This "Perfect Storm" Putin Won't Survive

Still Putin has an Iron grip on this country and he not about to let it go. As he can no longer be president as there is a limit. So either we will get it overthrown or will become the prime minister again. Trump complains about rig elections of the Venezuelan president but has nothing to say about how Putin wins even when his opponents are crying foul

2018 election had - Other examples from observers and social media included ballot boxes being stuffed with extra ballots in multiple regions; an election official assaulting an observer; CCTV cameras obscured by flags or nets from watching ballot boxes; discrepancies in ballot numbers; last-minute voter registration changes likely designed to boost turnout; and a huge pro-Putin sign in one polling station.

Yet Trump did not say a thing. Yet he easily has a different opinion of the Venezuelan election and has acted on it because Me like Putin and Me No like what his name.
Unlike the Venezuelan and Russian elections, yours doesn´t really offer a choice. It is just about what pig shits on you.

boo hoo hoo You heart my feeling with your lack of anything to say but if it makes you feel good, I am happy for you.

I am a serious scientist and do not play these games. There will be something to say in essence - write. And these "ha ha", "huh hu" - this is just littering the Forum with the sound garbage
Last edited:
... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

View attachment 318914
Who is Igor Strelkov and why does only appear wearing an invisibility suit in the public?

Strelkov is an extremely popular person in Russia; he is supported by the masses. He is a threat to an organized ethnic crime group settled in the Kremlin. He is not allowed on television. His comments are not allowed to be published in newspapers. In general, everyone in Russia today openly directly speaks of a very imminent coup d'etat, the victim of which will be Putin and his childhood friends - billionaires.
I see, just another folk hero who takes from the poor to give it the rich.
... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

View attachment 318914
Who is Igor Strelkov and why does only appear wearing an invisibility suit in the public?

Strelkov is an extremely popular person in Russia; he is supported by the masses. He is a threat to an organized ethnic crime group settled in the Kremlin. He is not allowed on television. His comments are not allowed to be published in newspapers. In general, everyone in Russia today openly directly speaks of a very imminent coup d'etat, the victim of which will be Putin and his childhood friends - billionaires.
I see, just another folk hero who takes from the poor to give it the rich.

And where did you get this from? These words could rather be attributed to me, one of the former leaders of the Moscow so-called democratic movement.

I advocated a mixed economy but WITHOUT large and extra-large corporations. It was me, those like me, who put Yeltsin in power. And he raised the floodgates and poured foreign capital into the country, which in a short time formed a system that, in some respects, is more disgusting, cynical and cruel than the destroyed Soviet Union.

Today, people miss that system as Americans miss the America of the Circle of Virtue, which existed before the infamous “boss rebellion”.

I believed the West really wanted to improve the lives of ordinary Russians. I was deceived. And I deceived hundreds of thousands of people who listened to my speeches at rallies and read the informal newspaper and analytical journal published by me. And they trusted me...

Igor Strelkov is a true Russian patriot. Warrior. Nowadays, he is a political leader whom the Kremlin’s cryptoneozionist regime “blocks” in every possible way. He doesn’t even have his own apartment ...

However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.

I am a serious scientist and do not play these games. There will be something to say in essence - write. And these "ha ha", "huh hu" - this is just littering the Forum with garbage

However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so called half-truth.
... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

View attachment 318914
Who is Igor Strelkov and why does only appear wearing an invisibility suit in the public?

Strelkov is an extremely popular person in Russia; he is supported by the masses. He is a threat to an organized ethnic crime group settled in the Kremlin. He is not allowed on television. His comments are not allowed to be published in newspapers. In general, everyone in Russia today openly directly speaks of a very imminent coup d'etat, the victim of which will be Putin and his childhood friends - billionaires.
I see, just another folk hero who takes from the poor to give it the rich.
... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

View attachment 318914
Who is Igor Strelkov and why does only appear wearing an invisibility suit in the public?

