This is what America will look like if Obama liberals get their way!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
PC nonsense at it's funniest!

Money for Nothing, PC For Free: Canada Bans Dire Straits Classic

This will no doubt perk up some ears over at FCC headquarters in Washington — I can’t believe this one’s slipped by them (and it has because I heard the song on the radio recently in its “original form” ::gasp::).

From The Spec by way of Reason:
The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council has ruled that Dire Straits’ 1980s hit Money for Nothing is too offensive for Canadian radio.

The ruling, released Wednesday, was in response to a complaint against St. John’s radio station CHOZ-FM. The listener complained that the word faggot – which appears three times in the song is “extremely offensive” to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.

The council is an independent body created by Canadian radio and television broadcasters to review the standards of their content.

Now, those of you mindless liberals that are too young to remember this song when it first came out, or buy into Obama's PC FCC, think of this before you open you mouths and make fools of yourselves:

This song is over 25 years old. And only NOW someone notices the word "faggot" in the song?

Dire Straights is HARDLY right wing.

Dire Straights performed this song to jubilant well-intentioned at at Live Aid in 1985. I don't recall ANY protests of the lyrics in the song, either in London OR in Philadelphia during the concert (and yes, I remember Live-AID).

NOW, all of a sudden, ONE person is "offended" and they will either ban the song off the airwaves or edit the song?

THIS is PC liberalism on steroids, and it's what our FCC will be like very soon if Obama liberals get their way.

Too funny! Too stupid!
The line that contains the word "Faggot' has been censored out of the song many times here in America, though not offically through the FCC, and probably never will. I've stopped watching Emp-TV but as I recall years ago they took out that whole section of the video.

It is very much like Mark Twains '****** Jim' slang used at the time (a colloquialism).

Has nothing to do with President Obama.

I think it's dumb move for Canada just like it would be a dumb move to ban Mark Twain here in the US.
So, to be clear. California girl. You think word censorship is hysterical bullshit? Is that what you mean to say?
So, to be clear. California girl. You think word censorship is hysterical bullshit? Is that what you mean to say?

No, I mean that TPS is on one of her hysterical rants again. I have seen no evidence to link these 'Obama liberals' to the kind of lunacy in Canada. If you care to present evidence from this country, I'll consider it. We are not Canada, they are not us.
This is how conservatives want America to look after they get rid of OSHA and the EPA:




Conservatives say, "Hey, look at all the free meat!:
This is how conservatives want America to look after they get rid of OSHA and the EPA:




Conservatives say, "Hey, look at all the free meat!:
Wrong as usual. We just know that communist party backs the environmentalists. We just do not like that sort of socialism shoved down our throats.
PC nonsense at it's funniest!

Money for Nothing, PC For Free: Canada Bans Dire Straits Classic

This will no doubt perk up some ears over at FCC headquarters in Washington — I can’t believe this one’s slipped by them (and it has because I heard the song on the radio recently in its “original form” ::gasp::).

From The Spec by way of Reason:
The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council has ruled that Dire Straits’ 1980s hit Money for Nothing is too offensive for Canadian radio.

The ruling, released Wednesday, was in response to a complaint against St. John’s radio station CHOZ-FM. The listener complained that the word faggot – which appears three times in the song is “extremely offensive” to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.

The council is an independent body created by Canadian radio and television broadcasters to review the standards of their content.

Now, those of you mindless liberals that are too young to remember this song when it first came out, or buy into Obama's PC FCC, think of this before you open you mouths and make fools of yourselves:

This song is over 25 years old. And only NOW someone notices the word "faggot" in the song?

Dire Straights is HARDLY right wing.

Dire Straights performed this song to jubilant well-intentioned at at Live Aid in 1985. I don't recall ANY protests of the lyrics in the song, either in London OR in Philadelphia during the concert (and yes, I remember Live-AID).

NOW, all of a sudden, ONE person is "offended" and they will either ban the song off the airwaves or edit the song?

THIS is PC liberalism on steroids, and it's what our FCC will be like very soon if Obama liberals get their way.

Too funny! Too stupid!

Lordy lordy..

What will the world come to if we can't say "little faggot"???

How else are we supposed to suppress gays?
Hmm. Never noticed the word myself.

So, to be clear. California girl. You think word censorship is hysterical bullshit? Is that what you mean to say?

No, I mean that TPS is on one of her hysterical rants again. I have seen no evidence to link these 'Obama liberals' to the kind of lunacy in Canada. If you care to present evidence from this country, I'll consider it. We are not Canada, they are not us.

