This "Perfect Storm" Putin Won't Survive

However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so called half-truth.

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However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so-called half-truth.

NO. It is all about the oath. I just know that Colonel Strelkov REFUSED to answer 3 questions before and will refuse to answer them now :

- WHO sent him with an armed group to Donbass and Who ordered him to leave Donbass immediately when the popular movement there accepted the anti-oligarchic direction.

- And also to the question about the downed Malaysian Boeing.

Let's not forget that Colonel Strelkov is still a reserve officer and bound by a military oath

His answer: “The militias HAD NO such complexes at that time and there weren’t even operators who could manage such a complex if it were. It’s Ukraine’s fault that not only didn’t close the airspace over the combat zones but also redirected this the plane along the course, passing over the areas where there were fierce battles were going

From myself, I can say that the goal of the Ukrainian air defense forces was Putin's plane, which for some time went along a parallel course with the Malaysian Boeing, although at different heights. The so-called Ukrainians wanted to bring him down. This was even observed by a Ukrainian pilot, who then unexpectedly "committed suicide." Consider that you received Strelkov's answer to this question. So he answered me.

Strelkov is today a well-known opposition politician who, in a certain situation, may become the head of state in a deep crisis. And here you can ask him any questions as far as Putin, the regime, and the outcomes.

Strelkov may not answer those questions. As far as that will be me who will provide a translation, I will give my interpretations of those 2 questions.

Have a good night
So, you are going to prohibit the most interesting questions. So, what is the point of such channel? To talk about Putin? There are plenty of sources already about him and his corrupted regime.

Putun's plane is bs. I can't imagine who can accept this theory seriously.

Russian Patriots.
And they want another one dictator. History doesn't teach these idiots anything.

Fascism can be economically extremely effective in the short run.

Russian oligarchs with two or three passports, not belonging to the indigenous population, have completely robbed the indigenous peoples of Russia. Completely de-industrialized the country and undermined its economy. Even lubricants for military helicopters, aircrafts, navy are foreign-made - are the political order of the "Clintonoids".

This is a small copy of the economic tragedy that occurred in America after 1979. America is now not a producing country, but a country of speculators and "traders of air bubbles."

Statistics on liquidated plants will be provided later - it is in my files.

I will talk about the Donbas in the coming days. In general, I am finishing a book about a 6-year-old civil war, the proxy war of the "liberal" American elite against Russia.

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If you look at Russian history, you will find out that Russia is just getting back to its place it had through centuries. It was a significant player in international matters backed up by its military strength, but economically and technologically it was a backyard of the West.

I believe in such a term as national mentality.
In this term I include overall intellectual and working abilities, the abilities to organize effective social environment etc. And the Slavic people (especially Eastern and Southern branches) in this regard are far back compared to the West Europeans, Jews and East Asians.

Russia, as all Slavic countries, will always be backward comparing with these nations.

This is just a replica. Tomorrow I will continue the historical excursion into the formation of the national consciousness of the Central, Eastern and Southeast Slavs.
My dear interlocutor or opponent - let's see how the discussion will develop. Philosophy, politics, sociology, psychology, as well as mathematics, which also came out of philosophy, do not suffer inaccuracies.

As I understand it, you opened IQ by Country and saw that six Asian countries show IQ from 104 to 108 points. And you saw that America ranks 28th on IQ? and Russia - by 34 ...

But you were in a hurry because you did not notice that these are not REAL indicators :)))

This statistic table contains statistics, the answer to the question, What is the intelligence quotient? But this is only an attempt to link income education and IQ. Only psychological tests and CT scans and MRI give true data ...

"The definition states that the intelligence quotient is a measure of intellectual ability. Often the IQ is confused with a concrete performance or even education. However, it is the" ability "of performing. In other words, the ability for comprehension, combinations, and learning. "
And below it says that "... there seems to be a correlation between IQ and income level. Although high-income countries are among the top performers, much lower-income countries such as China, Mongolia, and Eastern European countries are also among the top performers,

Is intelligence dependent on the climate?
Since 1991 there has been the presumption that persistent heat affects IQ over generations. It was initially assumed that living in lower temperatures requires a higher physical fitness and causes higher social demands. Richard Lynn, a professor at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland, also assumes that the colder temperatures increase the brain volume. Whether brain size is at all related to intelligence, is controversial.

