This might be worth considering


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

and coming from Kamala Harris no less. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
The dems are going to cheat big time no matter how we vote in November...the only way to beat them is a massive GOP and Trump voter turn not stay home go and vote....take a like minded friend with you...
No argument from me on that score. But the idea of curbside voting I think may be workable, not saying it is foolproof by any means, but its better than what has transpired so far.
The dems are going to cheat big time no matter how we vote in November...the only way to beat them is a massive GOP and Trump voter turn not stay home go and vote....take a like minded friend with you...
No argument from me on that score. But the idea of curbside voting I think may be workable, not saying it is foolproof by any means, but its better than what has transpired so far.
Oh yes it is a much better solution than massive mail in...I agree...
I'm serious when I suggest you take someone to the polls with you...many people that support Trump will find an excuse to stay home....don't let them...take them with you....
The Berg just got me banned from his latest I'm taking 10 people with me to the polls....
Drive through voting could work if everyone had a Car.
Both parties have had volunteers drive voters to polls. Took advantage of that when I drove a neighbor to the polls whose car was in the shop election day.

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