This is why I can't believe that Democrats are going to survive "Red Wave"

People are also upset about abortion rights, Trump’s scandals etc. I don’t think that foreign policy is that much of an issue but I think inflation is.

I agree that abortion has to always remain an individual choice.
But I disagree about Trump, in that the scandals were that he was unfairly persecuted with 2 fake impeachments and a fake "insurrection".
Other than the SCOTUS nominees, he really did about average, in that he did not start any wars or over spend to the point of causing a recession.
oh yeah…we were definitely heading in the wrong direction then..8 days later xiden got sworn in…
Which tells you that Trump was the DIRECT cause of the people who thought it was the wrong direction.

Because it went WAY down after Biden was sworn in.

Conservatives arent in a position to steer the country. They dont hold the Presidency, nor the House or Senate. How can they be the reason the country is or isnt on the right track?

That doesn't mean they don't have influence. Biden's not a dictator. I'm sure he wishes he were at times, but he's not. And the Democrats don't have a filibuster-proof majority - again, I'm sure they wish they did.
Horrible dodge

Not at all.
What he is saying is that children should not be brought into less than ideal environments.
People who would not be good at raising children, should have abortions.
There is only room for so many children.
If the ones that are not going to be raised right are not aborted, then no room will be left for those who have much better chances of success.
Which tells you that Trump was the DIRECT cause of the people who thought it was the wrong direction.

Because it went WAY down after Biden was sworn in.

nah tells me folks saw the mess xiden would cause and already had buyers remorse…the people were right…things have gotten bad
The Democrats losing the house is as close to a sure thing as it gets they could lose the Senate but that was never as sure a thing as losing the House has been. When one party controls the Presidency and both chambers of Congress with few exceptions they always lose control of one chamber of Congress in the midterms. If the trend follows it's usual pattern the Democrats will lose the House but keep the Senate we will start to get a much clearer picture after labor day as that is when people generally really start focusing on the elections and the campagining really starts.
when trump was president 75 percent of the country didn’t think we were headed in the wrong direction…nope that only happened with your cult leaders in charge
Trump was the only president on record who never had at least 50% approval in the polls.
Trump was the only president on record who never had at least 50% approval in the polls.
not surprised, obama deeply divided this country and he came in right after

it seems xiden policies might reserve that trend with 75 percent becoming woke after seeing him take us in the wrong direction
The poll says they're dissatisfied with the direction of the country. I voted for Biden and would do it again if he's the alternative to the nutbars the Republicans offer us, and yet I simultaneously think the country's going into the shitter. But I don't think it's Biden's fault. I think it's mostly the fault of people who feed you guys misinformation and it's also partly your fault for getting sucked into that vortex. Snap out of it, maybe.

ETA: dissatisfied, not satisfied - sorry.

if people are dissatisfied with the way the country is going, and vote for the same party to rule, they are insane.

If the D's continue control, there won't be a change in direction.
I do not care about "a woman's right to choose." I like the eugenic effects of abortion.

In their book Freakonomics: A Rouge Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everyside, the authors,
Steven D. Levitt, and Stephen J. Dubner point out that most of the females who have abortions are unmarried, they have low IQ's, and they are marginally employable.

I do not pretend to be pro life.

People with IQ's below 100 are more prolific than people with IQ's above 100. While this is happening, computer technology and automation are eliminating jobs most people have the intelligence to learn. Human evolution is taking a U turn.
If you knew anything about IQs or you had one above room temperature, you would realize that your statement is impossible.
Democratic election of representatives for one.

Peaceful transition of power for two.
How is there not democratic election of representatives?

Did Trump seize control of the government and lock Biden away in Supermax?

My God, you really are moron!
if people are dissatisfied with the way the country is going, and vote for the same party to rule, they are insane.

If the D's continue control, there won't be a change in direction.

But what are they dissatisfied about?

What specific policies are they mad about? What changes would a Republican make?

And don't say they wouldn't go to war against Big Oil b/c Biden hasn't harmed the petroleum industry. He signed by the biggest ever offshore lease in the Gulf of Mexico in 2021 and he's tapping into the SPR. The energy companies have seen record profits during Biden's term.

So how would Republicans make Americans' lives better - by taking away their health insurance?
Anecdotally, I'd say that my wife and her friends were upset by the issue, but it isn't trumping their dissatisfaction with the things that Biden and the Democrats are focused on yet.
Right, I'm upset somewhat, too ---- I'm in favor of women being able to choose whether to have to devote their lives to some man's baby or not.

However, it seems a limited issue relative to all other the terrible stuff going on that the Democrats are doing.

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