In general, a hot climate is considered a disadvantage for the development of intelligence. The reason is nowadays primarily seen in the high physical energy demand and the resulting stress "

IF you are right, then I don’t understand how "The South Slavs managed to organize the intellect of the Jews who lived with them, create an atomic bomb, steal some of the documents related to the mechanism of supercompression of military substance, create and launch a satellite, send a person into space and make the first access to outer space in the world.
Is it right, I don’t understand. how the leaders of the Samiz secret services of Great Britain and a very young CIA were recruited by the "Russians" and again and again America was shocked by new revelations related to Russian spies in the United States and Great Britain.

We will talk about the achievements of the “South Slavs” in technology a little later but look at the following:

The most important inventions made in Russia throughout its history, from ancient times to1917

A heated log house (log hut) and house carving. unlike the Slavs, the dwellings of the ancient Germans and Scandinavians had purely earthen walls or wicker walls coated with clay. Wet steam bath (Russian bath), baked milk and ryazhenka. Kvass (also known in England as bread drink) is a fermented drink made from rye or rye bread. Whether bread will be dark or light depends on bread. Although it contains alcohol as a result of fermentation, it is nevertheless referred to as non-alcoholic drinks: it contains up to 1.2% alcohol, which is very small and is considered acceptable for children. Although low-alcoholic similarities to kvass were known in some ancient civilizations, its modern, almost non-alcoholic form appeared in Eastern Europe. Birchbark letters. Icebreaker.Medovuha. Soha. А walking mobile fortress. Russian vodka.

The end of the XVI century.

A turret tower.

The beginning of the XVIII century

A faceted glass. Decimal monetary system.Lathe with mechanized composite caliper.

The Russian Empire

Rebar.Cast Iron Dome / Lightning Rod.High-speed mortar battery.


Howitzer Optical Sight.


"Self-running stroller". Coaxial Rotor / Helicopter Model. Off-axis telescope of the Lomonosov-Herschel system. Two-cylinder steam engine. Hybridization of plants. Flashlight. Oryol trotter.

Velomobile. Mechanical leg prosthesis. Screw lift. Fedoskino miniature / Russian lacquer art. Milk powder. The largest galvanic battery at that time. Electric arc. Electric welding. Electric mine blasting, cable insulation. Collapsible frame beehive. Monorail. Three-bolt. Electromagnetic telegraph. Punch card. Underwater missile carrier. Electric engine. Centrifugal fan. Caterpillar mover. Centrifugal pump. Galvanoplasty. Electric boat. Galvanoplastic sculpture. Damask steel. Theory of calculation of bridge trusses. Anesthesia in the field. The world's first oil well drilling. Letter printing telegraph apparatus. Railway troops. Stereo camera. Modern field surgery. Radiator. Rangefinder. Russian Dynamite. Discovery of pedogenesis. A modern icebreaker. Torpedo. Description of reflex of unconscious activity. Jet plane project. Combine harvester. Periodic system of chemical elements. Design of an autonomous diving suit. Electric lamp. Monorail.
Odner Arithmometer. Armored cruiser. Vector Umova. Candle Yablochkov. Experimental oncology. Continuous operation arithmometer. Bear boat. A prototype of a caterpillar tractor.


A three-line rifle of the 1891 model (Mosin rifle, three-line) - the most massive rifle in the world.


Chemosynthesis.Thermal cracking.Discovery of a virus. "Snail" type jump mechanism, movie camera. Nephoscope.

The first photo-typing machine.Radio. Overlap-shell.



Shukhov reservoir. Chebyshev walking mechanism. Tanker. Vinogradsky column (microorganism cultivation). Petrol carburetor internal combustion engine. Vitamins. Electric telephone tram. Rocket project. Arc welding with a carbon electrode. Mozhaisky airplane. Multi-pole telephone. Gasholder. Soil science. Oil barge. A submarine with the electric motor. The world's first multi-expansion steam engine. Arc welding with a metalized electrode. Photocell. Three-phase power supply system.Chemosynthesis. Viruses. Polar icebreaker.


Torpedo.Radio control. The pressure of electromagnetic radiation. Conditioned reflex. Phagocytic theory of immunity. Chromatography. Color photograph by triple exposure. Fire foam. A theoretical basis for the possibility of space flight. Motor ship. Electrical exploration. Aerodynamics. Foam fire extinguisher. Mortar. Unsinkability. Electromagnetic seismograph. Puppet animation. Television. Ionic excitation theory. Synthetic rubber. Knapsack parachute. The project of the world's first super-heavy tank. Brake parachute. First-ever four-engine aircraft Russian Knight and Ilya Muromets. Dead loop. Synthetic rubber. Air ram. Gas mask of Zelinsky-Kummant. Tsar-tank. Optophone. The optimal trajectory of flight to the moon used in the Appolo program.