Strelkov is an extremely popular person in Russia; he is supported by the masses. He is a threat to an organized ethnic crime group settled in the Kremlin. He is not allowed on television. His comments are not allowed to be published in newspapers. In general, everyone in Russia today openly directly speaks of a very imminent coup d'etat, the victim of which will be Putin and his childhood friends - billionaires.
I see, just another folk hero who takes from the poor to give it the rich.

And where did you get this from? These words could rather be attributed to me, one of the former leaders of the Moscow so-called democratic movement.

I advocated a mixed economy but WITHOUT large and extra-large corporations. It was me, those like me, who put Yeltsin in power. And he raised the floodgates and poured foreign capital into the country, which in a short time formed a system that, in some respects, is more disgusting, cynical and cruel than the destroyed Soviet Union.

Today, people miss that system as Americans miss the America of the Circle of Virtue, which existed before the infamous “boss rebellion”.

I believed the West really wanted to improve the lives of ordinary Russians. I was deceived. And I deceived hundreds of thousands of people who listened to my speeches at rallies and read the informal newspaper and analytical journal published by me. And they trusted me...

Igor Strelkov is a true Russian patriot. Warrior. Nowadays, he is a political leader whom the Kremlin’s cryptoneozionist regime “blocks” in every possible way. He doesn’t even have his own apartment ...

However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
An opponent of the massive progress that Russia made under Putin won´t welcome my questions, I guess. Progress that could fall apart in case "Warriors" or "Patriots" show up.
However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so called half-truth.


However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so-called half-truth.

NO. It is all about the oath. I just know that Colonel Strelkov REFUSED to answer 3 questions before and will refuse to answer them now :

- WHO sent him with an armed group to Donbass and Who ordered him to leave Donbass immediately when the popular movement there accepted the anti-oligarchic direction.

- And also to the question about the downed Malaysian Boeing.

Let's not forget that Colonel Strelkov is still a reserve officer and bound by a military oath

His answer: “The militias HAD NO such complexes at that time and there weren’t even operators who could manage such a complex if it were. It’s Ukraine’s fault that not only didn’t close the airspace over the combat zones but also redirected this the plane along the course, passing over the areas where there were fierce battles were going

From myself, I can say that the goal of the Ukrainian air defense forces was Putin's plane, which for some time went along a parallel course with the Malaysian Boeing, although at different heights. The so-called Ukrainians wanted to bring him down. This was even observed by a Ukrainian pilot, who then unexpectedly "committed suicide." Consider that you received Strelkov's answer to this question. So he answered me.

Strelkov is today a well-known opposition politician who, in a certain situation, may become the head of state in a deep crisis. And here you can ask him any questions as far as Putin, the regime, and the outcomes.

Strelkov may not answer those questions. As far as that will be me who will provide a translation, I will give my interpretations of those 2 questions.

Have a good night
... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

View attachment 318914

Strelkov for Russian President!
NWO bitch Pitin shall resign!

However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so called half-truth.

View attachment 319381

However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so-called half-truth.

NO. It is all about the oath. I just know that Colonel Strelkov REFUSED to answer 3 questions before and will refuse to answer them now :

- WHO sent him with an armed group to Donbass and Who ordered him to leave Donbass immediately when the popular movement there accepted the anti-oligarchic direction.

- And also to the question about the downed Malaysian Boeing.

Let's not forget that Colonel Strelkov is still a reserve officer and bound by a military oath

His answer: “The militias HAD NO such complexes at that time and there weren’t even operators who could manage such a complex if it were. It’s Ukraine’s fault that not only didn’t close the airspace over the combat zones but also redirected this the plane along the course, passing over the areas where there were fierce battles were going

From myself, I can say that the goal of the Ukrainian air defense forces was Putin's plane, which for some time went along a parallel course with the Malaysian Boeing, although at different heights. The so-called Ukrainians wanted to bring him down. This was even observed by a Ukrainian pilot, who then unexpectedly "committed suicide." Consider that you received Strelkov's answer to this question. So he answered me.