You do know that Al Sharpton is visiting the FCC. You do know that bills have been submitted in Congress to control political speech and you do know that obamalama and co. have in fact tried to disallow Fox News as a news source. We're right on the brink. Libearland don't play fair.
PC nonsense at it's funniest!

Money for Nothing, PC For Free: Canada Bans Dire Straits Classic

This will no doubt perk up some ears over at FCC headquarters in Washington — I can’t believe this one’s slipped by them (and it has because I heard the song on the radio recently in its “original form” ::gasp::).

From The Spec by way of Reason:
The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council has ruled that Dire Straits’ 1980s hit Money for Nothing is too offensive for Canadian radio.

The ruling, released Wednesday, was in response to a complaint against St. John’s radio station CHOZ-FM. The listener complained that the word faggot – which appears three times in the song is “extremely offensive” to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.

The council is an independent body created by Canadian radio and television broadcasters to review the standards of their content.

Now, those of you mindless liberals that are too young to remember this song when it first came out, or buy into Obama's PC FCC, think of this before you open you mouths and make fools of yourselves:

This song is over 25 years old. And only NOW someone notices the word "faggot" in the song?

Dire Straights is HARDLY right wing.

Dire Straights performed this song to jubilant well-intentioned at at Live Aid in 1985. I don't recall ANY protests of the lyrics in the song, either in London OR in Philadelphia during the concert (and yes, I remember Live-AID).

NOW, all of a sudden, ONE person is "offended" and they will either ban the song off the airwaves or edit the song?

THIS is PC liberalism on steroids, and it's what our FCC will be like very soon if Obama liberals get their way.

Too funny! Too stupid!

Lordy lordy..

What will the world come to if we can't say "little faggot"???

How else are we supposed to suppress gays?

Well not to support supression, the song was about pregidous.

I mean, were dwarf homosexuals offended/supressed or just the tall ones?
You do know that Al Sharpton is visiting the FCC. You do know that bills have been submitted in Congress to control political speech and you do know that obamalama and co. have in fact tried to disallow Fox News as a news source. We're right on the brink. Libearland don't play fair.

And none of those things have a chance in hell of happening. Like she said, it's just hysterical fear mongering.
So, to be clear. California girl. You think word censorship is hysterical bullshit? Is that what you mean to say?

No, I mean that TPS is on one of her hysterical rants again. I have seen no evidence to link these 'Obama liberals' to the kind of lunacy in Canada. If you care to present evidence from this country, I'll consider it. We are not Canada, they are not us.

You do know that Al Sharpton is visiting the FCC. You do know that bills have been submitted in Congress to control political speech and you do know that obamalama and co. have in fact tried to disallow Fox News as a news source. We're right on the brink. Libearland don't play fair.

The fact that the administration had no plans at all to resurrect the Fairness Doctrine, and neither did Congress, mattered not in the least. What mattered is that the gullible could be convinced to believe it, because it confirmed their sense of themselves as persecuted.

And hey, if it works once, why not again?

From Politico:

Conservative talkers like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity are rallying their listeners with a very old — and very successful — battle cry, accusing the left of trying to curb their free speech.

“So believe me, I wouldn’t be surprised, folks, if somebody in the Obama regime or some FCC bureaucrat or some Democrat congressperson has already written up legislation to stifle and eliminate conservative speech, and that legislation is sitting in a desk drawer someplace just waiting for the right event to clamp down because that’s what all this is,” Limbaugh said Monday, in his first show since the shooting. “And every time an event like this happens, they get into a trial run in hopes that this is the one that they can succeed in shutting us all down.”

This theme remained a constant on talk radio, conservative blogs and Fox News throughout the week, as conservative commentators accused liberals of exploiting the tragedy to score political points without any evidence linking the shooter to conservative media. But beyond the political tit-for-tat was a media regulation debate that gave conservative talk radio a chance to talk about one of its favorite topics: itself.

As Politico points out, there’s absolutely nothing to it. A week ago, in the wake of the Tucson shootings, U.S. Rep. James Clyburn did some squawking about the need for restraint on radio, but he hasn’t followed it up and has no apparent intention of doing so. “A week later,… no one is seriously pursuing the idea of returning to the long-defunct policy, which required media on the public airwaves to present both sides of controversial political issues,”

‘Fairness Doctrine’ claim is just evidence of persecution complex | Jay Bookman
PC nonsense at it's funniest!

Money for Nothing, PC For Free: Canada Bans Dire Straits Classic

This will no doubt perk up some ears over at FCC headquarters in Washington — I can’t believe this one’s slipped by them (and it has because I heard the song on the radio recently in its “original form” ::gasp::).

From The Spec by way of Reason:
The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council has ruled that Dire Straits’ 1980s hit Money for Nothing is too offensive for Canadian radio.

