This is us, and it's everybody else too...

editech said:
The moment we're invested in a particular ideology, we seek out evidence which supports it, that is true.

And naturally we greatly increase the validity of what we agree with, and discount that which doesn't support our ideology.

Yes, this is human nature.

It's HARD to change one's mind about things which we dearly hold to be true.

I think I've managed to do it once in my entire life.

Glad I did, but it was definitely NOT something I managed to do all at once.

It took YEARS of reality informing me that I was wrong to get me to admit that what I believed was wrong.

I think most people don't really know their individual ideologies until they make the break from their parents' or other environmental influences. Regarding politics, I really didn't pay much attention until I was in my early 30's. My parents were Republicans, my husband was an uber conservative Republican. I began shifting away from their ideology when Reagan began what I saw as a campaign to make people less fortunate suffer even more because of HIS ideology that they don't matter to the grand scheme of things. For that reason, I actually supported (and campaigned for) George H.W. Bush. Ultimately, I became a political junkie, voted for Clinton, and the rest is history.
I suppose attitudes don't involve much thought, either, for you. You're right; it's not rocket science. But when one is as desperate as you seem to be, all thought is abandoned and they just spew nonsense.

:lol: So now I'm "desperate"?? You're really a piece of work, sweetie.
Dearie, honey flanks, because you cannot stand being called out on your lack of logic, babycakes. One can smell your desperation to deflect to the even more illogical, darling.

Honey flanks? Uh oh, sorry if I misled you, but I'm not available.

editech said:
The moment we're invested in a particular ideology, we seek out evidence which supports it, that is true.

And naturally we greatly increase the validity of what we agree with, and discount that which doesn't support our ideology.

Yes, this is human nature.

It's HARD to change one's mind about things which we dearly hold to be true.

I think I've managed to do it once in my entire life.

Glad I did, but it was definitely NOT something I managed to do all at once.

It took YEARS of reality informing me that I was wrong to get me to admit that what I believed was wrong.

I think most people don't really know their individual ideologies until they make the break from their parents' or other environmental influences. Regarding politics, I really didn't pay much attention until I was in my early 30's. My parents were Republicans, my husband was an uber conservative Republican. I began shifting away from their ideology when Reagan began what I saw as a campaign to make people less fortunate suffer even more because of HIS ideology that they don't matter to the grand scheme of things. For that reason, I actually supported (and campaigned for) George H.W. Bush. Ultimately, I became a political junkie, voted for Clinton, and the rest is history.

I can respect a journey. I have a hard time respecting people who are too afraid to think for themselves.
editech said:
The moment we're invested in a particular ideology, we seek out evidence which supports it, that is true.

And naturally we greatly increase the validity of what we agree with, and discount that which doesn't support our ideology.

Yes, this is human nature.

It's HARD to change one's mind about things which we dearly hold to be true.

I think I've managed to do it once in my entire life.

Glad I did, but it was definitely NOT something I managed to do all at once.

It took YEARS of reality informing me that I was wrong to get me to admit that what I believed was wrong.

I think most people don't really know their individual ideologies until they make the break from their parents' or other environmental influences. Regarding politics, I really didn't pay much attention until I was in my early 30's. My parents were Republicans, my husband was an uber conservative Republican. I began shifting away from their ideology when Reagan began what I saw as a campaign to make people less fortunate suffer even more because of HIS ideology that they don't matter to the grand scheme of things. For that reason, I actually supported (and campaigned for) George H.W. Bush. Ultimately, I became a political junkie, voted for Clinton, and the rest is history.

I can respect a journey. I have a hard time respecting people who are too afraid to think for themselves.
And that's Maggie. She admits so, in her thread title and premise. And also says, it's YOU too.
:lol: So now I'm "desperate"?? You're really a piece of work, sweetie.
Dearie, honey flanks, because you cannot stand being called out on your lack of logic, babycakes. One can smell your desperation to deflect to the even more illogical, darling.

Honey flanks? Uh oh, sorry if I misled you, but I'm not available.

No, but we can add hypocrite to your long list of shit qualities as a poster which makes your input useless and you just keep reinforcing that. Unoriginal, too.
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"Why Fact Can't Compete With Belief"
(excerpt from The Atlantic, and appearing in THE WEEK, 10/09/09):

Why do people cling to an opinion even after they're presented with contradictory evidence? The easy answer, of course, is simply that people are irrational. But the way in which they're irrational is telling.

In a new study, Social Science Researchers have found that people employ 'motivated reasoning' to fend off any evidence that their strongly held beliefs are wrong. Many people feel that they ARE their opinions, and hate to lose arguments. As Vince Lombardi once said "Every time you lose, you die a little."

So when confronted with new, troubling information, ideologues selectively interpret the facts or use 'contorted logic' to make the conflicting evidence just go away.

In the study, even when presented with compelling, factual data from a trusted source, many subjects still found ways to dismiss it. In fact, researchers found that exposing people to contradictory information actually intensified their existing beliefs, making them more rigid and entrenched...Needless to say, the findings do not offer much hope of changing anyone else's mind with facts or rational discussion.

I just changed what it said under my user name and this is the first thread I read since doing it.


Rep for you.

EDIT: I like it because you dont use the typical statements "Far left Cooks, Right wing neocons" in it. You present it nuetrally :D
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^ si Modo, admiring her basset self in mirror..........
And yet? You won't answer a simple question:

Is what the article in the OP says really us, and everyone else too?

Of course it isn't. Let's be honest.

You are right it isn't. But it does describe a lot of the people who post here, maybe 50% or more.

BTW I like your avatar, it reflects your passion for music.
^ si Modo, admiring her basset self in mirror..........
And yet? You won't answer a simple question:

Is what the article in the OP says really us, and everyone else too?

Of course it isn't. Let's be honest.

You are right it isn't. But it does describe a lot of the people who post here, maybe 50% or more.

BTW I like your avatar, it reflects your passion for music.
The avatar is a KittenKoder creation. It's a animation of a Wombat wearing a mask, a cape and a pink resistol. It's a character in our DNG music videos!
"Why Fact Can't Compete With Belief"


That explains the Obamabots and Bushbots. Thankfully, the Bushbots are no longer a concern. Unfortunately, the Obamabots are a HUGE problem and they have the power to do whatever they want.

Obama won with a convincing majority. "They" are the majority. The debate was last year. The will of americans has spoken. Get over it. The only HUG problem are those that don't believe in the democratic proccss.
I love Huggy's avatar.:lol:

I don't care if it is a wombat, MM: it bites. I never signed up to answer your questions. I think you do fit in the category suggested by the OP.
What a punk you are, Marauder.

Whiny negger.

This thread fell apart a long time ago.

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