Strelkov is today a well-known opposition politician who, in a certain situation, may become the head of state in a deep crisis. And here you can ask him any questions as far as Putin, the regime, and the outcomes.

Strelkov may not answer those questions. As far as that will be me who will provide a translation, I will give my interpretations of those 2 questions.

Have a good night
So, you are going to prohibit the most interesting questions. So, what is the point of such channel? To talk about Putin? There are plenty of sources already about him and his corrupted regime.

Putun's plane is bs. I can't imagine who can accept this theory seriously.
... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

View attachment 318914

Strelkov for Russian President!
NWO bitch Putin shall resign!


I do not exclude this; moreover, I hope. This will be a very tough rule, in practice, the rule of a military dictator (this is what is needed to lead the country out of the abyss in which it finds itself. Strelkov will have a strong team of experts. There is practically one. Strelkov is also supported by some directors of the largest defense sector factories. The country is tired of a man who is lying, does not fulfill his promises, and who are crouching before the West in the hope of returning the frozen looted billions and now RАN from Moscow and is sitting somewhere in a bunker under the protection of the national guards ...



Hiding from coup d'etat in Stalin's bunker - today


  • 1586078037833.png
    9.9 KB · Views: 19
... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

View attachment 318914

Strelkov for Russian President!
NWO bitch Putin shall resign!


I do not exclude this; moreover, I hope. This will be a very tough rule, in practice, the rule of a military dictator (this is what is needed to lead the country out of the abyss in which it finds itself. Strelkov will have a strong team of experts. There is practically one. Strelkov is also supported by some directors of the largest defense sector factories. The country is tired of a man who is lying, does not fulfill his promises, and who are crouching before the West in the hope of returning the frozen looted billions and now RАN from Moscow and is sitting somewhere in a bunker under the protection of the national guards ...

View attachment 319389yesterday

View attachment 319391

Hiding from coup d'etat in Stalin's bunker - today

Putin crossed the Red Line: he destroys the Russian Industry and transforms Russia to a NWO Prison.
Therefore Strelkov would be much better as Putin becuase he already proved he is a right man for the job.
However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so called half-truth.

View attachment 319381

However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so-called half-truth.

NO. It is all about the oath. I just know that Colonel Strelkov REFUSED to answer 3 questions before and will refuse to answer them now :

- WHO sent him with an armed group to Donbass and Who ordered him to leave Donbass immediately when the popular movement there accepted the anti-oligarchic direction.

- And also to the question about the downed Malaysian Boeing.

Let's not forget that Colonel Strelkov is still a reserve officer and bound by a military oath

His answer: “The militias HAD NO such complexes at that time and there weren’t even operators who could manage such a complex if it were. It’s Ukraine’s fault that not only didn’t close the airspace over the combat zones but also redirected this the plane along the course, passing over the areas where there were fierce battles were going

From myself, I can say that the goal of the Ukrainian air defense forces was Putin's plane, which for some time went along a parallel course with the Malaysian Boeing, although at different heights. The so-called Ukrainians wanted to bring him down. This was even observed by a Ukrainian pilot, who then unexpectedly "committed suicide." Consider that you received Strelkov's answer to this question. So he answered me.

Strelkov is today a well-known opposition politician who, in a certain situation, may become the head of state in a deep crisis. And here you can ask him any questions as far as Putin, the regime, and the outcomes.

Strelkov may not answer those questions. As far as that will be me who will provide a translation, I will give my interpretations of those 2 questions.

Have a good night
So, you are going to prohibit the most interesting questions. So, what is the point of such channel? To talk about Putin? There are plenty of sources already about him and his corrupted regime.

Putun's plane is bs. I can't imagine who can accept this theory seriously.

Russian Patriots.
However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so called half-truth.

View attachment 319381

However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so-called half-truth.

NO. It is all about the oath. I just know that Colonel Strelkov REFUSED to answer 3 questions before and will refuse to answer them now :

- WHO sent him with an armed group to Donbass and Who ordered him to leave Donbass immediately when the popular movement there accepted the anti-oligarchic direction.

