This is Why You Never Elect Democrats. Threat to National Security, and Immature Politicized Asses


May 23, 2014
Democrats use whistle blower protection to protect Joe Biden, and attempt to destroy the confidentiality of a President of the United States conversations with foreign leaders. This privilege is for our national security. But the socialist/Democrats on the Hill don’t care about national security so long as the can “Get Trump.” All they give a fuck about is winning elections so they can screw the country some more. Makes me angry and sick at the same time. Lowest act I have seen by a majority party in the Congress. Despicable!
Watch these scumbags for yourself.
WATCH: Acting Intel Chief Testifies on Ukraine Whistleblower Complaint
Look at how the Democrats have decimated our Intelligence Agencies. This is an enormous risk to national security. Yet the Democrats could care less, we have former Intelligence heads trotting around the talk show and "News" show circuits like washed up actors. And now we have a "Whistleblower" from the intelligence community trying to help Impeach the President. Even hardcore anti-Trumpers should recognize how dangerous this is to our country.
Trump needs another four years to get the deep state leftovers out of the Federal government.

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