result? A big drop in crime, officials say.

2. "Camden, New Jersey touts big drop in crime numbers
A city long-plagued by crime is now celebrating some very encouraging news.

Statistics show a big drop on multiple fronts: Since 2012 - which is considered the high water mark of violent crime - murders are down 67 percent, robberies are down 53 percent, and aggravated assaults are down 31 percent.

A resident who lives in a section once dubbed the "heroin highway," which had rampant open-air drug sales and violence, ..."
Camden, New Jersey touts big drop in crime numbers

3. Filter the above stats through the prism of Trump accomplishments:
"Black unemployment falls to the lowest level since 1972"
Black unemployment falls to the lowest level since 1972

"The black unemployment rate has never been closer to the white unemployment rate"
Analysis | The black unemployment rate has never been closer to the white unemployment rate

"Hispanic Unemployment Hits Record Low Under Trump"
Hispanic Unemployment Hits Record Low Under Trump

Get it now, you dunce?????


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