- And also to the question about the downed Malaysian Boeing.

Let's not forget that Colonel Strelkov is still a reserve officer and bound by a military oath

His answer: “The militias HAD NO such complexes at that time and there weren’t even operators who could manage such a complex if it were. It’s Ukraine’s fault that not only didn’t close the airspace over the combat zones but also redirected this the plane along the course, passing over the areas where there were fierce battles were going

From myself, I can say that the goal of the Ukrainian air defense forces was Putin's plane, which for some time went along a parallel course with the Malaysian Boeing, although at different heights. The so-called Ukrainians wanted to bring him down. This was even observed by a Ukrainian pilot, who then unexpectedly "committed suicide." Consider that you received Strelkov's answer to this question. So he answered me.

Strelkov is today a well-known opposition politician who, in a certain situation, may become the head of state in a deep crisis. And here you can ask him any questions as far as Putin, the regime, and the outcomes.

Strelkov may not answer those questions. As far as that will be me who will provide a translation, I will give my interpretations of those 2 questions.

Have a good night
So, you are going to prohibit the most interesting questions. So, what is the point of such channel? To talk about Putin? There are plenty of sources already about him and his corrupted regime.

Putun's plane is bs. I can't imagine who can accept this theory seriously.

Russian Patriots.
And they want another one dictator. History doesn't teach these idiots anything.
... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

View attachment 318914

Strelkov for Russian President!
NWO bitch Putin shall resign!


I do not exclude this; moreover, I hope. This will be a very tough rule, in practice, the rule of a military dictator (this is what is needed to lead the country out of the abyss in which it finds itself. Strelkov will have a strong team of experts. There is practically one. Strelkov is also supported by some directors of the largest defense sector factories. The country is tired of a man who is lying, does not fulfill his promises, and who are crouching before the West in the hope of returning the frozen looted billions and now RАN from Moscow and is sitting somewhere in a bunker under the protection of the national guards ...

View attachment 319389yesterday

View attachment 319391

Hiding from coup d'etat in Stalin's bunker - today

Putin crossed the Red Line: he destroys the Russian Industry and transforms Russia to a NWO Prison.
Therefore Strelkov would be much better as Putin because he already proved he is a right man for the job.

You know, there is a category of people, usually not very smart, but envious and aware of their worthlessness in life. The only way to show his "exceptionalism" is to "pretend to be a fool," exhausting the one to whom he is inferior in his mental abilities, with "naive" questions. That is his "Primetime"!

I do not communicate with such people. I am sure you are not doing this either. You, an American, who watched how the commander of a warship was fired only because he was forced to turn to his fellow citizens for help because navy sailors were dying on board, and the Pentagon ignored the appeal of the ship's commander (sailors from the poorest layers of the American society were dying - who cared ?!

You really don't know what a military oath is, do you?

Let's give Strelkov an example and turn to the commander of the Special Operations' unit that performed the operation to eliminate Bin Laden:

- Who ordered the violation of the sovereignty of the state of Pakistan?

- How was the location of the international terrorist reached?

- Who planned this operation?

After receiving the answers, I will turn to Strelkov and refer to the example that the commander of the American Special Forces will give us.

Do you really not understand that this was a secret “non-military” operation in Donbas, the purpose of which was to prevent NATO troops from reaching the direct borders of Russia, as a result of which the flight time to Moscow and St. Petersburg of conventional missiles would be only about three minutes. Or less ...

Last edited:
... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

View attachment 318914

Strelkov for Russian President!
NWO bitch Putin shall resign!


I do not exclude this; moreover, I hope. This will be a very tough rule, in practice, the rule of a military dictator (this is what is needed to lead the country out of the abyss in which it finds itself. Strelkov will have a strong team of experts. There is practically one. Strelkov is also supported by some directors of the largest defense sector factories. The country is tired of a man who is lying, does not fulfill his promises, and who are crouching before the West in the hope of returning the frozen looted billions and now RАN from Moscow and is sitting somewhere in a bunker under the protection of the national guards ...