The ruling, released Wednesday, was in response to a complaint against St. John’s radio station CHOZ-FM. The listener complained that the word faggot – which appears three times in the song is “extremely offensive” to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.

The council is an independent body created by Canadian radio and television broadcasters to review the standards of their content.

Now, those of you mindless liberals that are too young to remember this song when it first came out, or buy into Obama's PC FCC, think of this before you open you mouths and make fools of yourselves:

This song is over 25 years old. And only NOW someone notices the word "faggot" in the song?

Dire Straights is HARDLY right wing.

Dire Straights performed this song to jubilant well-intentioned at at Live Aid in 1985. I don't recall ANY protests of the lyrics in the song, either in London OR in Philadelphia during the concert (and yes, I remember Live-AID).

NOW, all of a sudden, ONE person is "offended" and they will either ban the song off the airwaves or edit the song?

THIS is PC liberalism on steroids, and it's what our FCC will be like very soon if Obama liberals get their way.

Too funny! Too stupid!

Of course it "actually happens" under American conservative leadership as well, so put your finger away before it catches fire and turns to a cinder.:lol:
So, to be clear. California girl. You think word censorship is hysterical bullshit? Is that what you mean to say?

No, I mean that TPS is on one of her hysterical rants again. I have seen no evidence to link these 'Obama liberals' to the kind of lunacy in Canada. If you care to present evidence from this country, I'll consider it. We are not Canada, they are not us.

You do know that Al Sharpton is visiting the FCC. You do know that bills have been submitted in Congress to control political speech and you do know that obamalama and co. have in fact tried to disallow Fox News as a news source. We're right on the brink. Libearland don't play fair.

As a guitarist in a heavy metal band, I've had countless amounts of conservatives yell at, and call me evil/satanic and that I should immediately stop listening/playing the music I enjoy (a violation of the 1st amendment). Sometimes at local (and big national touring shows) you get the protesters who scream at you to be saved by Jesus, and to stop playing/listening to heavy metal, and want to silence us. They tend to be christian churches, and organizations similar to that (which is funny because I am christian). Would you like to take a guess what party 99% of them belong to? They're liberal Democrats.

It goes both ways. Liberal Democrats are not the only people who're trying to take away certain aspects of freedom of speech.
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The line that contains the word "Faggot' has been censored out of the song many times here in America, though not offically through the FCC, and probably never will. I've stopped watching Emp-TV but as I recall years ago they took out that whole section of the video.

It is very much like Mark Twains '****** Jim' slang used at the time (a colloquialism).

Has nothing to do with President Obama.

I think it's dumb move for Canada just like it would be a dumb move to ban Mark Twain here in the US.
The use of the word "faggot" in the song is a non -issue....Except to the PC liberal left weenies.
Now, can someone please find anywhere in any legal document or in any law book, where it is stated that we have the right to NOT be offended...
Quite frankly I am SICK of the perpetually offended.
Those people are do nothing slime. They sit on your dead asses looking for things that "offend" them and they file lawsuits.
I hate all of them.
PC nonsense at it's funniest!

Money for Nothing, PC For Free: Canada Bans Dire Straits Classic

This will no doubt perk up some ears over at FCC headquarters in Washington — I can’t believe this one’s slipped by them (and it has because I heard the song on the radio recently in its “original form” ::gasp::).

From The Spec by way of Reason:
The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council has ruled that Dire Straits’ 1980s hit Money for Nothing is too offensive for Canadian radio.

The ruling, released Wednesday, was in response to a complaint against St. John’s radio station CHOZ-FM. The listener complained that the word faggot – which appears three times in the song is “extremely offensive” to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.

The council is an independent body created by Canadian radio and television broadcasters to review the standards of their content.

Now, those of you mindless liberals that are too young to remember this song when it first came out, or buy into Obama's PC FCC, think of this before you open you mouths and make fools of yourselves:

This song is over 25 years old. And only NOW someone notices the word "faggot" in the song?

Dire Straights is HARDLY right wing.

Dire Straights performed this song to jubilant well-intentioned at at Live Aid in 1985. I don't recall ANY protests of the lyrics in the song, either in London OR in Philadelphia during the concert (and yes, I remember Live-AID).

NOW, all of a sudden, ONE person is "offended" and they will either ban the song off the airwaves or edit the song?

THIS is PC liberalism on steroids, and it's what our FCC will be like very soon if Obama liberals get their way.

Too funny! Too stupid!

Lordy lordy..

What will the world come to if we can't say "little faggot"???

How else are we supposed to suppress gays?

The irony being missed is that they are actually making fun of homophobia in the song.

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