This is who the Tea Party (Koch Bros.) dumped on our Congress.


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
GOP congressman: ‘I’m not talking about guns necessarily’ to fight a Bible-based revolution


I mean, the guy looks like a drunk child molester with the gross hairs coming our of his ears...

First, this is what came out of his mouth on that filthy Laura Ingram's show.

North Carolina Rep. Walter Jones (R) said recently that it was going to take a “revolution” that did not “necessarily” need to involve guns so that the United States would be in line with the values of the Constitution and the Bible.

In an appearance on Laura Ingraham’s radio show late last week, Jones said that he was upset with the Republican Party for allowing President Barack Obama to spend money on sending troops to help with the Ebola crisis in Africa.

“I want people to understand that the people must take back the government because this is a prime example of the continued spending, and my party, the Republican Party, is doing absolutely nothing about it,” he explained. “I am just sick and tired of seeing what is happening to this country, and it’s not acceptable.

He unknowingly summed up the hypocrisy of the far-right. They DO NOT support the constitution, a Government of the People, by the People, for the People… (unless by People you mean them and only them). They want their own Government, one that only represents them and NOT the broad spectrum of American views and lives and needs. They don't like the current Government that represents dark-skinned America, brown-skinned America, poor-America, sick America, and them.

"take back our government" - a favorite among the Tea Brains and Teatarded masses. Guess what dummies, no one took your Government. It's right where it's always been. In fact, the Koch Bros. bought you a controlling majority in the house-- the people's house. Even though more Americans voted for DEMS in 2012 House races, the GOPs and their extreme Reps were elected and reelected to House seats thanks to Gerrymandering. So much for a representative Government. But I don't hear you teabags complaining. -- Bottom line on this "take it back" stupidity -- you don't get to Take It -- it's not YOUR'S, it's OUR'S. It's a representative Government and you're only a small minority of Americans.

"continued spending" -- hey Dicklick, I challenge you to name every Teabagger in Congress who pushed for cuts to our bloated Keynesian defense budget and the single aircraft (that doesn't work) that makes up for almost 1/10 of the current U.S. debt. The Teabags talk big about "cutting spending" but they do jack shit when it comes to the gaping loopholes exclusively for the 1% in the tax code -- and the subsidizing of Oil Companies showing multi-billion dollar quarterlies.

"what's happening to this country" -- translation: we have elections, he doesn't always like the results, so he wants to somehow rig the game so that more people like him get elected.

What I see happening to this country -- people in power continue to divide and distract us. Distract us from the tax code, the debt piled up on the middle-class, the Baby Boomers that will bankrupt Medicare, the corruption at the highest levels as BOTH PARTIES give access to MONEY and LOBBYISTS and not to the People they are supposed to represent.

The thing about these Tea Bagging Rubes in Congress, they were so easily bought.

That's why Bloomberg was so successful (and despised) he was a self-financed politician who COULD NOT be bought. He was a pragmatic conservative businessman. Despite the idiot talking points from people like Sarah Palin, Bloomberg and people like him are the only hope this country has. Unlike the fictional John Gault, Michael Bloomberg brought his exceptional mind and executive skills to the betterment of society.

Although the far-right pigs on USMB think I lean left -- I was actually leaning toward Romney in the last election. Had he run as a moderate and blown off the TeaBag base -- a pragmatic conservative is what this country needs. Someone who will cut defense spending, close tax loopholes, raise income tax on the super-wealthy, and explain in simple economic terms why this MUST be done.
GOP congressman: ‘I’m not talking about guns necessarily’ to fight a Bible-based revolution


I mean, the guy looks like a drunk child molester with the gross hairs coming our of his ears...

First, this is what came out of his mouth on that filthy Laura Ingram's show.

North Carolina Rep. Walter Jones (R) said recently that it was going to take a “revolution” that did not “necessarily” need to involve guns so that the United States would be in line with the values of the Constitution and the Bible.

In an appearance on Laura Ingraham’s radio show late last week, Jones said that he was upset with the Republican Party for allowing President Barack Obama to spend money on sending troops to help with the Ebola crisis in Africa.

“I want people to understand that the people must take back the government because this is a prime example of the continued spending, and my party, the Republican Party, is doing absolutely nothing about it,” he explained. “I am just sick and tired of seeing what is happening to this country, and it’s not acceptable.

He unknowingly summed up the hypocrisy of the far-right. They DO NOT support the constitution, a Government of the People, by the People, for the People… (unless by People you mean them and only them). They want their own Government, one that only represents them and NOT the broad spectrum of American views and lives and needs. They don't like the current Government that represents dark-skinned America, brown-skinned America, poor-America, sick America, and them.