View attachment 319389yesterday

View attachment 319391

Hiding from coup d'etat in Stalin's bunker - today

Putin crossed the Red Line: he destroys the Russian Industry and transforms Russia to a NWO Prison.
Therefore Strelkov would be much better as Putin because he already proved he is a right man for the job.

You know, there is a category of people, usually not very smart, but envious and aware of their worthlessness in life. The only way to show his "exceptionalism" is to "pretend to be a fool," exhausting the one to whom he is inferior in his mental abilities, with "naive" questions. That is his "Primetime"!

I do not communicate with such people. I am sure you are not doing this either. You, an American, who watched how the commander of a warship was fired only because he was forced to turn to his fellow citizens for help because navy sailors were dying on board, and the Pentagon ignored the appeal of the ship's commander (sailors from the poorest layers of the American society were dying - who cared ?!

You really don't know what a military oath is, do you?

Let's give Strelkov an example and turn to the commander of the Special Operations' unit that performed the operation to eliminate Bin Laden:

- Who ordered the violation of the sovereignty of the state of Pakistan?

- How was the location of the international terrorist reached?

- Who planned this operation?

After receiving the answers, I will turn to Strelkov and refer to the example that the commander of the American Special Forces will give us.

Do you really not understand that this was a secret “non-military” operation in Donbas, the purpose of which was to prevent NATO troops from reaching the direct borders of Russia, as a result of which the flight time to Moscow and St. Petersburg of conventional missiles would be only about three minutes. Or less ...

I do not know what going on in Donbass, but I'm pretty sure Putin is gonna to destroy Russian industry by supporting insane NWO Covid-19 quarantine.
... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

View attachment 318914
edition: Strelkov is a dog nickname of a famous Muscovite terrorist Girkin wanted by the Hague

However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so called half-truth.

View attachment 319381

However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so-called half-truth.

NO. It is all about the oath. I just know that Colonel Strelkov REFUSED to answer 3 questions before and will refuse to answer them now :

- WHO sent him with an armed group to Donbass and Who ordered him to leave Donbass immediately when the popular movement there accepted the anti-oligarchic direction.

- And also to the question about the downed Malaysian Boeing.

Let's not forget that Colonel Strelkov is still a reserve officer and bound by a military oath

His answer: “The militias HAD NO such complexes at that time and there weren’t even operators who could manage such a complex if it were. It’s Ukraine’s fault that not only didn’t close the airspace over the combat zones but also redirected this the plane along the course, passing over the areas where there were fierce battles were going

From myself, I can say that the goal of the Ukrainian air defense forces was Putin's plane, which for some time went along a parallel course with the Malaysian Boeing, although at different heights. The so-called Ukrainians wanted to bring him down. This was even observed by a Ukrainian pilot, who then unexpectedly "committed suicide." Consider that you received Strelkov's answer to this question. So he answered me.

Strelkov is today a well-known opposition politician who, in a certain situation, may become the head of state in a deep crisis. And here you can ask him any questions as far as Putin, the regime, and the outcomes.

Strelkov may not answer those questions. As far as that will be me who will provide a translation, I will give my interpretations of those 2 questions.

Have a good night
So, you are going to prohibit the most interesting questions. So, what is the point of such channel? To talk about Putin? There are plenty of sources already about him and his corrupted regime.

Putun's plane is bs. I can't imagine who can accept this theory seriously.

Russian Patriots.
And they want another one dictator. History doesn't teach these idiots anything.

Fascism can be economically extremely effective in the short run.

Russian oligarchs with two or three passports, not belonging to the indigenous population, have completely robbed the indigenous peoples of Russia. Completely de-industrialized the country and undermined its economy. Even lubricants for military helicopters, aircrafts, navy are foreign-made - are the political order of the "Clintonoids".

This is a small copy of the economic tragedy that occurred in America after 1979. America is now not a producing country, but a country of speculators and "traders of air bubbles."

Statistics on liquidated plants will be provided later - it is in my files.