As for the "European", "Anglo-Saxon" or "Jewish" intellectual "exclusivity" - WHERE WOULD all these peoples be if the Muslim world did not pass on to them all their natural-scientific and technological achievements ?!


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Mr. Litvin,
I, of course, understand what feelings overwhelm you when reading my comments. It is regrettable that, finally, having reunited with your people, you ignore its secular and religious ethics. And I, a Slav, feel great discomfort, "giving a lecture" to a Jew about Jewish morality and ethics ...

Evil-speaking is a sin regarded with intense aversion in rabbinical literature. The technical term for it in the latter is lashon hara, "the evil tongue."

Lashon hara denotes all the deliberate or malicious accusations or even the exposure of truthful information which has the purpose of injuring one's neighbor, that is, calumny proper, and also the idle but mischievous chatter which is equally forbidden.

The Babylonian Talmud indicates that putting one's fellow human to shame is in the same category as murder and at one point describes slander, talebearing, and evil talk as worse than the three cardinal sins of murder, immorality, and idolatry.

The spreading of evil reports, even when true, is branded as calumny. Listening to slanderous gossip, or the causing of suspicion, or the provoking of unfavorable remarks about a neighbor is also forbidden.

One commandment in the Torah is to use one's speech to correct, admonish, or reprove others (Leviticus 19:17). Some Jews have explained this as a matter of "giving musar" (discipline, instruction) in line with a verse from Proverbs 1:8: "Hear, my child, the discipline (musar) of your father, and do not forsake the teachings of your mother."

There are timing and other aspects to the giving of musar: what to say, to whom, and when (how often). One suggestion from the late Rabbi Yisroel Belsky is that when there is a need to give musar to a friend: "Give musar as a friend."

Rabbi Elya Lopian taught the practice as "teaching the heart what the mind already understands." Rabbi Paysach Krohn cited Rav Shimon Schwab as teaching that although "[at times] you must give musar" the command to do so (Lev. 19:17) is followed by love your neighbor as yourself.

The presentation of the Eastern Slavs as inferior and miserable was a frank insult to me, a Slav, at the same time a hereditary Russian nobleman and grandson of the peasants. And a patriot of the Slavic people. When people give reason to show their lack of awareness or the ultra-nationalism of an American or some other brand, I always answer in detail ...

As in this case...

By the way, concerning the "advancement" of the Jewish intelligentsia in Europe in the Middle Ages and beyond in spacetime. IF these worthy people did not know the Arabic language ... there would have been neither knowledge "advancement", nor European technological culture that the Old World is famous for today ...

To our mutual happiness, we are not neighbors, although I live in the Jewish city of New York. And I must admit that your fellow-born in America do not allow such liberties in relation to a person who is higher than you in knowledge and academic rank. Moreover, they do not allow this in relation to mere mortals ... It is unfortunate that you have not been culturized in America ...

"Hatred can be nurtured anywhere, idealism can be perverted into sadism anywhere. If hatred and sadism combine with modern technology the inferno could erupt anew anywhere."
(From Justice not Vengeance (London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1989)


Alexandre Fedorovski, Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy,
member of the American Sociological Association
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Do you recognize modern theological ideas about the structure of the world: the world of people, the word of God and his angels, and the world of the "Luminiferous", "Black Angel, the Prince of Darkness... In other languages - Beelzebub, Lucifer, Iblis, devil, shaitan and Satan. This vision does not seem wild and backward to me.

What do YOU think???
I can't say for sure yet about it. I am still searching. My feelings that no, I don't agree with that as a whole. I think that there is the Highest Force, I can agree that there are some creatures which some people call angels, but I don't agree with existing of 'three worlds'. There is only one world with different 'stages' which inter-connect with each other. And all these stages exist and live under the rules imposed by the Great Force.

So, as you can conclude, I don't agree with the idea of the Duke of Darkness who rules in its world.
As I understand it, you opened IQ by Country and saw that six Asian countries show IQ from 104 to 108 points. And you saw that America ranks 28th on IQ? and Russia - by 34 ...

But you were in a hurry because you did not notice that these are not REAL indicators :)))
You understand it wrong. This idea didn't even spark in my mind and, frankly, I find it ridiculous that you even supposed about this index while discussing historic retrospective.