"take back our government" - a favorite among the Tea Brains and Teatarded masses. Guess what dummies, no one took your Government. It's right where it's always been. In fact, the Koch Bros. bought you a controlling majority in the house-- the people's house. Even though more Americans voted for DEMS in 2012 House races, the GOPs and their extreme Reps were elected and reelected to House seats thanks to Gerrymandering. So much for a representative Government. But I don't hear you teabags complaining. -- Bottom line on this "take it back" stupidity -- you don't get to Take It -- it's not YOUR'S, it's OUR'S. It's a representative Government and you're only a small minority of Americans.

"continued spending" -- hey Dicklick, I challenge you to name every Teabagger in Congress who pushed for cuts to our bloated Keynesian defense budget and the single aircraft (that doesn't work) that makes up for almost 1/10 of the current U.S. debt. The Teabags talk big about "cutting spending" but they do jack shit when it comes to the gaping loopholes exclusively for the 1% in the tax code -- and the subsidizing of Oil Companies showing multi-billion dollar quarterlies.

"what's happening to this country" -- translation: we have elections, he doesn't always like the results, so he wants to somehow rig the game so that more people like him get elected.

What I see happening to this country -- people in power continue to divide and distract us. Distract us from the tax code, the debt piled up on the middle-class, the Baby Boomers that will bankrupt Medicare, the corruption at the highest levels as BOTH PARTIES give access to MONEY and LOBBYISTS and not to the People they are supposed to represent.

The thing about these Tea Bagging Rubes in Congress, they were so easily bought.

That's why Bloomberg was so successful (and despised) he was a self-financed politician who COULD NOT be bought. He was a pragmatic conservative businessman. Despite the idiot talking points from people like Sarah Palin, Bloomberg and people like him are the only hope this country has. Unlike the fictional John Gault, Michael Bloomberg brought his exceptional mind and executive skills to the betterment of society.

Although the far-right pigs on USMB think I lean left -- I was actually leaning toward Romney in the last election. Had he run as a moderate and blown off the TeaBag base -- a pragmatic conservative is what this country needs. Someone who will cut defense spending, close tax loopholes, raise income tax on the super-wealthy, and explain in simple economic terms why this MUST be done.

That was one of the dumbest posts I have read on USMB. I particularly liked the Bloomberg exceptional mind remark. It reminds me of his ban on 32 oz drinks, so everyone bought two 16 oz drinks. LMFAO!
This is who the Tea Party (Koch Bros.) dumped on our Congress.

Walter Jones has been in office longer than you've even known the Koch brothers existed, and before the TEA Party movement started. You have NO PROOF that the Koch brothers helped get him elected and NO PROOF that the TEA Party did either.

You're just another America-basher who hates men like Walter Jones who stand up for our rights.
This is who the Tea Party (Koch Bros.) dumped on our Congress.

Walter Jones has been in office longer than you've even known the Koch brothers existed, and before the TEA Party movement started. You have NO PROOF that the Koch brothers helped get him elected and NO PROOF that the TEA Party did either.

You're just another America-basher who hates men like Walter Jones who stand up for our rights.
Actually Walter Jones JR. was a Democrat that could not get his party to allow him to run for the seat so he changed parties. he votes with the dems more than he does with the republicans. Most elected republican politicians in NC do not support him.

He unknowingly summed up the hypocrisy of the far-right. They DO NOT support the constitution, a Government of the People, by the People, for the People… (unless by People you mean them and only them). They want their own Government, one that only represents them and NOT the broad spectrum of American views and lives and needs. They don't like the current Government that represents dark-skinned America, brown-skinned America, poor-America, sick America, and them.

I object to your insinuation that those of us who are dark skinned Americans want a fascist/socialist government.
I dunno, somehow I picture someone like you as a "drunk child molester".
This is who the Tea Party (Koch Bros.) dumped on our Congress.

Walter Jones has been in office longer than you've even known the Koch brothers existed, and before the TEA Party movement started. You have NO PROOF that the Koch brothers helped get him elected and NO PROOF that the TEA Party did either.

You're just another America-basher who hates men like Walter Jones who stand up for our rights.
Actually Walter Jones JR. was a Democrat that could not get his party to allow him to run for the seat so he changed parties. he votes with the dems more than he does with the republicans. Most elected republican politicians in NC do not support him.

There's no evidence that he votes with Democrats more often than Republicans. And Ron Paul supports Walter Jones, I don't care about rank and file crooks in Washington.
This is who the Tea Party (Koch Bros.) dumped on our Congress.

Walter Jones has been in office longer than you've even known the Koch brothers existed, and before the TEA Party movement started. You have NO PROOF that the Koch brothers helped get him elected and NO PROOF that the TEA Party did either.

You're just another America-basher who hates men like Walter Jones who stand up for our rights.
Actually Walter Jones JR. was a Democrat that could not get his party to allow him to run for the seat so he changed parties. he votes with the dems more than he does with the republicans. Most elected republican politicians in NC do not support him.

There's no evidence that he votes with Democrats more often than Republicans. And Ron Paul supports Walter Jones, I don't care about rank and file crooks in Washington.
He is my congressman I think I know about him.

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