I will talk about the Donbas in the coming days. In general, I am finishing a book about a 6-year-old civil war, the proxy war of the "liberal" American elite against Russia.

However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so called half-truth.

View attachment 319381

However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so-called half-truth.

NO. It is all about the oath. I just know that Colonel Strelkov REFUSED to answer 3 questions before and will refuse to answer them now :

- WHO sent him with an armed group to Donbass and Who ordered him to leave Donbass immediately when the popular movement there accepted the anti-oligarchic direction.

- And also to the question about the downed Malaysian Boeing.

Let's not forget that Colonel Strelkov is still a reserve officer and bound by a military oath

His answer: “The militias HAD NO such complexes at that time and there weren’t even operators who could manage such a complex if it were. It’s Ukraine’s fault that not only didn’t close the airspace over the combat zones but also redirected this the plane along the course, passing over the areas where there were fierce battles were going

From myself, I can say that the goal of the Ukrainian air defense forces was Putin's plane, which for some time went along a parallel course with the Malaysian Boeing, although at different heights. The so-called Ukrainians wanted to bring him down. This was even observed by a Ukrainian pilot, who then unexpectedly "committed suicide." Consider that you received Strelkov's answer to this question. So he answered me.

Strelkov is today a well-known opposition politician who, in a certain situation, may become the head of state in a deep crisis. And here you can ask him any questions as far as Putin, the regime, and the outcomes.

Strelkov may not answer those questions. As far as that will be me who will provide a translation, I will give my interpretations of those 2 questions.

Have a good night
So, you are going to prohibit the most interesting questions. So, what is the point of such channel? To talk about Putin? There are plenty of sources already about him and his corrupted regime.

Putun's plane is bs. I can't imagine who can accept this theory seriously.

Russian Patriots.
And they want another one dictator. History doesn't teach these idiots anything.

Fascism can be economically extremely effective in the short run.

Russian oligarchs with two or three passports, not belonging to the indigenous population, have completely robbed the indigenous peoples of Russia. Completely de-industrialized the country and undermined its economy. Even lubricants for military helicopters, aircrafts, navy are foreign-made - are the political order of the "Clintonoids".

This is a small copy of the economic tragedy that occurred in America after 1979. America is now not a producing country, but a country of speculators and "traders of air bubbles."

Statistics on liquidated plants will be provided later - it is in my files.

I will talk about the Donbas in the coming days. In general, I am finishing a book about a 6-year-old civil war, the proxy war of the "liberal" American elite against Russia.

View attachment 319644
If you look at Russian history, you will find out that Russia is just getting back to its place it had through centuries. It was a significant player in international matters backed up by its military strength, but economically and technologically it was a backyard of the West.

I believe in such a term as national mentality.
In this term I include overall intellectual and working abilities, the abilities to organize effective social environment etc. And the Slavic people (especially Eastern and Southern branches) in this regard are far back compared to the West Europeans, Jews and East Asians.

Russia, as all Slavic countries, will always be backward comparing with these nations.
However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so called half-truth.

View attachment 319381

However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so-called half-truth.

NO. It is all about the oath. I just know that Colonel Strelkov REFUSED to answer 3 questions before and will refuse to answer them now :

- WHO sent him with an armed group to Donbass and Who ordered him to leave Donbass immediately when the popular movement there accepted the anti-oligarchic direction.

- And also to the question about the downed Malaysian Boeing.

Let's not forget that Colonel Strelkov is still a reserve officer and bound by a military oath

His answer: “The militias HAD NO such complexes at that time and there weren’t even operators who could manage such a complex if it were. It’s Ukraine’s fault that not only didn’t close the airspace over the combat zones but also redirected this the plane along the course, passing over the areas where there were fierce battles were going

From myself, I can say that the goal of the Ukrainian air defense forces was Putin's plane, which for some time went along a parallel course with the Malaysian Boeing, although at different heights. The so-called Ukrainians wanted to bring him down. This was even observed by a Ukrainian pilot, who then unexpectedly "committed suicide." Consider that you received Strelkov's answer to this question. So he answered me.