I appreciate your time when you listed all inventions supposedly done by the Slavic people, but they are irrelevant (the question remains how many inventions can be really contributed to them). I want to underline that I don't deny that there were great people in Russia which gave their share in technology and science.

What is relevant is the number of plants and fabrics, the number and length of railroads, the number of people living in towns and engaging in industry, the role of industry in economy and so on.

I am talking about the period till 1917. The Soviet period is different story.
As I understand it, you opened IQ by Country and saw that six Asian countries show IQ from 104 to 108 points. And you saw that America ranks 28th on IQ? and Russia - by 34 ...

But you were in a hurry because you did not notice that these are not REAL indicators :)))
You understand it wrong. This idea didn't even spark in my mind and, frankly, I find it ridiculous that you even supposed about this index while discussing historic retrospective.

I appreciate your time when you listed all inventions supposedly done by the Slavic people, but they are irrelevant (the question remains how many inventions can be really contributed to them). I want to underline that I don't deny that there were great people in Russia which gave their share in technology and science.

What is relevant is the number of plants and fabrics, the number and length of railroads, the number of people living in towns and engaging in industry, the role of industry in economy and so on.

I am talking about the period till 1917. The Soviet period is different story.

I appreciate that. But... We talk and some people only READ. I was sure you knew all that. Whatever I do making comments, presentations, writing scientific articles or books - that is for OTHER people. And, I was right - see Mr. Litvinov's gall, if not insulting remark. Well, as for the "European culture" - it’s time to put an end to the muddy Muslim culture of the PAST and say thank you to the world of Islam
Do you recognize modern theological ideas about the structure of the world: the world of people, the word of God and his angels, and the world of the "Luminiferous", "Black Angel, the Prince of Darkness... In other languages - Beelzebub, Lucifer, Iblis, devil, shaitan and Satan. This vision does not seem wild and backward to me.

What do YOU think???
I can't say for sure yet about it. I am still searching. My feelings that no, I don't agree with that as a whole. I think that there is the Highest Force, I can agree that there are some creatures which some people call angels, but I don't agree with existing of 'three worlds'. There is only one world with different 'stages' which inter-connect with each other. And all these stages exist and live under the rules imposed by the Great Force.

So, as you can conclude, I don't agree with the idea of the Duke of Darkness who rules in its world.

I do not consider it possible to get involved in theological discussions for a number of reasons. Firstly, because religion does not imply formal logic. Secondly, evidence. Thirdly, I do not have a theological education. And last, "As to the gods, I have no means of knowing either that they exist or do not exist. For many are the obstacles that impede knowledge, both the obscurity of the question and the shortness of human life."

The only thing I tried to show parts of our very proud, but poorly educated patriots, is that by the time the so-called "Greeks" came to Russia with the Bible, the Eastern Slavs had a rather abstract and monotheistic understanding of the structure of the "world of gods (God!) , the demotion of the gods to the level of angels and archangels happened, that is, it was a fairly "progressive" religious vision of the world and the "Greeks" did not come with the spread of the "Word of God", but with psychological and ideological expansion.

Regarding the existence of the "other world" ... Undoubtedly. I experienced clinical death and I have a "post- mortum" experience. Even the ancient Indian, Chinese, and behind them the Greek philosophers such as Plato's aliens, claimed the presence of "ether". All these centuries, science has not found confirmation of this. And at the end of last year, such proof was acquired.

We do not even imagine what Genesis is. What its geometry and composition are. I am absolutely convinced that both religion and science speak of the same subject, but "in different languages." To the credit of science, it does not force peoples and individuals to bow down to God in the church, to give him bribes and to beg his handouts for millennia. I am sure that such an understanding of God is offensive. Although it corresponds to the morality of a "regular" Homo sapiens yesterday and today...

I think we should apprehend the mathematical proof of Poincaré's Theorem by George Perelman ...


And... to pin-point God in it...
As I understand it, you opened IQ by Country and saw that six Asian countries show IQ from 104 to 108 points. And you saw that America ranks 28th on IQ? and Russia - by 34 ...

But you were in a hurry because you did not notice that these are not REAL indicators :)))
You understand it wrong. This idea didn't even spark in my mind and, frankly, I find it ridiculous that you even supposed about this index while discussing historic retrospective.

I appreciate your time when you listed all inventions supposedly done by the Slavic people, but they are irrelevant (the question remains how many inventions can be really contributed to them). I want to underline that I don't deny that there were great people in Russia which gave their share in technology and science.

