this last act of evil has tipped the balence

CNN using the death of kids to push their anti-gun agenda.


Who could have predicted that?
The tide has definately turned. People interviewed, and the journalists themselves, and stating that they want to see the assault weopons out of the hands of the crazies.

So, with millions of these weopons already out there, how do we do that? There is no way we are going to go house to house searching for them.

1. A law that requires you to have the same license to possess one of these weopons as required to own a fully automatic weopon. If you are found with an assault rifle in your possession outside of your home, and no license, the weopon is confiscated and destroyed. You go to jail and end up with a felony count on your record.

2. Story your guns, any gun, irresponsibly, and some one takes it and commits a crime, you own that crime.

3. Early recognition of mental illness, and early treatment. Irregardless of the ability of the individual to pay for that treatment. Mental illness untreated until a crime is committed is too late for the victim, to late for the mentally ill person.
we can grandfather them in.

NO more of these types of weapons can be manufactured here or sold here.

the people that have them can keep them for life.

they can not sell them or give them to someone else.

when they die the gun goes to the government.

the government then compensates the family for the cost of the gun.
this is an article about 4 different polls which all show a huge shift.

Americans have fallen our of love with these weapons
Don't know if it's true - lots reported in this case has turned out to be false - but heard a report that CT already has what was called tough assault weapons laws on the books, but none of the weapons this nut carried or had in his car were in violation.
The tide has definately turned. People interviewed, and the journalists themselves, and stating that they want to see the assault weopons out of the hands of the crazies.

So, with millions of these weopons already out there, how do we do that? There is no way we are going to go house to house searching for them.

1. A law that requires you to have the same license to possess one of these weopons as required to own a fully automatic weopon. If you are found with an assault rifle in your possession outside of your home, and no license, the weopon is confiscated and destroyed. You go to jail and end up with a felony count on your record.

2. Story your guns, any gun, irresponsibly, and some one takes it and commits a crime, you own that crime.

3. Early recognition of mental illness, and early treatment. Irregardless of the ability of the individual to pay for that treatment. Mental illness untreated until a crime is committed is too late for the victim, to late for the mentally ill person.

1. You can't take an assault rifle to the firing range or gun smith? That's outside of your home.

2. So when someone is breaking into your house, hope you can get to the safe and crack it open before they kill you and/or your family.

3. I'm certainly down for diverting all welfare and unemployment money to programs to help mental health. I doubt that you would support that though.
CNN and the LMSM needs to have their licenses revoked, they abused their First amendment rights by glorying this senseless violence. It's our airwaves and its time for them to go
Tipped the "balence" aye... fuck... no wonder you swallow this bull shit, you're dumber than a bag of hammers.

There is no shift. Every single elected sons a bitch in Washington has a MAJOR voting block that OWNS firearms, and MANY of them own semi automatic firearms. So if they think they're going to start BANNING this shit by amending the constitution, they can KISS THEIR JOB GOODBYE. It'll never happen.
You will do whatever this country decides is the law.

You will do it with a smile.

if you dont then you will go to prison like all other criminals
Van Jones said that Americans could be brainwashed into accepting gun control. Creating a false assumption that minds are changing is part of that.

The reality is, gun sales are increasing.
CNN Polls are not good reason to give up our Constitutional rights

Please stop repeating that same lie over and over again.

There is no place in the Constitution that guarantees you the right to have high capacity clips, military type assault/semi-auto rifles, tear gas.

This is not an issue of "control". It is about being safe from domestic terrorists and even you know that.

Repeating the same lies will not change that.

I wish the really irrational rw's here would look around. If they did, they would find they are very rare. Yes, its true that there a quite a few who post their hate and fear here but there are many more people who care more about children's lives than they care about having high capacity clips, etc.
pretending wont help you keep your gun

Pretending won't take it away from me either.

so, you're saying you have high capacity mags and assault rifles?

The reality is, gun sales are increasing.

'cuz, rw's are really gullible. They believe exactly what they're told to believe. And now, they believe that Obama has the power and the will to go house to house and take their guns and bibles away. Pretty stupid, but that's what they believe.

Sadly, they also believe their semi-auto assault rifles are more valuable than the lives of children.

Have yerself another glass of KoolAid.
The right wing scotus we have already reconfirmed the country has the right to ban certain weapons.

This country has shifted and there will be new laws

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