Strelkov is today a well-known opposition politician who, in a certain situation, may become the head of state in a deep crisis. And here you can ask him any questions as far as Putin, the regime, and the outcomes.

Strelkov may not answer those questions. As far as that will be me who will provide a translation, I will give my interpretations of those 2 questions.

Have a good night
So, you are going to prohibit the most interesting questions. So, what is the point of such channel? To talk about Putin? There are plenty of sources already about him and his corrupted regime.

Putun's plane is bs. I can't imagine who can accept this theory seriously.

Russian Patriots.
And they want another one dictator. History doesn't teach these idiots anything.
you are 120% right, but this time i agreed 100% with olgion trolls "
This "Perfect Storm" Putin Won't Survive
However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so called half-truth.

View attachment 319381

However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
So, what is the purpose of this stream if it will be censored? To create one another propaganda channel?

Censored interviews and conversations are a joke. Boring and misleading because they produce so-called half-truth.

NO. It is all about the oath. I just know that Colonel Strelkov REFUSED to answer 3 questions before and will refuse to answer them now :

- WHO sent him with an armed group to Donbass and Who ordered him to leave Donbass immediately when the popular movement there accepted the anti-oligarchic direction.

- And also to the question about the downed Malaysian Boeing.

Let's not forget that Colonel Strelkov is still a reserve officer and bound by a military oath

His answer: “The militias HAD NO such complexes at that time and there weren’t even operators who could manage such a complex if it were. It’s Ukraine’s fault that not only didn’t close the airspace over the combat zones but also redirected this the plane along the course, passing over the areas where there were fierce battles were going

From myself, I can say that the goal of the Ukrainian air defense forces was Putin's plane, which for some time went along a parallel course with the Malaysian Boeing, although at different heights. The so-called Ukrainians wanted to bring him down. This was even observed by a Ukrainian pilot, who then unexpectedly "committed suicide." Consider that you received Strelkov's answer to this question. So he answered me.

Strelkov is today a well-known opposition politician who, in a certain situation, may become the head of state in a deep crisis. And here you can ask him any questions as far as Putin, the regime, and the outcomes.

Strelkov may not answer those questions. As far as that will be me who will provide a translation, I will give my interpretations of those 2 questions.

Have a good night
So, you are going to prohibit the most interesting questions. So, what is the point of such channel? To talk about Putin? There are plenty of sources already about him and his corrupted regime.

Putun's plane is bs. I can't imagine who can accept this theory seriously.

Russian Patriots.
And they want another one dictator. History doesn't teach these idiots anything.

Fascism can be economically extremely effective in the short run.

Russian oligarchs with two or three passports, not belonging to the indigenous population, have completely robbed the indigenous peoples of Russia. Completely de-industrialized the country and undermined its economy. Even lubricants for military helicopters, aircrafts, navy are foreign-made - are the political order of the "Clintonoids".

This is a small copy of the economic tragedy that occurred in America after 1979. America is now not a producing country, but a country of speculators and "traders of air bubbles."

Statistics on liquidated plants will be provided later - it is in my files.

I will talk about the Donbas in the coming days. In general, I am finishing a book about a 6-year-old civil war, the proxy war of the "liberal" American elite against Russia.

View attachment 319644
If you look at Russian history, you will find out that Russia is just getting back to its place it had through centuries. It was a significant player in international matters backed up by its military strength, but economically and technologically it was a backyard of the West.

I believe in such a term as national mentality.
In this term I include overall intellectual and working abilities, the abilities to organize effective social environment etc. And the Slavic people (especially Eastern and Southern branches) in this regard are far back compared to the West Europeans, Jews and East Asians.

Russia, as all Slavic countries, will always be backward comparing with these nations.

Good evening,
Finally, a serious comment appeared, which I took as an invitation to the discussion.

I am not a historian, I am a "system engineer" in sociology, psychology, genetics and political science but my thesaurus is enough to see History as a spacetime continuum in which the fates of individuals, communities, continents, and states were unfolding ...