What is relevant is the number of plants and fabrics, the number and length of railroads, the number of people living in towns and engaging in industry, the role of industry in economy and so on.

I am talking about the period till 1917. The Soviet period is different story.

I appreciate that. But... We talk and some people only READ. I was sure you knew all that. Whatever I do making comments, presentations, writing scientific articles or books - that is for OTHER people. And, I was right - see Mr. Litvinov's gall, if not insulting remark. Well, as for the "European culture" - it’s time to put an end to the muddy Muslim culture of the PAST and say thank you to the world of Islam
I don't consider there is something to thank for Muslim culture. They are destroyers and eliminated some great cultures of the Middle East.

The Golden Age of Islam had
nothing to do with Islamic culture. It was possible only because at the first period, the rulers of Halifat were wise enough to embrace and adopt achievements of conquered people to their needs. When this potential disappeared, the Islamic culture returned to its roots and place.

It is the same if one will thank Islam for achievements of Dubai. If speaking with contemporary terms.
As I understand it, you opened IQ by Country and saw that six Asian countries show IQ from 104 to 108 points. And you saw that America ranks 28th on IQ? and Russia - by 34 ...

But you were in a hurry because you did not notice that these are not REAL indicators :)))
You understand it wrong. This idea didn't even spark in my mind and, frankly, I find it ridiculous that you even supposed about this index while discussing historic retrospective.

I appreciate your time when you listed all inventions supposedly done by the Slavic people, but they are irrelevant (the question remains how many inventions can be really contributed to them). I want to underline that I don't deny that there were great people in Russia which gave their share in technology and science.

What is relevant is the number of plants and fabrics, the number and length of railroads, the number of people living in towns and engaging in industry, the role of industry in economy and so on.

I am talking about the period till 1917. The Soviet period is different story.

I appreciate that. But... We talk and some people only READ. I was sure you knew all that. Whatever I do making comments, presentations, writing scientific articles or books - that is for OTHER people. And, I was right - see Mr. Litvinov's gall, if not insulting remark. Well, as for the "European culture" - it’s time to put an end to the muddy Muslim culture of the PAST and say thank you to the world of Islam
I don't consider there is something to thank for Muslim culture. They are destroyers and eliminated some great cultures of the Middle East.

The Golden Age of Islam had
nothing to do with Islamic culture. It was possible only because at the first period, the rulers of Halifat were wise enough to embrace and adopt achievements of conquered people to their needs. When this potential disappeared, the Islamic culture returned to its roots and place.

It is the same if one will thank Islam for achievements of Dubai. If speaking with contemporary terms.
As I understand it, you opened IQ by Country and saw that six Asian countries show IQ from 104 to 108 points. And you saw that America ranks 28th on IQ? and Russia - by 34 ...

But you were in a hurry because you did not notice that these are not REAL indicators :)))
You understand it wrong. This idea didn't even spark in my mind and, frankly, I find it ridiculous that you even supposed about this index while discussing historic retrospective.

I appreciate your time when you listed all inventions supposedly done by the Slavic people, but they are irrelevant (the question remains how many inventions can be really contributed to them). I want to underline that I don't deny that there were great people in Russia which gave their share in technology and science.

What is relevant is the number of plants and fabrics, the number and length of railroads, the number of people living in towns and engaging in industry, the role of industry in economy and so on.

I am talking about the period till 1917. The Soviet period is different story.

I appreciate that. But... We talk and some people only READ. I was sure you knew all that. Whatever I do making comments, presentations, writing scientific articles or books - that is for OTHER people. And, I was right - see Mr. Litvinov's gall, if not insulting remark. Well, as for the "European culture" - it’s time to put an end to the muddy Muslim culture of the PAST and say thank you to the world of Islam
I don't consider there is something to thank for Muslim culture. They are destroyers and eliminated some great cultures of the Middle East.

The Golden Age of Islam had
nothing to do with Islamic culture. It was possible only because at the first period, the rulers of Halifat were wise enough to embrace and adopt achievements of conquered people to their needs. When this potential disappeared, the Islamic culture returned to its roots and place.

It is the same if one will thank Islam for achievements of Dubai. If speaking with contemporary terms.

Yeah, аgain, you have to prove the opposite ...
Well, we’ll postpone it for a few days ... After the unheard-of cruelty that was rained down on Islamic civilization by the Christian crusades, the world of Islam acquired a post-traumatic syndrome

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