The history of any nation has been repeatedly "redrawn" in the interests of a particular power elite. Slavs were no exception.

A certain "isolation" of the Slavs is the result of a combination of factors including constant encroachment on their territory and attempts to put on the throne their proteges, whether it was the Golden Horde or the West manipulating through Poland.

My grandfather was a Russian nobleman of Polish descent, from the impoverished branch of the Vyshnevetsky and I know what we are talking about...

The tragic role in the formation of the Slavs national identity and consciousness was played by the forced imposing of Christianity introduced by the so-called "Greeks" ...

For two centuries, Russ fought against an alien Abrahamic religion.

And do not look down on them, worshiping individual deities. Their "assortment" was no different from, say, the pantheon of the ancient Greek or Roman deities. But for some reason, neither the West nor the East calls the Greek “pagans”.

By the way, by the time of the forcible introduction of Christianity in Rus in the religious consciousness of people, there was already an idea that the whole diversity of Nature is the creation of a single demiurge or deity. His name was Rod - the Slavic "brand" of the main god and goddesses in Roman culture - Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva and of Zeus and Hera in Greek religion...

According to the Slavic concept of creation of the world, in the beginning, there was nothing, only universal chaos. Then out of chaos appeared the so-called universal egg. It was from this egg that the first God came out. His name was Rod. He created everything, including other gods subordinate to him (apostles and "saints" in the Christian tradition). Is that not similar to the modern theory of "primary matter" ???

Do you find such a vision of the world BEFORE the 10th century AD retarded? And how does it differ from today's Christian theological interpretation? Only because they cut off God's genital organs??? God and it became blurred and incomprehensible. And conservative theologians are still trying to deprive the Holy Virgin Mary of the uterus and the reproductive tract ...


It was Rod )"Family" in Slavs' languages, who divided universal power into darkness and light. From the darkness he created the dark gods, they were responsible for death and destruction. From the light he created light gods, they were responsible for creation and rebirth. But the gods immediately clashed in battle. Rod had to divide the universe into three parts. These were Jav ("Reveal"), Nav, and Prav ("Reign"). The gods of nature and people lived in Yav. Gods of Light lived in Prav, and gods of darkness lived in Navi.

To pacify hostility, Rod created Svarog - God of the blacksmith - with all the reproductive features laid down for a man. Svarog chained the universe, and peace reigned in the universe. For Svarog, Rod created his wife, Lada, with the uterus and the birth canal... Lada became the goddess of beauty and wisdom.

Do you recognize modern theological ideas about the structure of the world: the world of people, the word of God and his angels, and the world of the "Luminiferous", "Black Angel, the Prince of Darkness... In other languages - Beelzebub, Lucifer, Iblis, devil, shaitan and Satan. This vision does not seem wild and backward to me.

What do YOU think???


The Slavs were forced to forget how their ancestors fought "against filth" for two centuries, spilling rivers and lakes of blood and human grief in long-suffering Russia. They forgot about the struggle of the ancestors, but wariness and even hostility towards the West remained. Those were not the Eastern and Southeastern Slavs who invaded Poland and massively impalementing Polish women. Those were "the Westerns", the Poles extensively sexually abusing "Ukrainian" women and then - impalementing them...

It was the Poles who invaded the outlying territory, which later became known as "Ukraina", meaning "Frontera" or "the land on the edge" (Kraj means "edge").

Historical long-term social-psychological shock is a terrible thing and no one knows this better than Jews

We will sort it out in stages. But let's agree on one thing: these "wild people", idolaters from time immemorial, washed in baths, while the Anglo-Saxon, French men, and ladies from the upper class had no idea about a bath, emitting such aт odor of a dirty, sweaty body that it needed to be "suppressed" by perfume. .. And the Slavs did not wear trinkets with lice from their lovers' body on their necks ...

And it was a Rus princess who brought the Slavic tradition to wash a body to "enlightened Europe" ...

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